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21 Feb 13 10:00
Date Joined: 13 Jul 08
| Topic/replies: 1,228 | Blogger: bobovieri's blog
I'm pretty sucesfull and month by month I can make good profit here.

But, I wanna know some experience from people who are here full time, betfair professionals.

1. How your life is?
2. Minus and plus of that kind of life (I don't think about money)
3. Is harder to bet when You know that betfair is only way to make a money?

Thanks in advance...
Pause Switch to Standard View Betfair for a living... please help
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Report ZEALOT January 12, 2015 7:25 PM GMT
You're on 40%  and only make 10k a year

Why can't you do your stuff with bet duck - ??
Report Coachbuster January 12, 2015 8:23 PM GMT
Coach, 200 per week? 8k-10k per year?????? Man, We are talking about professionals! Many of them made 8k-10k per month!
Not many will unless you live in fairyland . Most pros don't earn THAT much .  There is a lot of variation in gambling ,which means one month 10k the next month ? maybe a loss !

Anyway , they will be on the much higher 40% plus charge .

We were talking about 20% though ,and most 20%ers earn far less than 8k a year .
Report Coachbuster January 12, 2015 8:24 PM GMT
thank you JML btw Happy
Report Westender January 13, 2015 1:03 AM GMT
Not many make the minimum wage per hour spent on Betfair since the premium charges were introduced.

That is why liquidity has declined month by month as people can guarantee making the same money without any risk in mundane jobs such as cleaning toilets or standing on the street with signs advertising food outlets etc

That is why the Exchange is dying - you cannot tax people 222.5% plus on every pound earned in the year without people reaching a tipping point and spending their time and money outside Betfair.
Report bobovieri January 13, 2015 7:31 AM GMT
OK, maybe You are right. But I can't see a point of professional betting if somebody made 8-10k. Almost everybody can make this money in some job without much stress. Betfair is usually stressful
Report bobovieri January 13, 2015 7:36 AM GMT
JML, if You are at 40%, You already made at least 250k pounds, so muc more than 10k per year. OK, I understand, with 40% PC betfair is probably - mission impossible.
Report Rob_The_Bantam January 13, 2015 9:09 AM GMT
Can you not be 'good enough' to make some of your income, without being good enough to make all of it?

I think that's probably true for me.

Probably answered your own question, then.  Why not scale up?
Report Latalomne January 13, 2015 9:14 AM GMT
The scaleability of a method is somewhat reliant upon the presence of willing counterparties!
Report curlywurly January 13, 2015 9:19 AM GMT
Scale up ffs have you seen the markets lately
Report stu January 13, 2015 9:43 AM GMT
Rob_The_Bantam 13 Jan 15 09:09

Probably answered your own question, then.  Why not scale up?

Would love to, but I'm limited by both external issues (eg above) and my own financial limitations - you can only play with the bank you have available, otherwise you are overstaking and risk ruin.
Report stu January 13, 2015 9:51 AM GMT
Plus, I'd openly admit my edge in terms of making money is not huge, certainly not big enough to generate masses of money - therefore, I can make money, but not enough to be an income.
Report JML January 13, 2015 7:13 PM GMT
bobovieri--The reason why I've made over £250K is because I was here when it was a licence to print money(2001-3).

Without knowing anything about Horse racing,I won about £100K in 2001 by trading on horses.

It was a few years before Betfair had the % figures at the top of the markets.

I remember the Tyson/Lewis bout from 2002 when the % figures on the lay side of the round betting market remained around 103-105 for hours.
Probably earned more than £1000/hour that night.

Similar story with Spread betting.

By being there at the start,I was able to win a 6 figure sum over about 3 years with minimal knowledge of the sports
I was betting on.

Since about 2003 it has become increasingly difficult,on Betfair, and now I only get involved about 10 times a yesr.

I've lasted as a "professional gambler" for 25 years,mostly by being in the right place at the right time.
Report Coachbuster January 13, 2015 8:40 PM GMT
Bobo - the majority of pro gamblers will have some degree of  autism ,OCD  etc  so therefore not always suitable for regular employment .
I will guess there are also those that manage in the winter but return to part time work in the spring when the weather peps up .

8k extra per year is a handy supplement - so not enough to discourage folk ,esp if they would be gambling for fun anyway
Report smithy91 January 13, 2015 8:47 PM GMT
Working fulltime or partime with having betfair as a side income is totally the way forward unless making 3k+ a month. Risky getting trapped into the pro gambler lifestyle as many pros would find it hard to return to normal work as they prefer working for themselves. Some may need to though in the future!
Report Coachbuster January 13, 2015 10:27 PM GMT
absolutely correct smithy lad.

another point is during the good years it's wise to keep to normal spending habits rather then upping lifestyle .

maybe work to a 3 year average to keep thy feet on the ground  -
Report lanza January 13, 2015 10:43 PM GMT
so close to the 60% net now, i dont wanna think about it, finally say with some confidence it wont be soon. 

21k, 25k, 54k, 90+k, 36k...are me last 5 years winnings.  Won about 10k over a few yrs before that.  Been full time about 4-5yrs now.  Love doing what i do, but the pc charge is a killer.  Crazy having a good week after a bit of a lean patch and thinking 300-400 pc gonna be taken and being ok with it.

Bought a few little houses which i rent out in prep for life after betfair Sad really dont wanna go back to the gym and 7quid per hour rate. Sad but cant do what i do at the other sites and cant see myself paying 60%. If these people still exist here, they be crazy sob's.Laugh
Report TheInvestor2 January 14, 2015 3:43 PM GMT
Coachbuster 13 Jan 15 22:27 Joined: 08 Apr 06 | Topic/replies: 27,229 | Blogger: Coachbuster's blog
absolutely correct smithy lad.

another point is during the good years it's wise to keep to normal spending habits rather then upping lifestyle .

maybe work to a 3 year average to keep thy feet on the ground  -

Good advice.

1) You might be making more than your edge, so if you have a good year you might not be able to repeat it.
2) If you are able to make a fair bit more than you spend, you can build up a cash reserve which allows you to massively lower the probability of going bust and/or increase bet size.
Report smithy91 January 15, 2015 9:35 AM GMT
Cheers for the advice chaps :) I've listened to a lot of advice off this forum in the last few years and it's done me a lot of good. Even though I'm not full time I'm a part time trader I treat my trading on betfair as if I am full time. I work 7am until 3:30 in the afternoon I then get home at 4 and trade through until 10pm at night so very long days. My social life is non existent during the week which is bad I suppose when your 23 but what else during the week after work is there to do? Go to gym or go out in the freezing cold playing 7 a side football in blackburn with blokes trying to injure me! I prefer to switch off and trade the football and hopefully this year get myself onto the property ladder!
Report Rob_The_Bantam January 15, 2015 10:53 AM GMT
My social life is non existent during the week which is bad I suppose when your 23 but what else during the week after work is there to do?

That is bad.  Go out with your friends?  If life's that bad around Blackburn, I suggest moving to somewhere where things are happening.  Sitting in front of the computer all night, especially at the age of 23, is criminal.
Report smithy91 January 15, 2015 12:53 PM GMT
I disagree rob nobody goes out midweek in blackburn that I know apart from playing 7 a side footy and going to the gym. I'd rather spend my time more productively during the week. Friday, saturday and sunday it's much better I have a football team saturday and one on sunday and although the nightlife is poor in blackburn can still have good weekends as lots of people out who I know etc. Would moving down south really be a good idea? What do they get up to during the week?
Report Coachbuster January 15, 2015 11:50 PM GMT
smithy - i think the norm for most young people  midweek is to stay in esp during winter -  there is a lot to stay in for these days .

little more than 20 years ago no internet,so no gaming/gambling  sites,social networking sites,dating sites ,netflix,multi channels ,tivo boxes or even cell phones for teenagers  -  compare that with how going out to the pub/clubs midweek these days is almost unheard of
Report smithy91 January 16, 2015 9:20 AM GMT
Great post coach exactly my point! I'm not into all this social networking  nonsense like facebook. I find it incredibly boring . My idea of fun during the week is coming up against some of the world's leading football traders it provides a stern test of me and everyone needs a challenge in life. Standing in the mirror and taking pictures of myself then sending them to other people like most 23 year olds do dosen't appeal to me but maybe I'm just old fashioned :)
Report stu January 16, 2015 10:35 AM GMT
Not to mention having to take a small mortgage out every time you go out to drink these days! Just buying a round of pints cripples the bank these days in a pub.

These days I save going out to football trips, and very occasional nights out with the missus. I just don't know how anyone could afford to be out several times a week!
Report pistachio January 16, 2015 12:52 PM GMT
Hi gang , hope all are well. I have a question about pc.  If your a payer does that go for the austrailian wallet too.?
Report Westender January 16, 2015 12:58 PM GMT
Report pistachio January 16, 2015 1:07 PM GMT
Thanks westender , i thought so.
Report smithy91 January 16, 2015 1:21 PM GMT
Stu's right. I get paid monthly every 20th! I got paid £2050 on december 19th so mad friday. I've spent all that and had to withdraw £200 from betfair just to scramble over the line until I get paid next tuesday 20th January. Numerous nights out over Christmas period, went to two blackburn games Middlesbrough at home and bolton away. Bought everyone's Christmas presents, spent two seperate weekends in glasgow including new years eve and finally went to berlin last weekend thursday until monday. Betfair came to the rescue and I don't even pay proper bills yet. I simply have to trade or can't do the things I want to!
Report Lex January 17, 2015 4:51 PM GMT
is there a thread explaining how to work out the pc charge please guys?
I cant make head or tail of the befair t%c's

Report Westender January 17, 2015 11:50 PM GMT
Lex - that is the purpose of the Premium Charges explanation, to prevent people understanding how much they get robbed and when.

Betfair used to be a simple 5% commission and they now have a telephone book of charges which are now hidden away deep within the bowels of
Report ZEALOT January 26, 2015 4:31 PM GMT
Leave then - simples

It's up to you

A bit of something or Nothing
Report Westender January 26, 2015 5:36 PM GMT
People have left in their droves mate - check the liquidity.

If 95% of people cannot earn the basic wage per hour spent on Betfair then why bother?

A bit of something no longer worth the effort - simples Laugh
Report ZEALOT January 26, 2015 10:06 PM GMT
then leave
Report Westender January 27, 2015 4:16 PM GMT
Simples Laugh
Report Rob_The_Bantam January 29, 2015 6:50 AM GMT
So what have the people who've left in their droves done?  Gone elsewhere or packed in betting altogether?  Do you still bet here, Westender?
Report pawras January 29, 2015 8:28 AM GMT
depends what sort of player you are, if you're a pre race backer then betfair ain't the only game in town is it, especially considering the lack of liquidity early in the day.
Report smithy91 January 29, 2015 12:55 PM GMT
Correct score, match odds, and over/under are still packed with liquidity though so can still get big amounts matched every day when there's a live game on! Also the less big players taking up the spaces and positions on correct score the better can get to the front of the queue easily just by putting money down the night before. The less big players the better for me :)
Report Coachbuster January 29, 2015 7:10 PM GMT
players  are moving onto main markets such as myself

main markets remaining busy ,side markets forming moss on the north side
Report Rob_The_Bantam January 30, 2015 6:59 AM GMT
depends what sort of player you are, if you're a pre race backer then betfair ain't the only game in town is it, especially considering the lack of liquidity early in the day.

It's not.  However, the reason that most people are on Betfair in the first place is because they can't get on elsewhere.  If we assume that Betfair by and large has the correct price, wouldn't most people have exhausted other accounts before they ended up on here?

players are moving onto main markets such as myself

If I remember correctly, you used to talk about playing the Correct Score 2 market.  If things have dried up on here, do you think it's because your pricing isn't giving punters enough value, or that there's just not the interest that there once was?
Report pawras January 30, 2015 8:29 AM GMT
I only do horses , at the fav end of the market befair ain't all that at all , especially as an early backer as not many of those who win have drifted, the exchange only really becomes relevant to me for bigger prices i.e. >=10/1 because then you can pick up much better prices.
Report Cardinal Scott January 30, 2015 11:00 AM GMT
Another Cricket game with 50 Mill Matched with England v India.........this place is not growing tumbleweed just yet!
Report Westender January 30, 2015 1:23 PM GMT
Betfair have failed to realise that gambling is not a necessity in life and people have a plethora of options for betting elsewhere and/or spending their money on non betting activities. (Why waste £200 on here when you could jump a nice Escort or have a good night out picking up a woman costing more than an Escort.)

The Bookmaking industry is saturated and Betfair will always be a tiddler in that area. Their unique selling point is the Exchange which has seen liquidity declining since 2008 as a result of the Premium Charges, Sportsbook, hiding the Exchange on the Website, reducing Betfair Live Video Football and no longer advertising  the Exchange.

Betfair may realise when it is too late, that with the exception of a few large winners, Betfair needs customers and customers don't need Betfair.

The world will not stop with the demise of Betfair nor will the bookmaking industry.

Pre 2008 - I was 100% betting on Betfair.

Now - about 10% on Betfair.

Never thought I would be back betting with bookmakers and using Purple. Cry
Report Coachbuster January 30, 2015 4:05 PM GMT
Purple are a wolf in sheeps clothing imo

they have to sit things out for now
Report Charkitz January 30, 2015 10:35 PM GMT
Westender how do you back with bookmakers? Most of us can't get a bet on with bookmakers, a lot of people will never leave Betfair for this reason
Report big aitch February 3, 2015 12:42 PM GMT
I have 4 deposit accounts with bookmakers, very rarely use them, i did have someone on here a few years ago ask me to put bets on for him, wasn't going to pay me, said I would benefit from being able to back them.

Fair enough if they win, he could have been arbing for all I know, so I could have ended up massively out of pocket and getting my accounts closed.
Report Westender February 3, 2015 12:54 PM GMT
Nobody is going to buy a pint of beer for £4 plus 22.5% tax if you could get the same elsewhere tax free.

A small tax up to 5% makes no difference but 22.5% makes people go elsewhere.

The Books is fine as long as you don't win too big and give them some back. No problems getting matched at Matchbook and Purple for the larger bets both tax free.
Report fixed February 5, 2015 4:36 AM GMT
just wrong

it's rational to bet/invest where one can win the most
also most of the time taxes/fees will be highest there
Report Rob_The_Bantam February 5, 2015 6:08 AM GMT
The Books is fine as long as you don't win too big and give them some back.

But they're not.  Cherry pick the top price bets and you'll get booted, win or lose.  And if you're not getting top price for your bets, you're likely to be a loser anyway.  When you say "give some back", what do you mean by this?
Report Westender February 5, 2015 9:47 AM GMT
A little bit of thinking Rob and you will work it out.
Report GUSCHER February 5, 2015 1:56 PM GMT
I have been using betfair for some years now, with varying degrees of success along with some disasters! The last year has been the best with a 8 fold increase in bank. I have been accepted for a years sabbatical from work from April. I have enough savings to cover my expenses for a year. I do not wish to make gambling my career, having family and dependents.  Betfair was not the reason to have a year off but I was hoping to spend a bit more time here and increase my profits to cover my expenses to enable me to keep hold of most of my savings. I use the maths & statistics to plan my betting, but on bad days I do spend extra time on recovery strategies. Although on a normal day will only make a couple of bets per day and will never increase my stake, just the quantity of bets. I will need to make and spend 15% of my bank to break even and end the year clear. This was a great thread and very useful info, thanks. Will come back here now and again to recap and let you know how the year is going!!
Report Phantom Knight February 5, 2015 7:59 PM GMT
I have been losing 1000s every year here. Fortunately I can control myself and have a fixed budget to bet per month.
Report Phantom Knight February 5, 2015 8:00 PM GMT
I mean I am fortunate not to finish all my money on here
Report GUSCHER February 11, 2015 7:38 PM GMT
One lay a day, if it wins. If not 2 lays a day until you win it back, if not 3 lays a day until you win it back etc,etc,etc. gentle recovery at level stakes no stake increases. At the end of the calender month make a p/l spreadsheet and take profit or cut your losses but start afresh on the first of every month. Greed get it out of your head!!  0.3% of bank at the start of every month for the whole month. Could go on and on but that's the basics. u.k/Ire races only. I know nothing about racing but have managed to go from £650 on 1/1/14 to £5163 today! I'm not saying that level will continue or work for you but if I can do it believe me anyone can. What I lack in knowledge I make up with patience, discipline, money management and NO GREED! I've tried a lot of things and this is the only system I have found that works for over 13 consecutive months. Good luck!!
Report racingguru February 11, 2015 11:19 PM GMT
GL Gusch - I can`t work out laying horses at all. The ones I want to lay and can`t cos they drift like mad lose and the ones i get matched on are running for their lives. I have a profit margin of over 20% to stake on win bets yet lays I`m down almost 3% over 6 years. Much harder game laying than betting to win IMO.
Report no moves February 12, 2015 9:03 AM GMT
"One lay a day, if it wins. If not 2 lays a day until you win it back, if not 3 lays a day until you win it back etc,etc,etc. gentle recovery at level stakes no stake increases. At the end of the calender month make a p/l spreadsheet and take profit or cut your losses but start afresh on the first of every month. Greed get it out of your head!!  0.3% of bank at the start of every month for the whole month. Could go on and on but that's the basics. u.k/Ire races only. I know nothing about racing but have managed to go from £650 on 1/1/14 to £5163 today! I'm not saying that level will continue or work for you but if I can do it believe me anyone can. What I lack in knowledge I make up with patience, discipline, money management and NO GREED! I've tried a lot of things and this is the only system I have found that works for over 13 consecutive months. Good luck!!"

8 or 9 times your money in not much more than a year seems very aggressive to me.
Report Munter 69 February 12, 2015 10:13 AM GMT
What I lack in knowledge I make up with patience, discipline, money management and NO GREED!

I have the knowledge it's just the other four things you mention that AWAYS let me down.......:(
Report GUSCHER February 12, 2015 11:59 AM GMT
Think you might well be right no moves. I may add a bit more to my bank but reduce that percentage to give a bit more room for errors on those losing runs.
Thanks Munter try it, slowly,slowly and if you have the knowledge and can master the other bits you'll have more success than me!!
Report smithy91 February 13, 2015 12:01 PM GMT
I used to think the more you watch a sport you bet on  which for me is football the better you become at betting on it which I've found now isn't the case.  I watch less and less football and don't even need to watch match of the day anymore it's not critical although it's better to see it than not to. The key is not watching the sport but watching how the markets work!
Report stu February 14, 2015 1:30 PM GMT
racingguru 11 Feb 15 23:19 Joined: 06 Jan 01 |

GL Gusch - I can`t work out laying horses at all. The ones I want to lay and can`t cos they drift like mad lose and the ones i get matched on are running for their lives. I have a profit margin of over 20% to stake on win bets yet lays I`m down almost 3% over 6 years. Much harder game laying than betting to win IMO.

Have similar in laying approaches vs backing. I do well backing but pretty pants in the laying side. Seems at times I can make anything win by laying it! LaughCry
Report Rob_The_Bantam November 3, 2015 1:41 AM GMT
Bumped for letsalldance.
Report Rockinron November 3, 2015 9:13 AM GMT
"Betfair for a living"
I suppose it depends on what sort of lifestyle you want (income related).
I think Betfair's Premium charges would kill you !
I've just been royally whacked by HMRC...but once I get back to a decent stake (winnings on Betfair).
I'll go back to trading the Stock Markets FTSE/DOW etc ..(CFD Trading) still have the odd punt on Betfair of course (mainly goals on Footy).
Interesting note on stu above ...
"I can`t work out laying horses at all. The ones I want to lay and can`t cos they drift like mad lose and the ones i get matched on are running for their lives"
My poor Brother in Law ..once layed two successive horses at £100 at 30-1 ...both won!
About six grand down the swanny ...that cured himWhoops
Report Rockinron November 3, 2015 9:15 AM GMT
Forgot to mention "Brother in Law" - retired Chartered Accountant !
Report Westender November 7, 2015 10:37 AM GMT
Surely the liquidity levels shrinking month by month together with huge Betfair taxes means that there cannot be many full timers left.

You would need to be an idiot to leave a job to go FT on PADDY POWER Betfair given the current and future Paddy Power Mgt actions which has destroyed the liquidity on the Exchange.

Wait to see if another Exchange appears with decent liquidity as the Betfair Exchange is now a dead duck floating and the same mgt post merger may strangle the last few breaths out of it.
Report Rockinron November 7, 2015 11:03 AM GMT
Couldn't agree more "Westender" ..."huge Betfair Taxes" 60% ????
I think most would swallow ...10% - but 60% a real Pi ss take !
Not to mention liquidity problems.
Report raspberrybottom December 14, 2015 7:29 PM GMT
12 Sep 13 11:34
Joined: 24 Sep 05

| Topic/replies: 6,113 | Blogger: raspberrybottom's blog
I've been on here just coming up to eight years - and I still find it fun !

And that's what I think is most important. I don't make a living here but win often

enough to stay focussed. I've often thought of going "part-time" and, due to a change

of circumstances that mean I could be coming into a bit of money soon, I might give it a go.

June, July and August have been the best three months I've ever had on the horses so I may be

getting a bit carried away but it's time I had a real go at this. I also bet on football (unders/overs)

and I think the winter all-weather racing can be very lucrative. Most of my threads (the darts one

and the rollercoaster, etc) are meant in fun but the serious methods I use lead me to concentrate

mainly on horses at 8/1+ with plenty of double-figure selections. As has been said earlier long

losing runs are worrying and that's my main concern.

As now.... Sad
Report raspberrybottom December 14, 2015 7:31 PM GMT
Couldn't win a one-ticket raffle fixed in my favour at the moment. Sad

Terrifying run I'm on.
Report bobovieri December 31, 2015 5:48 AM GMT
I will try to help people who are in the same position as me 2 years ago. Westender told You being pro is mission impossible, but believe me, it's definitely possible! I quit my job 2 years ago and that was the best decision I ever made. First and most important thing for future pro punters is - You have to be sure that You understand betfair more than 95 percent people here. Betfair is not gambling site, it's site based on maths knowledge and with 7 years experience, I can telll You, that's the only way for making money month by month. People are talking about trading here, but many of them don't understand what trading is. Trading is not bet on goals, then green out after first or second one. It's just gambling, pure gambling! Good luck to all future pro's, good life with betfair is still very possible...
Report Westender December 31, 2015 12:03 PM GMT
The above is nonsense and not advisable in the current climate.

The Betfair  Exchange has been seriously run down by current Paddy Power Mgt and the future climate post takeover by Paddy Power, with the same man in charge, could easily result in the eventual closure by the same individual after strangling the Exchange of liquidity, events and markets.

Some questions to consider:
1. Where are the new losers coming from?
2. Will the thousands of Exchange customers who left suddenly come back without any advertising or incentives?
3. Will the people clobbered by 22.5% to 62.5% Betfair Taxes all return?
4. Will Paddy Power continue to increase the range of events and markets for exclusive Sportsbook betting only?
5. What will the pros do when Premium Charges and Commissions are raised further?
6. How do you get matched when faced with an increasing sea of empty boxes?
7. How do you make a living when the current and future CEO has taken the cake leaving a few scraps for the Bots to eat?

In the current climate - there are very few non BOT users on here who can make the minimum wage PER HOUR SPENT ON BETFAIR

The only positive is that a new dedicated Peer to Peer Exchange could appear but the Betfair Exchange is now a dead duck floating under the same current and future Paddy Power management.

You would have to be mad to pack in a job to go Pro on here but the best of luck to anyone who gives it a go.
Report bobovieri December 31, 2015 12:40 PM GMT
I really don't understand why You wrote hundreds posts to explain people - you can't make money here. Yes they can! But they must be better than the other. Losers will tell You "yes, You are right", but you are wrong man, definitely wrong!
Report bobovieri December 31, 2015 12:43 PM GMT
In the current climate? I'm talking about now, not about past, so I don't understand what you try to explain people?!
Report Westender December 31, 2015 3:53 PM GMT
Avoid the questions mate and whistle along to the Birdie Song Tune Laugh
Report Andriy December 31, 2015 4:43 PM GMT
Buon anno Christian (o forse fai omaggio al suo papa Roberto ?).

Meglio ignorare i cretini qui, purtroppo ci sono tanti.

Report Westender December 31, 2015 4:47 PM GMT
Donkey shyte to you as well mate  Laugh
Report Mordin. January 4, 2016 2:23 AM GMT

I think you have a very accurate statement there!
"In the current climate - there are very few non BOT users on here who can make the minimum wage PER HOUR SPENT ON BETFAIR"
Report efthimiosver January 5, 2016 11:54 AM GMT
After 12y of experience , I will answer to your questions

----1. How your life is?

Life is good , doing something that I really enjoy making a lot more money that the average ...But you must be always carefull , very carefull....

-----2. Minus and plus of that kind of life (I don't think about money)

-Minus , many hours of work , not fixed schedule of work , sitting life , life in the house / no comunication with other ppl ,Others things that you creating easy money sitting on chari until you tell them come and do it :D ... Wife/friends/family things that whenever and for whatever they want you can just abandonate the match you trading lol

- Plus the income that is a lot bigger than the average ..You do something you like (at least for me) so almost never get bored ...

3. Is harder to bet when You know that betfair is only way to make a money?

No because ,what you ask here is not true ... There are plenty of different ways to make money with or without betfair .. You just need to investigate and think new things over and over again
Report Westender January 5, 2016 2:13 PM GMT
Good final line mate - there are many different ways to make money with or without Betfair.

That is why people are leaving in droves - it is far easier to earn better money outside Betfair.

The taxation system is also linked to current in-year income levels unlike the HUGE Betfair 22.5% to 62.5% Taxes based on what people earned years ago LaughLaugh
Report jamesdean January 5, 2016 4:01 PM GMT
Why are you still on here every day then, Westender?

If it is that bad yet you are still on the forums every day posting the same old nonsense, there can't be much going on in your life.
Could it be that you are jealous of the people that do make good money on here. Sounds a bit like you are saying "I can't make anything worthwhile on here, so if I can't, no one else can" 

Maybe some people on here are just better at making money on here than you. Just a thought....
Report Westender January 5, 2016 6:09 PM GMT
Every day Mr Bean Wink

Even you can count and see it is the first post of the year and this is the 5th of January. LaughLaugh

My post on New Year's Eve at 12.03 above is the one that is killing you Mr Bean - it is the reality.

Anyone packing in a job to go full time on here is doing the opposite of what many ex full timers on here have done since the imposition of HUGE BETFAIR TAXES ON WINNERS BETWEEN 22.5% and 62.5%.

I state again - advising anyone to go full time on here is reckless given the Paddy Power takeover and the same CEO's strategy since 2012.

You must be worried Mr Bean as 99.99% of us on here don't rely on Paddy Power for our livelihood.
Report bobovieri January 9, 2016 6:02 AM GMT
Jamesdean, give up, I did the same, it,s impossible to explain him that many smart people make good money here. He should send successful people PM's "please teach me how to be better, how to make money...", but no. He tries to explain us "even You make money here, You have to give up! Why? Because I know being successful is impossible. Why? Because I said so!" Crazy
Report Westender January 9, 2016 9:16 AM GMT
Read the thread Title - Betfair for a living please help

The % of winners on here earning the minimum wage per hour or above spent on Betfair is much less than 1% now and reducing by the month.

Anyone packing in a job to go full time on here is doing the opposite of what many ex full timers on here have done since the imposition of HUGE BETFAIR TAXES ON WINNERS BETWEEN 22.5% and 62.5%.

I state again - advising anyone to go full time on here is reckless given the Paddy Power takeover and the same CEO's strategy since 2012.

Nobody stated that it was impossible but the odds are highly stacked against people - even if you win you get taxed between 22.5% and 62.5% of profits based on historic income with liquidity declining by the week as customers leave in droves.

Why on earth would someone pack in a job with security and guaranteed income given the above?

Be honest with people and stop sending people up a dark alley to find life is much worse at the other end FFS.
Report Westender January 9, 2016 9:54 AM GMT
Betfair as a business disappears this year when a Irish Bookmaker called Paddy Power formally takes over.

********************* Warning, Warning, Warning *************************************************

Q What do Bookmakers do?
A Ban winners and hoover the money out of loser's pockets.

The above should be enough for people thinking of leaving a job to make the correct decision.
Report romfordiron January 9, 2016 3:52 PM GMT
Westender, don't think many people would leave a job, in order to work on here, without having both the bank and the expertise to make it worthwhile.
Report Westender January 9, 2016 4:17 PM GMT
You can have the bank and expertise rom but very few do in reality with less than 1% making the minumm wage per hour spent  on Betfair.

This place is dead during the day when I look in at work and how do you cope with the relentless decline in liquidity plus the increasingly realistic probability that Paddy Power could close the Exchange overnight within the next 2-3 years.

No advertising = no new losers depositing on the Exchange = less money to win  ......... and on it goes in a relentless cycle of decline

People would be mad to give up up a job to bet full time on an Exchange which is not wanted by its own CEO.
Report jamesdean January 9, 2016 7:54 PM GMT
Westender, were you not betting goals on some indoor Estonian league the other day?  3 men and a Jack Russell in the crowd Shocked
Report Westender January 9, 2016 10:53 PM GMT
Much better than you losing watching boring Man Utd mate LaughLaugh

A win is a win and that league is full of goals.
Report CJ70 January 11, 2016 11:34 PM GMT

Jan 9, 2016 -- 1:54PM, jamesdean wrote:

Westender, were you not betting goals on some indoor Estonian league the other day?  3 men and a Jack Russell in the crowd

Dogs aren't allowed inside and you've overestimated the fans, but many of those Estonia indoor games are televised and you can probably get 20-30% of an edge.

Report jamesdean January 12, 2016 3:46 PM GMT
I think it was purely down to there being nothing else to bet on at that time.
Report Westender January 12, 2016 5:28 PM GMT
You don't think jamesdean - that is your problem in life.

I have done this league every year since it commenced - CJ70 knows his onions as well.

I recommend that you stop your face farting before you post or take it for a good shyte.
Report jamesdean January 13, 2016 3:08 PM GMT
Garbage. You were then betting on the Exeter v Liverpool match then the Man United match. Expert on them all I take it.
Edges everywhere..

You're a mug that can't make it pay these day so you take your bitterness out on the site and everyone else that can, total jealousy.

Just accept that some still make it pay unlike yourself and move on or your bitterness and envy will eat you up from the inside.
Report Westender January 13, 2016 7:25 PM GMT
jamesdean seething again after being exposed LaughLaughLaugh
Report Westender January 13, 2016 7:27 PM GMT
Stuck my neck out first stating clearly Man Utd would score last night and Exeter would not beat Liverpool.

All Wonga won on Ladbrokes Exchange with good liquidity on the tV matches.

Take your face for a shyte jamesdean LaughLaugh
Report traicue January 14, 2016 2:46 PM GMT
hmm if you are making profit bobo, why this question? If you are..good for you.
Report bobovieri January 15, 2016 8:03 AM GMT
What question traicue?
Report aasbff April 25, 2018 6:54 PM BST
Just been reading through this thread. A really interesting read.

I wonder if any of the above are still churning out a living on here?
Report Deltâ April 28, 2018 2:05 PM BST
Report starship May 2, 2018 1:42 PM BST
i know a few people who get a good living betting on here.
they specalise in greyhound racing.
so you can make a living, but as people will tell u,
less than 1% can make a living on here.
a mate of mine show me his betfair account , he is getting 60 grand this year.
his usual stake is between £100 and £200.
so it can be done.
Report TheFear May 2, 2018 2:45 PM BST
dinnae bother (mo)
Report irishone May 3, 2018 4:13 PM BST
Firstly see if you can walkaway
If you cant you are a gambler
If you can
It proves you have it under control
Discipline is key
So speaks a man who lost in 2016 , finished up in 2017
And can still walk
Report traicue May 5, 2018 10:16 PM BST

May 2, 2018 -- 7:42AM, starship wrote:

i know a few people who get a good living betting on here.they specalise in greyhound you can make a living, but as people will tell u,less than 1% can make a living on here.a mate of mine show me his betfair account , he is getting 60 grand this year.his usual stake is between £100 and £ it can be done.

any reason for grey hound racing. Do they bet, or do trading on them. From my experience, there isn't any easy money in any sport..

Report starship May 9, 2018 4:50 PM BST
just bet them
Report starship May 9, 2018 4:51 PM BST
never said it was easy
thry stdy the vids , do the form, and try and bet the value on here
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