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05 Dec 09 11:56
Date Joined: 03 Feb 09
| Topic/replies: 423 | Blogger: GoodLife's blog
Now that they've got new owners in KTM (the Badger's wife) can subscribers expect an improvement in customer service and product or will it be the same old sh1te except for their forum being even more bogged down with adverts for his trading course, paltalk room etc from a bloke who doesn't even make enough trading to pay the premium charge?
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Report not_drwho December 5, 2009 12:19 PM GMT
This app is complete rubbish. Tried it on 3 PC's and didn't work on any of them.
Adam did well to get out when he could.
Report Titan's Chlamydia Green Light December 5, 2009 12:45 PM GMT
it seems quite ok to me, runs a lot faster than betfair at least which will give enough of a benefit to justify £15 a month or whatever it is.

if you havent got it to work, try going to start, racing traders, then 'server' cos that set me back a while to start
Report not_drwho December 5, 2009 12:58 PM GMT
"runs a lot faster than betfair"

What on earth is that supposed to mean ?
Report Nutsy71 December 5, 2009 1:20 PM GMT
Titan only joined betfair 2 days ago, found out all about the API pretty quick !!
Report dave b December 5, 2009 1:48 PM GMT
I used Bet Trader years ago. It cost me a packet - kept crashing. Back then Adam was really helpful trying to**the problem but it never really worked for me. I really liked the interface so now and then I went back to try again but still no good. Tried the Evo app this week but couldn't open any markets, wierd stuff kept happening and then it crashed.
Report GoodLife December 5, 2009 2:40 PM GMT
It looks like the first thing Badger did was put the price up to cover the takeover, up to £180 now when Adam was offering it for £75 not that long back.
Report matt le tiss December 5, 2009 3:00 PM GMT
Dec 3rd joiner , "runs faster than Betfair " , give him time.
Report page-413 December 5, 2009 6:20 PM GMT
Goodliffe LOL
Report buzzer December 5, 2009 6:25 PM GMT
it's the biggest load of sh ite ever and that spamster on their forum, who was named previously, wants locking up. Spouts rubbish and is clueless but seems to have a merry band of followers who want to hand all their cash over to him
Report delz December 5, 2009 7:36 PM GMT
You can be assured that KTM has the RacingTraders community's best interests at heart, as you will see over the coming months. The relationship will start by building outstanding customer service, the quality of which has never been seen in this industry.

Report cruki December 6, 2009 12:17 PM GMT
lol watch some of his videos on youtube. You WILL laugh!
Report Titan's Chlamydia Green Light December 6, 2009 12:33 PM GMT
not_drwho 05 Dec 13:58
"runs a lot faster than betfair"

What on earth is that supposed to mean ?


the platform is incredibly slow to navigate and place bets on, anything that is even a vague improvement in terms of navigation time and placing bets is worth a look imo.
Report not_drwho December 6, 2009 12:38 PM GMT
"the platform is incredibly slow to navigate and place bets on, anything that is even a vague improvement in terms of navigation time and placing bets is worth a look imo."

I think it probably goes without saying that this is the case for ALL the 3rd-party one-click apps around. And if that's your only criterion then you should use Gruss which is less than half the price. And Gruss is probably 17.4 times better based on other criterion.

But,hey, whatever rocks your boat.....
Report The Betfairy December 6, 2009 12:39 PM GMT
In other words, like any of the other two dozen commercial API applications, or (probably) 1000s of private ones?
Report matt le tiss December 6, 2009 2:48 PM GMT
T.C.G.L.............try The Geeks Toy first , it's free , feature full , reliable and fast (grid or ladder)
Report corner December 6, 2009 4:43 PM GMT
I like Evo a lot, although perhaps I would say that since I've been beta testing it for free. I'm a very inexperienced trader, having only traded with software (BTPro) since August. I've been using Evo since mid September, trading pre-race horses and I've had 2 losing days in that time, one of which was entirely due to placing a bet and forgetting about it. I couldn't perform like that on the old BetTrader so I reckon Evo must be pretty good.
Report Des December 6, 2009 7:57 PM GMT
"I couldn't perform like that on the old BetTrader so I reckon Evo must be pretty good."

But you only had a few weeks practice on Bet Trader yet months on Evo so you probably would have been able to perform if you'd been allowed to use Bet Trader for longer
Report el chine December 6, 2009 9:22 PM GMT
pile of s h ite ,
Report BJG December 6, 2009 10:17 PM GMT
Report corner December 7, 2009 2:17 PM GMT
But you only had a few weeks practice on Bet Trader yet months on Evo so you probably would have been able to perform if you'd been allowed to use Bet Trader for longer

No, because the features of Evo that I use most were not available on BT Pro, ie full market depth, one click hedge at chosen price, and the candlestick graphs.
Report surty December 8, 2009 6:31 PM GMT
Report sethmorley December 8, 2009 9:01 PM GMT
Try the toy, you don't need everything else.
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