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25 Jan 11 00:57
Date Joined: 09 Oct 05
| Topic/replies: 28 | Blogger: Velosmav's blog
A typical racing day first race on its way and half way through making my position betfair goes down, no matter quickly depositing  in to my purple account which i have held for 3 years I Quickly start twiddling my thumbs working out where the numbers have to go to which horse and with 5 minutes to go am almost there except for the favourite. Placing the last bet i get a strange reply contact customer services ,lo and behold they dont want my money and are now asking for copies of bank details passports and the list in 5 minutes i decide that can be sorted later i have already done this before so i wan't exactly happy but no matter on to bet.. tor where i also have had an account for over a year..
first race down and it seems today is one of those rare days where what you hope will happen actually does and by the end of the day The ib et x old site has a nice balance which i quickly withdraw half.. end of story course not one hour later i get one of those emails waving at me in my post, account closed with immediate effect...hmm an exchange well, this isnt particulary great news its fair to say i was aware of the fact their liquidity was perhaps getting a helping hand of sorts but it would seem they definately only want the 10 pound non imformed gambler there which does bring the question just how much competition is there really in terms of exchanges around and we may make a few complaints about the site here but life elsewhere also aint so great it seems and i do hope our site here keeps it a pvp exchange.
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