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paradox and equilibrium
29 Aug 11 20:54
Date Joined: 06 Jul 07
| Topic/replies: 1,015 | Blogger: paradox and equilibrium's blog
No tin foil hat here, just lined my whole bedroom with it. Join me for an hour of hilarious Straw manning by the Beeb. Can't imagine this will be anything other than another attempt to deride anything outside the official theory, whilst attempting to appear like a conspiracists view.

Pause Switch to Standard View Conspiracy theory 9/11 ten years on....
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Report epicurean September 12, 2011 9:35 PM BST
OK AG ,I will take back the mental bit and settle for you and a few other fellow travellers being simpletons .
btw  the wings of the passenger planes flown into the buildings by Islamic Fascists were made of the same material as the rest of the American Airlines passenger planes.
Report ooO{Alpha Centauri}Ooo September 12, 2011 9:40 PM BST
From an email I received.

Do you remember 1987.....

Thought you might be interested in this forgotten bit of information.........

It was 1987! At a lecture the other day they were playing an old news video of Lt.Col. Oliver North testifying at the Iran-Contra hearings during the Reagan Administration.

There was Ollie in front of God and country getting the third degree, but what he said was stunning!

He was being drilled by a senator, 'Did you not recently spend close to$60,000 for a home security system?'

Ollie replied, 'Yes, I did, Sir.'

The senator continued, trying to get a laugh out of the audience, 'Isn't that just a little excessive?'

'No, sir,' continued Ollie.

'No? And why not?' the senator asked.

'Because the lives of my family and I were threatened, sir.'

'Threatened? By whom?' the senator questioned.

'By a terrorist, sir' Ollie answered.

'Terrorist? What terrorist could possibly scare you that much?'

'His name is Osama bin Laden, sir' Ollie replied.

At this point the senator tried to repeat the name,but couldn't pronounce it, which most people back then probably couldn't. A couple of people laughed at the attempt. Then the senator continued. Why are you so afraid of this man?' the senator asked.

'Because, sir, he is the most evil person alive that I know of', Ollie answered.

'And what do you recommend we do about him?' asked the senator.

'Well, sir, if it was up to me, I would recommend that anassassin team be formed to eliminate him and his men from the face of the earth.'

The senator disagreed with this approach, and that was all that was shown of the clip.

By the way, that senator was Al Gore!

Terrorist pilot Mohammad Atta blew up a bus in Israel in 1986. The Israelis captured, tried and imprisoned him. As part of the Oslo agreement with the Palestinians in 1993,Israel had to agree to release so-called 'political prisoners.'

However, the Israelis would not release any with blood on their hands. The American President at the time, Bill Clinton, and his Secretary of State, Warren Christopher,'insisted' that all prisoners be released.

Thus Mohammad Atta was freed and eventually thanked us by flying an airplane into Tower One of the World Trade Center . This was reported
by many of the American TV networks at the time that the terrorists were first identified.

It was censored in the US from all later reports.
Report Gene Hackman September 12, 2011 9:49 PM BST
I think your remark of "simpletons" is a bit of a cheek tbh.
Your fellow travellers,as you put it,are the religious nut,Sunset Cristo and the malevolent super-ego Pandorica.You are clearly a bit dim and naive,so,as I say,you have a bit of a cheek.
Report Angel Gabrial September 12, 2011 9:58 PM BST
Obviously the non Simpleton Epicurean can answer this.

If a massive C beam or H beam steel girder, let's say, was travelling at the same speed toward the wing of a plane and hit it, do you think the steel beam would bend around the wing of the plane then break or do you think that steel beam would smash the wing to smithereens?
Report epicurean September 12, 2011 10:03 PM BST
I stand by my statement .The fact that I find Sunset C and his religious beliefs also ridiculous is irrelevant .Pan has the same opinion as myself and your description is plain wrong.
Report epicurean September 12, 2011 10:10 PM BST
AG  I don't believe anyone has flown a passenger plane at great speed  into a building to find out what would happen.
Report Angel Gabrial September 12, 2011 10:40 PM BST
Aluminium moving at 500 mph  v Steel H/C Beams.

Which one bends first?

How would you price it up Epicurean?
Report slartybartfast September 13, 2011 12:46 AM BST
12 Sep 11 19:38
You answer my questions and I will look at the video.

epicurean, do you have any response, rational or otherwise, to the video? Ad hominem attacks are so unconvincing.
Report man of many moods September 13, 2011 7:47 AM BST
I just put in a lay bet and someone's taken all of it bar £9.11.

Spooky eh? Shocked
Report slartybartfast September 13, 2011 9:57 AM BST
ooO{Alpha Centauri}Ooo
12 Sep 11 21:40
From an email I received.

Terrorist pilot Mohammad Atta blew up a bus in Israel in 1986. The Israelis captured, tried and imprisoned him. As part of the Oslo agreement with the Palestinians in 1993,Israel had to agree to release so-called 'political prisoners.'

However, the Israelis would not release any with blood on their hands. The American President at the time, Bill Clinton, and his Secretary of State, Warren Christopher,'insisted' that all prisoners be released.

Thus Mohammad Atta was freed and eventually thanked us by flying an airplane into Tower One of the World Trade Center . This was reported
by many of the American TV networks at the time that the terrorists were first identified.

It was censored in the US from all later reports.

That is a false report based on mistaken identity according to:
Report slartybartfast September 13, 2011 9:58 AM BST
and so is the Ollie North - Osama warning story:
Report slartybartfast September 13, 2011 10:01 AM BST
* a false report, that is.

Here is a quote from that page:
"So no, Oliver North didn't warn us back in 1987 about Osama bin Laden's "potential threat to the security of the world" or suggest that bin Laden be hunted down by "an assassin team," nor was he given the brush-off by a clueless senator "who disagreed with this approach." Eventually, Col. North drafted his own response to this piece of misinformation:
NOVEMBER 28, 2001












It's always worth checking these things out before lending them any credence.
Report ooO{Alpha Centauri}Ooo September 13, 2011 10:19 AM BST
yep slarty, most of the sensational emails are bs
Report boggle September 13, 2011 10:19 AM BST
If a massive C beam or H beam steel girder, let's say, was travelling at the same speed toward the wing of a plane and hit it, do you think the steel beam would bend around the wing of the plane then break or do you think that steel beam would smash the wing to smithereens?

If it were possible to fly a beam into the wing of a plane it would smash the wing to pieces. The example you give is not really an equivalent one to a plane hitting the WTC.

A box of tissues will collapse if you stand on it. Someone’s head will not. But if that box of tissues is on the parcel shelf of a car doing 70mph and it meets an object that causes very rapid deceleration, the box of tissues takes on the force of something like a house brick dropped on your toe. If it hit a passenger in front it would cause serious damage, despite being made of just cardboard and paper. Think back to the Columbia space shuttle, where a piece of foam from the fuel tank made a hole in the wing that caused the disaster.

The physics of objects in motion changes their characteristics such that you cannot just make an assumption that 'aluminium wings' (though clearly there is much more to the structure, and therefore mass, of a wing than just an envelope of aluminium) wouldn't have a large effect on fixed steel beams when hit at high speeds.
Report Angel Gabrial September 13, 2011 11:15 AM BST
Thanks Boggle.

An insightful answer. Appreciate it.
Report Sunset Cristo September 13, 2011 2:23 PM BST
bjt wrote Sunset Cristo.  You are taking up a lot of space, but you aren't actually saying anything.  All you have said so far, is "prove it"

yes still waiting for the evidence.

, the evidence proves the official story and did you see the show on the BBC.

yes did you watch the bbc3 program,why don't you refute it?

People have provided more proof to the contrary of the official story than the believers and the people trying to control them

you mena this so called proof that I have debunked point by point.

, but because mainstream media has an agenda in what they want people to see,

what and Ct's don't have an agenda?


only one side is shown.

no both sides are shown, the BBC3 program for example.

  The people, including very high up people in the know that go on record, aren't shown anywhere mainstream and as such you overlook this.

which people?

Here is a question for you.  The post quoting Emily Church, what did you make of it?  Here we have somebody directly involved in one of your "it is proof because it was on the BBC" shows

I have never said this, this is a strawman.

, trying to find the truth about what happened on 9/11.  She feels the show was a complete sham designed not to include the wrong questions that may lead people away from the official story.

of course she does.

She knows the official story is a crock of ****, and knows this because of the "evidence" to the contrary.

she knows no such thing, she believes it's crap.

Just because something is shown on tv doesn't mean you should believe it.

of course not , I have never said this ,another strawman.neither should you believe everything you see on youtube.

Of these 100+ eyewitnesses that saw the plane hitting or about to hit the pentagon, where is the vision of it?

there is none,at least none that we know off.

  We have Washington DC, the capital of the US, with the White House, the Pentagon, we have 2 planes that have crashed into the WTC, a confirmed hijacking of a plane heading to Washington, yet nobody has vision of the plane?

vision of the plane, you mean film?

  Nobody thought to video it, take a picture of it?  They had warning it was coming, they knew they were 1 of 2 targets, yet there is no vision of the plane?

even if they did you would ignore it or say it was faked,for those that don't want to believe no amount of evidence is ever enough.100+ plus witnesses and plane wreckege found,which you ignore.

Fact is, I don't know too much about that point so I generally choose to talk about what I feel strongly about, but it seems strange that forewarned people didn't have the foresight to capture images of a plane heading into a building where they worked.

did they know it was heading towards the Pentagon? has this been proven? there was alot of confusion that day.

  I bet if a dog walked past and started humping somebodies leg they would all have it on camera, but a plane hitting their building, no?

so you think if something isn't caught on film ,it didn't happen,very strange logic.

You can have all your eyewitnesses that you like, but what you can't do is suggest a number of eyewitnesses that saw something different.  Just because the media show one thing, doesn't mean that is the only thing people have "witnessed"..

they all saw a plane, no one saw a missile,not rocket science is it?

And please don't misquote me again, I have never mentioned phones before.  You are just grouping everything together again to try to help your argument.

ok I'm sorry if you didn't mention phones.

And also, please stop with your big quote posts unless you actually plan on saying something in them.  As of yet, you have said very little, yet take up pages on the thread.

this is your opinion and you have no evidence to back it up.I will keep refuting you and other CT's point by point, thank you very much.
Report Sunset Cristo September 13, 2011 2:25 PM BST
brigust wrote Who gives a flying c r a p what Sunset Christo wrote.

He/She just ruins perfectly good discussion forums while adding absolutely nothing to the debate

another silly post by brigust.
Report revengeofpaddy September 13, 2011 2:55 PM BST
brigust wrote Who gives a flying c r a p what Sunset Christo wrote.

He/She just ruins perfectly good discussion forums while adding absolutely nothing to the debate

a spot on observation by brigust.
Report Gene Hackman September 13, 2011 5:52 PM BST
Of course,the Greatest Ever Irony,here on chit-chat,is the fact that Sunset is The Chit-Chatter Who Has Posted The Most Ever Replies Asking For Evidence,while believing in God.
Report jimmy69 September 13, 2011 6:05 PM BST
Anything interesting on this thread?
Report BJT September 14, 2011 10:40 AM BST
Ok Cristo, here is a post you will recognise.

Sunset Cristo
13 Sep 11 14:23 Joined: 21 Jul 07 | Topic/replies: 5,489 | Blogger: Sunset Cristo's blog
bjt wrote Sunset Cristo.  You are taking up a lot of space, but you aren't actually saying anything.  All you have said so far, is "prove it"

yes still waiting for the evidence.

The covered up evidence?  And see below....

, the evidence proves the official story and did you see the show on the BBC.

yes did you watch the bbc3 program,why don't you refute it?

Where did you get this quote from me, I couldn't see it?
And no I didn't watch the show, that is why I am not refuting it.  I don't just wildly refute something I have no opinion on.

People have provided more proof to the contrary of the official story than the believers and the people trying to control them

you mena this so called proof that I have debunked point by point.

I am yet to see you debunk anything.  Are you sure you didn't forget to type something?  Saying prove it, somebody said they saw it so it happened.

The US military had witnesses of Jessica Lynchs' rescue which they were happy to put on record, yet Jessica Lynch confirms that never happened.  Yeah witnesses always see what they say.  Hmmm.

, but because mainstream media has an agenda in what they want people to see,

what and Ct's don't have an agenda?
So this is you debunking that the media have an agenda?  Hmm.  Looks to me like you failed to dispute this fact for some strange reason.  Could it be that you already know it is true and wish to simply reply with nothing so later you can claim to have debunked it?
A "CTs" agenda is simply to find out the truth.  Pretty morally unacceptable agenda that one right?  Hmmm

only one side is shown.

no both sides are shown, the BBC3 program for example.
Didn't see it.  From what I have seen on this thread others saw it and saw it completely differently than you claim.

The people, including very high up people in the know that go on record, aren't shown anywhere mainstream and as such you overlook this.

which people?
The people mentioned previously in this thread, and more.  The people you choose to wish to not remember so you don't have to dispute it get others wasting their time trying to find quotes on your behalf.
Not surprised you don't know who though, that is the whole point.  Get it?  They aren't getting air time because they tell a different truth to the "official" one.

Here is a question for you.  The post quoting Emily Church, what did you make of it?  Here we have somebody directly involved in one of your "it is proof because it was on the BBC" shows

I have never said this, this is a strawman.
no both sides are shown, the BBC3 program for example.......
Your direct quote from your last post for example.

, trying to find the truth about what happened on 9/11.  She feels the show was a complete sham designed not to include the wrong questions that may lead people away from the official story.

of course she does.

She knows the official story is a crock of ****, and knows this because of the "evidence" to the contrary.

she knows no such thing, she believes it's crap.
She believes she knows based on all the evidence available to her.  Just because you don't believe what she says doesn't mean she doesn't know.  Who are you to say what she knows when she has access to more information and people than you do to give her a clearler version of what happened?

Just because something is shown on tv doesn't mean you should believe it.

of course not , I have never said this ,another strawman.neither should you believe everything you see on youtube.
I don't believe so.  You are suggesting that I am quoting you when I am doing no such thing.  I merely made a statement. 
If that is your logic, then your reply of implying that I said I believe on Youtube has already been "debunked" by you in your reply to me.

Of these 100+ eyewitnesses that saw the plane hitting or about to hit the pentagon, where is the vision of it?

there is none,at least none that we know off.

  We have Washington DC, the capital of the US, with the White House, the Pentagon, we have 2 planes that have crashed into the WTC, a confirmed hijacking of a plane heading to Washington, yet nobody has vision of the plane?

vision of the plane, you mean film?

  Nobody thought to video it, take a picture of it?  They had warning it was coming, they knew they were 1 of 2 targets, yet there is no vision of the plane?

even if they did you would ignore it or say it was faked,for those that don't want to believe no amount of evidence is ever enough.100+ plus witnesses and plane wreckege found,which you ignore.
I would choose to ignore a non existant video?  It is non existant for a reason.  I certainly wouldn't choose to ignore a video of a plane heading into the pentagon.  The 5 frame "official proof" certainly doesn't show a 757 crashing into the Pentagon.  100 witnesses that saw a 757 plane hitting the building?  They could have easily found plane wreckage if there was another aircraft used which is one of the theories.  They only claimed to have found some plane wreckage, as the rest of it "inside the Pentagon" incenarted, yet eyewitness reports say they found luggage inside the pentagon.  Must get the brand, sounds like they should start building planes out of the luggage material.

Fact is, I don't know too much about that point so I generally choose to talk about what I feel strongly about, but it seems strange that forewarned people didn't have the foresight to capture images of a plane heading into a building where they worked.

did they know it was heading towards the Pentagon? has this been proven? there was alot of confusion that day.
Did you read the timeline?

I bet if a dog walked past and started humping somebodies leg they would all have it on camera, but a plane hitting their building, no?

so you think if something isn't caught on film ,it didn't happen,very strange logic.
No, I am suggesting that if America was under attack, reports of a plane hijacking heading towards Washington that somebody would have got some vision of it.

You can have all your eyewitnesses that you like, but what you can't do is suggest a number of eyewitnesses that saw something different.  Just because the media show one thing, doesn't mean that is the only thing people have "witnessed"..

they all saw a plane, no one saw a missile,not rocket science is it?
Oh dear, is this a real comment?  It is not rocket science is it?  You certainly haven't refuted my post with your response.  Yes, they are showing people claiming to have witnessed a plane.  No they aren't showing anybody else.  Just because there is no vision of people witnessing a missile or different plane doesn't mean they don't exist right.  Very strange logic you will call that, just look up to the last quote. Have a listen to this audio of a lady 35-40 feet from the impact and her version of what she saw, what she didn't say, and what she wasn't prepared to lie about when directed to do so.  Strangely enough, she wasn't interviewed.  Hmmm  Keep your eyewitnesses, people doing their job as directed does not mean they witnessed anything. 

And also, please stop with your big quote posts unless you actually plan on saying something in them.  As of yet, you have said very little, yet take up pages on the thread.

this is your opinion and you have no evidence to back it up.I will keep refuting you and other CT's point by point, thank you very much.
But you are saying the same thing over and over.  Why not just quote a whole post and post the one reply rather than wasting all your time quoting every point and using your single reply.
Report Angel Gabrial September 14, 2011 11:53 AM BST

Still not answered my question.

Is this your only occupation?
Report Sunset Cristo September 14, 2011 5:29 PM BST
easter wrote Momm speaks much sense.


Sunset does have a habit of ruining any decent debate with his awful c+p'ing. Even though I'm on his side of this argument, I find myself wanting to believe the Truthers!

you are being rediculous, if you don't like me c+p'ing then block me.You are a troll and have added nothing to this debate,you haven't even got involved, just slagged me off.welcome to my blocked list,I've got better things to do than read your crap.I won't throw you in the briar patch though,as you is local.

The only way you'll ever stop him (and it's a longshot given his mental state) is to totally ignore everything he posts and not get involved in replying to him.

You're wrong here tho Momm - just ask for evidence of one of the miracles of Jesus Christ, our Lord. He reckons he's posted it loads of times but I always miss it. Probably because it's in one of his interminable c+p's

no I have never said this,you are making things up.i have posted evidence of God's existance though.
Report Sunset Cristo September 14, 2011 5:33 PM BST
gene wrote It's interesting how SC and Pandorica continually call anyone who doesn't believe the official version liars.
Never do any of the ct'ers on here call them liars

of course you have by the very definition,me and pandy believe a plane hit the Pentagon.that by definition means we are lyers according to you.

I'm sure that one of you amateur psychologists on here can make something out of that.
Report Sunset Cristo September 14, 2011 5:35 PM BST
ag wrote Cristo

Again. Is this your only occupation?.

what are you tripping on?

You can not be doing this for your own benefit

I am interested in 9/11 and I get a kick out of proving CT's wrong ,it's not hard.
Report Sunset Cristo September 14, 2011 5:39 PM BST
slarty wrote James Corbett summing up the case against the official narrative in less than five minutes:

you have put this up 3 times now, is it supposed to be a joke?
Report Sunset Cristo September 14, 2011 5:42 PM BST
Ag wrote How did the wings of the planes slice through the steel beams and floors. What are the wings made from

so you think there is too much damage at the TT,but not enough damage at the Pentagon,hmmm.
Report Sunset Cristo September 14, 2011 5:44 PM BST
epic ,I think you will find the CT's rarely answer questions, they like to ask questions, they have no answers.
Report Sunset Cristo September 14, 2011 5:47 PM BST
AG wrote Epicurean you seem slightly unbalanced..

I merely asked a question. Asking a question does not mean that i am mental. Can you answer the question

I have been asking you questions AG since last year, so this is a bit rich coming from you
Report Sunset Cristo September 14, 2011 5:52 PM BST
alpha wrote Terrorist pilot Mohammad Atta blew up a bus in Israel in 1986. The Israelis captured, tried and imprisoned him. As part of the Oslo agreement with the Palestinians in 1993,Israel had to agree to release so-called 'political prisoners.'

However, the Israelis would not release any with blood on their hands. The American President at the time, Bill Clinton, and his Secretary of State, Warren Christopher,'insisted' that all prisoners be released.

Thus Mohammad Atta was freed and eventually thanked us by flying an airplane into Tower One of the World Trade Center . This was reported
by many of the American TV networks at the time that the terrorists were first identified.

It was censored in the US from all later reports.

this is an urban legend.
Report Sunset Cristo September 14, 2011 5:56 PM BST
gene wrote Epic
I think your remark of "simpletons" is a bit of a cheek tbh.
Your fellow travellers,as you put it,are the religious nut,Sunset Cristo and the malevolent super-ego Pandorica

more abuse, yet more evidence that you have lost the argument again.

You are clearly a bit dim and naive,so,as I say,you have a bit of a cheek

yet more evidence you have lost the argument,why can't you just deal with the  evidence that I and others  have raised and stop ignoring the really are being dishonest.
Report Sunset Cristo September 14, 2011 5:59 PM BST
slarty wrote epicurean, do you have any response, rational or otherwise, to the video? Ad hominem attacks are so unconvincing

perhaps you could tell that to your fellow CT's and MOMM+Easter as well.time to leave the play ground mentality behind and deal with the evidence.A lot people on this thread need to grow up.
Report Sunset Cristo September 14, 2011 6:06 PM BST
gene wrote Of course,the Greatest Ever Irony,here on chit-chat,is the fact that Sunset is The Chit-Chatter Who Has Posted The Most Ever Replies Asking For Evidence,while believing in God

this is irrelevant gene, another of your Diversionary tactics.I have posted evidence for God many times,perhaps you should get invovled in one of the God debates some time and I will crush your "arguments" like I have in this thread.I say arguments ,of course they are not arguments ,just assertions.
Report Sunset Cristo September 14, 2011 6:11 PM BST
BJT,you really should enbolden or use italics if you are going to C+p like that,unless you just want to cause confusion and stop me replying,is that your agenda?
Report Sunset Cristo September 14, 2011 6:12 PM BST
AG wrote Cristo

Still not answered my question.

Is this your only occupation

it's a silly question and I will start answering your questions when you start answering mine,know what I mean?
Report Gene Hackman September 14, 2011 7:39 PM BST
gene wrote It's interesting how SC and Pandorica continually call anyone who doesn't believe the official version liars.
Never do any of the ct'ers on here call them liars.

of course you have by the very definition,me and pandy believe a plane hit the Pentagon.that by definition means we are lyers according to you.

It doesn't mean that at all.I genuinely don't think you and Pandy are liars.I've never called either of you liars.
I do think you're very wrong in believing the official version though,but liars?
Report slartybartfast September 14, 2011 9:42 PM BST
Sunset Cristo 14 Sep 11 17:39
slarty wrote James Corbett summing up the case against the official narrative in less than five minutes:

you have put this up 3 times now, is it supposed to be a joke?

Ermmm. No. As stated, it's just a quick summary of the case against the official narrative. Do you have any comment on its content or are you just going to make fatuous comments?
Report slartybartfast September 14, 2011 9:53 PM BST
Sunset Cristo
14 Sep 11 17:59
slarty wrote epicurean, do you have any response, rational or otherwise, to the video? Ad hominem attacks are so unconvincing

perhaps you could tell that to your fellow CT's and MOMM+Easter as well.time to leave the play ground mentality behind and deal with the evidence.A lot people on this thread need to grow up.

I'm not responsible for what other people do.

I've never been interested in personal attacks, mockery, mudslinging, etc, though I have sometimes been the subject of these. A point of debate should stand or fall on its own merits. Not because of the cleverness of someone's insults, or similar. I'm interested in debating ideas using reason, logic and evidence. Personal attacks always detract from the search for truth. (Cue the oh-so witty and useful mockery)
Report BJT September 15, 2011 4:11 AM BST
Where is this "evidence" of gods existed posted?  In which thread, I couldn't find anything.

Should be comedy gold no doubt.  :)
Report Sunset Cristo September 15, 2011 11:48 PM BST
gene wrote It doesn't mean that at all.I genuinely don't think you and Pandy are liars.I've never called either of you liars.
I do think you're very wrong in believing the official version though,but liars?

me and pandy are saying a plane crashed into the Pentagon, if that didn't happen then we are liars.
Report Sunset Cristo September 15, 2011 11:51 PM BST
slarty wrote Ermmm. No. As stated, it's just a quick summary of the case against the official narrative. Do you have any comment on its content or are you just going to make fatuous comments

you have posted it on 3 different threads, one on the politics forum.As for the video, some of it is true and some isn't.
Report paradox and equilibrium September 15, 2011 11:54 PM BST
Sunsets evidence of the existence of God was posted, but you need faith.
Report good value losers September 15, 2011 11:55 PM BST
i'm sorry i can't be bothered to read this entire fred, but am curious what the prog had to say about the way id from the pilots seemed to miraculously survive the crash and destruction, to be conveniently found very soon afterwards.
Report Sunset Cristo September 15, 2011 11:57 PM BST
slarty wrote Sunset Cristo
14 Sep 11 17:59
slarty wrote epicurean, do you have any response, rational or otherwise, to the video? Ad hominem attacks are so unconvincing

perhaps you could tell that to your fellow CT's and MOMM+Easter as well.time to leave the play ground mentality behind and deal with the evidence.A lot people on this thread need to grow up.

I'm not responsible for what other people do

I never said you was,but if you are going to pull some one up for making personal attacks on you,why not say something when the CT's do it?

I've never been interested in personal attacks, mockery, mudslinging, etc,

neither I am, this is one thing we are agreed on,I have always found you one of the more sensible grown up posters on these threads.

though I have sometimes been the subject of these.

I have many times,there are a lot of trolls on the tinternet,they are best ignored.

A point of debate should stand or fall on its own merits.


Not because of the cleverness of someone's insults, or similar. I'm interested in debating ideas using reason, logic and evidence. Personal attacks always detract from the search for truth. (Cue the oh-so witty and useful mockery)

at last we are singing from the same hymn sheet.while we are talking about evidence, what do you think went into the Pentagon?
Report paradox and equilibrium September 15, 2011 11:58 PM BST
The passport bounced off the black box recorder just before it was vapourised, and fluttered to the ground intact. It was quite lucky really.
Report Sunset Cristo September 15, 2011 11:58 PM BST
p+e wrote Sunsets evidence of the existence of God was posted, but you need faith

Report Sunset Cristo September 16, 2011 12:00 AM BST
losers wrote i'm sorry i can't be bothered to read this entire fred, but am curious what the prog had to say about the way id from the pilots seemed to miraculously survive the crash and destruction, to be conveniently found very soon afterwards.

this was not can be seen though from the videos that many objects wents straight through the buildings.
Report paradox and equilibrium September 16, 2011 12:00 AM BST
I.e it's not anywhere you can see it, but you should never doubt it's there.

HTH you mug.
Report Sunset Cristo September 16, 2011 12:03 AM BST
P+E you are changing the subject again,a typical troll tactic.I suggest you take a look at one of the God threads,plenty of evidence there.thats very convincing P+E ,insulting me.
Report paradox and equilibrium September 16, 2011 12:03 AM BST
Sunset wrote. "Forgive them father, they know not what my mummy told me".
Report Sunset Cristo September 16, 2011 1:06 AM BST
As i said before P+E I was not brought up in a Christain home, sorry if this shatters your silly delusions.
Report brigust1 September 16, 2011 6:25 AM BST
Posters try to be civil with Christo but he/she just reverts to type. A loudmouth and a bully. There is no place for his/her like on this forum. You are destroying every thread you go onto reducing it to him/her and only him/her. It is a pity because some of the discussions are enjoyable and allow other forum members to offer personal views on a whole range of subjects.

If he/she continues to disabuse everyone around you then he/she will find himself/hrself isolated and alone. Every thread he/she goes onto disintergrates into a list of accusations by him/her on other posters.
Report Sunset Cristo September 16, 2011 2:32 PM BST
You are the one who is making false accusations against me.
Report Gene Hackman September 16, 2011 7:39 PM BST
SC and pandy are saying a plane crashed into the Pentagon, if that didn't happen then we are liars.

That's your problem isn't it SC.It's completely black or white with you all the time,which would go some way,to me at least,to explaining your religious beliefs too.You don't even recognise that having an opinion on something and being proved incorrect later on doesn't make you a liar.
Report Angel Gabrial September 16, 2011 10:07 PM BST

The wings of the planes which apparently smashed into the twin towers were made from aluminium. Can you explain how they sliced through steel H & C beams.

I have never mentioned the Pentagon, so quit with the lies.
Report paradox and equilibrium September 16, 2011 11:16 PM BST
Oh dear Sunset, that really does make you inexcusably gullible and backward. You had no religeous influence as a child, but in adult life decided the "evidence" for God was overwhelming. Please, share with the forum this evidence, since evidence is so precious to you. And don't refer to othet threads. Repeat it here for us now please.

Or alternatively, just **** off you nozzle.
Report YORKYPETE. September 16, 2011 11:33 PM BST
A quiet day today on this thread, most of the posts just consisting of trading juvenile insults.
Maybe it`s time to call it a draw?
Report Sunset Cristo September 17, 2011 2:33 PM BST
gene wrote SC and pandy are saying a plane crashed into the Pentagon, if that didn't happen then we are liars.

That's your problem isn't it SC.It's completely black or white with you all the time

well a plane either did or didn't hit the Pentagon, so yes that is black and white,but I have never said that I agree 100% with the official version ,so in that sense not everything is black and white there are always unanswered questions with events like this.

,which would go some way,to me at least,to explaining your religious beliefs too.

wrong again,many things in life are grey areas.You are making assumptions about me.There are many subjects that I have not made my mind up about because the evidence is not clear imvho.MMGW for example.certain things are clear though if you look at the evidence,what happened in 9/11 for example.a plane crashed into the Pentagon gene, stop ignoring the evidence.

You don't even recognise that having an opinion on something and being proved incorrect later on doesn't make you a liar

A liar is some one that isn't telling the truth ,it doesn't matter if they are sincere of don't know they are lying ,they are still lying.hth
Report Sunset Cristo September 17, 2011 2:34 PM BST
AG wrote Cristo

The wings of the planes which apparently smashed into the twin towers were made from aluminium. Can you explain how they sliced through steel H & C beams

can you read, I said I will answer your questions when you start answering are a hypocrite.

I have never mentioned the Pentagon, so quit with the lies.
Report Sunset Cristo September 17, 2011 2:40 PM BST
p+e wrote Oh dear Sunset, that really does make you inexcusably gullible and backward. You had no religeous influence as a child, but in adult life decided the "evidence" for God was overwhelming. Please, share with the forum this evidence,

already done many times,please get involved in the next God thread if you really want to know, but I think you are being disingenuous and just want to change the subject because your silly arguments have been crushed on this thread, quit acting like a troll and stay on topic.

since evidence is so precious to you. And don't refer to othet threads. Repeat it here for us now please.

this is a thread about 9/11,not evidence for God.not doubt the troll MOMM will acuse me of changing the subject if i respond,of course he won't say anything to you because he has issues with me, he suffers with Christianophobia

Or alternatively, just **** off you nozzle

alternatively you could stop acting like a troll and get invovled in the deabate at least gene+slarty try.
Report man of many moods September 17, 2011 2:44 PM BST
A liar is some one that isn't telling the truth ,it doesn't matter if they are sincere of don't know they are lying ,they are still lying.hth

Wrong. Very wrong. But not totally unexpected.

In order for it to be classed as a lie, it must be deliberate. By definition there must be an intention to deceive.

As long as you believe an aeroplane crashed into the Pentagon, then expressing that as an opinion or even as an assertion is not a lie, regardless of whether it turns out to be true or false.
Report man of many moods September 17, 2011 2:54 PM BST
He's at it again. Laugh

I'll repeat what I posted on another thread:

>A troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.<

And that's what Cristo does. Constantly. It's his entire MO. It's how he gets his kicks. Not only is civilised, rational debate beyond him, but he has no interest in it. His sole purpose in life is to try and wind up as many people as possible with his arrogance and his attempts to belittle other posters. And part of his attempts to get a reaction is to accuse other people of being trolls when, as you can clearly see, he's one of the biggest trolls on here.

I gave up with him a long time ago. I've shot him down in flames so many times in the past, but he just leads you round in circles and refuses to accept blindingly obvious points raised by so many people, repeating the same nonsense time and time again. He still keeps trying to goad me but I won't have anything to do with him now. All I do now is make the occasional post like this one to warn others about him.

It's such a shame for the forum because as you rightly say, some of the threads which he hijacks have a lot of potential for enjoyable and interesting discussion, but he destroys every one of them.

It would be interesting to see a psychiatric report on him. To quote from Fawlty Towers, "There's enough material there for an entire conference!"
Report man of many moods September 17, 2011 2:55 PM BST
As you can see, there is a perfect example of it:

no doubt the troll MOMM . . .
Report man of many moods September 17, 2011 3:02 PM BST
he has issues with me, he suffers with Christianophobia

Wrong again Cristo. Very wrong.

I have no objection whatsoever to people who wish to believe in a god if it gives them some sort of comfort. But it relies on blind faith.

What I object to is arrogant people like you constantly saying that you have evidence for the existence of a god when quite clearly there isn't any. That's why it's a called a Faith. You insult everyone's intelligence by constantly asserting that you evidence for the existence of a god when none exists. If it did, we'd all have no cause to question it would we? It's a simple point but one you either fail to comprehend, or refuse to acknowledge because it would spoil your trolling fun. I suspect the latter.
Report Sunset Cristo September 17, 2011 3:05 PM BST
brigust wrote Oh look. The forum tw a t Sunset Christo is here as well. Another thread bites the dust

it's funny you accuse me of being a bully and you say you hate bullies, but you're the one who is calling me names.I rest my case.
Report brigust1 September 17, 2011 4:12 PM BST
Just exposing you for what you are SC. Change your ways. You must be more intelligent and comminacative than you are. You just ruin thread after thread with your ridiculous attitude.
Report slartybartfast September 17, 2011 4:15 PM BST
Sunset Cristo
14 Sep 11 17:59

slarty wrote epicurean, do you have any response, rational or otherwise, to the video? Ad hominem attacks are so unconvincing

perhaps you could tell that to your fellow CT's and MOMM+Easter as well.time to leave the play ground mentality behind and deal with the evidence.A lot people on this thread need to grow up.

As with irrationality, there is much juvenile behaviour on both sides(ie those who believe the official narrative and those who are sceptical of it).

I seem to be unusual on here in that I willingly acknowledge that I don't know what happened on 911. Most people seem to believe the official narrative or some alternative. To paraphrase Einstein, belief is the enemy of truth imo.
Report Sunset Cristo September 17, 2011 4:37 PM BST
brigust wrote Just exposing you for what you are SC.

You have exposed nothing ,you just continue to make personal attacks on me and refuse to debate the evidence, shame on you.

Change your ways.

Pot calling kettle.

You must be more intelligent and comminacative than you are. You just ruin thread after thread with your ridiculous attitude

I have done no such are making things up.
Report Sunset Cristo September 17, 2011 4:40 PM BST
slarty wrote As with irrationality, there is much juvenile behaviour on both sides(ie those who believe the official narrative and those who are sceptical of it).


I seem to be unusual on here in that I willingly acknowledge that I don't know what happened on 911. Most people seem to believe the official narrative or some alternative. To paraphrase Einstein, belief is the enemy of truth imo

So you think some evidence points to conspiracy and some points to the official version?
Report boggle September 17, 2011 5:47 PM BST
I seem to be unusual on here in that I willingly acknowledge that I don't know what happened on 911. Most people seem to believe the official narrative or some alternative. To paraphrase Einstein, belief is the enemy of truth imo.

In my opinion it has a lot to do with a sense of values. It occurs to me (a believer in the basic official version) that arguments do not rest on the technical aspects of 911, most of which seem to be debatable, but on the sense of values of the individual themselves. I’m inclined to believe that politicians, military personnel, security personnel and scientific experts share many of the values that I do. Therefore, I cannot conceive of a Western politician waking up one morning and deciding it would be a good idea to murder thousands of his own people. Nor can I find it easy to believe that those others mentioned would collude willingly before and after the fact.

Cters seem to believe the values that most of us cherish are absent from those involved in the official version. The experts are liars, or they are payed or plain wrong. Clearly we'd be offended in the same position if someone doubted our abilities or willingness to tell the truth or do the right thing. It seems to me there's an insanity about them believing it was a conspiracy. It has to be like that, because to believe otherwise is too horrific to contemplate being true.
Report Angel Gabrial September 17, 2011 5:47 PM BST

You are about as popular as a wasp at a BBQ.

Aluminium vs Steel?.....which one mangles the other?
Report Angel Gabrial September 17, 2011 6:02 PM BST
Boggle who are the experts that you refer to?

We have scholars, architects, engineers and scientists on both sides of the argument.
Or should we just lean with the ones who are supported by the media and politicians?
Report boggle September 17, 2011 6:09 PM BST
Those involved in the official investigation - NIST would be an example.
Report epicurean September 17, 2011 6:49 PM BST
Boggle , many on this thread do not share your view they have a pathological hatred of America or a warped view of the world .
The truth they say they seek is in reality the truth they want to believe that fits their agenda or dogma.

The CT professionals are clever. They recognized that these type of people offer a good source of income to be exploited with the advent of the WWW.
What happens is these people form a kind of CT  cult .For instance AG says one member of a group called the "truthers" was threatened with death for changing his mind .

That type of mind set is what we have seen in the past from various cults .
Report Pandorica September 17, 2011 6:59 PM BST
I was going to leave this thread well alone - read it, but post no more.
However, lest it be thought that those believing the Commmission report do so based on "a sense of values" (Boggle), I would just like to point out my belief is not based on that at all, (unless you count commonsense, science, mathematics and a respect of eyewitness, video and forensic evidence as being areas dependent upon "a sense of values").
Report boggle September 17, 2011 7:34 PM BST
Well CTers come to exactly the opposite conclusion using the same reasoning, many of them highly-educated, so wherein lies the difference? And why do you have a respect for eye witnesses if not from a sense of shared values? Presumably because if it was you, you'd say what you saw, no more no less. The CTers don't believe them, why? Because they don't believe the conspirators have the same values as the rest of us.

And clearly there's a difference between the nebulous 'a sense of' (my words) and the concrete 'dependant upon' (yours).
Report Gene Hackman September 17, 2011 7:58 PM BST
I've no doubt that many people in Germany in the 1930's thought that their values were shared by the new party that had recently taken over.I've no doubt that many people in Great Britain and the United States also shared those perceived values.
Report Pandorica September 17, 2011 8:17 PM BST
The difference?
Well that's obvious:
The Peloponnesian War
The Vendee
UK Government (in)action during the Irish potato famine
Pol Pot
Hitler and The Holocaust
Stalin's Purges
to name but a few.

You could scarcely believe any of that could happen but it did.

In the case of the FLs you're right to a certain extent. In the same way people have "faith" without the need for evidence, so they have their belief structure despite, not because, of physical evidence eminating from 9-11.
Evidence leads me to believe the 9-11 Commission is overwhelmingly accurate; commonsense does the same; conditional probability does it too.

While I think it's unlikely in the extreme that a Western politician/establishment figure would/could plan the whole 9-11 shebang, that's not the fundamental reason for believing the Commission report. It's inaccurate to suggest FLs and non-FLs are on the same page even there.
Report boggle September 17, 2011 8:21 PM BST
Report Pandorica September 17, 2011 8:36 PM BST
Loop de fruits.

I'm going to leave this thread alone again now.
Report Pandorica September 17, 2011 8:37 PM BST
Or more accurately:
Loops de fruit
Report boggle September 17, 2011 8:38 PM BST
Ah - I'm not up with the correct terminology.
Report Sunset Cristo September 18, 2011 12:33 PM BST
AG wrote (Sigh)Cristo

You are about as popular as a wasp at a BBQ

Oh this is a popularity contest is it, I'm more interested in the truth and evidence.I'm not a sheep,I don't care what ppl think of me.

Aluminium vs Steel?.....which one mangles the other
Report John_Cherry September 18, 2011 4:44 PM BST
'I'm not a sheep'

Oh the irony. Got back from church yet? How was the flock? Cool

I think SC does it deliberately.
Report Sunset Cristo September 19, 2011 2:35 PM BST
if your not a sheep ,then give a rational explanation for your beliefs?not on this thread though, this is about 9/11.
Report John_Cherry September 19, 2011 3:09 PM BST
I was quoting you dummy.
Report John_Cherry September 19, 2011 3:27 PM BST
Actually I take that back. Namecalling is old hat. I'm always grouchy when I get up.
I like the new posting style SC. More reader-friendly.
Report Sunset Cristo September 19, 2011 3:27 PM BST
I could have sworn you said you wasn't going to be replying to me any more, you really need to get over your obsession with me and stop stalking said you was going to block me the ther day as well.Laughyou would be doing me a favor, you obviously haven't got anything sensible to say ,only try and insult me,its like having wedged back he was another troll that preached nonsense.
Report John_Cherry September 19, 2011 3:44 PM BST
I only started chatting with you yesterday! I'd swallowed enough of your nonsense after reading it for a few weeks so thought I'd put you in your place.

I only had to make one point yesterday and keep pressing it home and it's obviously upset you.

Anyway, I said I'll stop chatting with you in the future. That could be anytime.
Report Sunset Cristo September 20, 2011 5:39 PM BST
cherry wrote I only started chatting with you yesterday!

this is blatant lie.

I'd swallowed enough of your nonsense after reading it for a few weeks so thought I'd put you in your place.

Must have missed this ,where can I find this post.

I only had to make one point yesterday and keep pressing it home and it's obviously upset you.

You never make a point,your a troll.

Anyway, I said I'll stop chatting with you in the future. That could be anytime

another blatant lie,you are a troll ,stop wasting my time, welcome to my blocked list.and I unlike you when I say some thing I stick to put that in your pipe and smoke it.LaughLaugh
Report John_Cherry September 20, 2011 7:02 PM BST
I asked for evidence of god. You can't provide ANY but thought that by saying rational argument was as good as evidence you went on your merry way spouting anything but evidence.
The thread was asking for evidence. It was in the title.
I'm sick and tired of people like you who go off on tangents.
You have posted plenty of guff about your faith so we didn't need anymore.
It's unsubstantiated nonsense. You repeat it ad nauseum.
Do us all a favour, delete your wiki bookmark and bore off.
Report John_Cherry September 20, 2011 7:06 PM BST
'When I say some thing I stick to put that in your pipe and smoke it.'

That's your problem, inflexibility. And a low I.Q.
Report kefir_man September 23, 2011 12:53 AM BST
I make no claims as to what happened on that day ,but I have a few observations :

The way that the twin towers fell down ,just round about an hour  after the strikes, does not seem long enough for the fires to have weakened the steel.Much of the jet fuel was burnt up on impact, that seems obvious..
Remember, the towers fell at practically free-fall speed. Even were the fires to have weakened the steel, are we to imagine that the whole building failed globally, at the same time at every critical joist and join ?.. and collapsed like a house of cards ? Everything pulverised ..? Surely in any pulverising there would be slowing down of the fall, would there not (i.e not free-fall) ?

After all, if I cook my dinner in the oven, it does not all collapse from heat after an hour of roasting...and the towers had a 47 strong core let us not forget ; so even had the exterior been damaged ,which we can see it was, then the core was surely still structurally sound and should have remained even after the rest had lost its integrity and fell.

Another interesting thing that has come to my attention is the term 'ground zero'.
Before 9/11 that term was only used to describe the site of an atomic explosion. Since 9/11, dictionaries have been changed to widen its meaning.
On these threads, I do not recollect the nuclear angle having been discussed so I will put it out there along with the name Dimitri Khalezov for those who might like to see his work on this.

“ground zero” n. a point on the ground directly below the center of a nuclear explosion.
Collins English Dictionary & Thesaurus, 21 Century Edition (second edition 2000, ISBN 0 00 472502-6).

“ground zero”. The place on the earth’s surface directly at, below, or above the explosion of a nuclear bomb.
The American Heritage Desk Dictionary (Edition 1981, ISBN 0-395-31256-6).

The WTC7 falling straight down at free-fall really takes the biscuit especially as the commission does not really mention it and NIST do not really know what happened here either.
So some fires and debris damage we can expect from the twin towers nearby...but to fall at free-fall like a house of cards and announced on the Bbc some 25 mins before it fell as actually having already fell's hard to believe that fires and damage could do this.

The hijacked planes were in the air a long time and FAA and NORAD had procedure for these type of situations and fighter jets would routinely deal with this yearly many times each year, for example when a plane would stray from its course they would have jets up there and flanking in about 10 minutes.

Why could they not deal with it this time ? Could the drills & exercises  that mirrored the real-time scenario (akin to 7/7, but that is another issue perhaps)have played a role ?

I will leave it there right now..
Report Sunset Cristo September 23, 2011 4:32 PM BST
kefir wrote

I make no claims as to what happened on that day ,but I have a few observations :

The way that the twin towers fell down ,just round about an hour  after the strikes, does not seem long enough for the fires to have weakened the steel

You are forgetting they also got hit by 2 jumbo jets.the Fire protection coating was not blown off.

Much of the jet fuel was burnt up on impact, that seems obvious..

correct, but you are forgetting the other combustibles in the Towers.

Remember, the towers fell at practically free-fall speed. Even were the fires to have weakened the steel, are we to imagine that the whole building failed globally, at the same time at every critical joist and join ?..

it's called the domino effect.or tipping point.

and collapsed like a house of cards ?

See above.

Everything pulverised ..? Surely in any pulverising there would be slowing down of the fall, would there not (i.e not free-fall) ?

why, there was a lot of weight and gravity did the rest.

After all, if I cook my dinner in the oven, it does not all collapse from heat after an hour of roasting

this is a silly comparison.

...and the towers had a 47 strong core let us not forget

let us not forget it was damaged by the 2 jumbo jets.

; so even had the exterior been damaged ,which we can see it was, then the core was surely still structurally sound and should have remained even after the rest had lost its integrity and fell.

the plane went right through the building,you can see that on the videos.

Another interesting thing that has come to my attention is the term 'ground zero'.
Before 9/11 that term was only used to describe the site of an atomic explosion. Since 9/11, dictionaries have been changed to widen its meaning

not true.

The term ground zero (sometimes also known as surface zero[1] as distinguished from zero point[2]) describes the point on the Earth's surface closest to a detonation.[3] In the case of an explosion above the ground, ground zero refers to the point on the ground directly below the detonation (see hypocenter).

The term has often been associated with nuclear explosions and other large bombs, but is also used in relation to earthquakes, epidemics and other disasters to mark the point of the most severe damage or destruction. The term is often re-used for disasters that have a geographic or conceptual epicenter.

On these threads, I do not recollect the nuclear angle having been discussed so I will put it out there along with the name Dimitri Khalezov for those who might like to see his work on this.

“ground zero” n. a point on the ground directly below the center of a nuclear explosion.
Collins English Dictionary & Thesaurus, 21 Century Edition (second edition 2000, ISBN 0 00 472502-6).

it can also mean
also used in relation to earthquakes, epidemics and other disasters to mark the point of the most severe damage or destruction. The term is often re-used for disasters that have a geographic or conceptual epicenter

“ground zero”. The place on the earth’s surface directly at, below, or above the explosion of a nuclear bomb.
The American Heritage Desk Dictionary (Edition 1981, ISBN 0-395-31256-6).

The WTC7 falling straight down at free-fall really takes the biscuit especially as the commission does not really mention it and NIST do not really know what happened here either.
So some fires and debris damage we can expect from the twin towers nearby...but to fall at free-fall like a house of cards

like I say, its the domino effect, no mystery.

and announced on the Bbc some 25 mins before it fell as actually having already fell's hard to believe that fires and damage could do this.

This is a non sequitur.There was a lot of confusion that day,media often get things wrong when events are unfolding fast ,they did it again when reporting the Libya conflict.

The hijacked planes were in the air a long time and FAA and NORAD had procedure for these type of situations and fighter jets would routinely deal with this yearly many times each year, for example when a plane would stray from its course they would have jets up there and flanking in about 10 minutes.

What is your source for this?Again there was alot of confusion that day, thousands of planes in the air,the USA had never faced a situation like this before,hindsight is a great thing.

Why could they not deal with it this time ? Could the drills & exercises  that mirrored the real-time scenario (akin to 7/7, but that is another issue perhaps)have played a role ?

according to the military it was the opposite, the drills helped because they were already on a state of alert.

I will leave it there right now..

thank you for your contribution.
Report BJT September 24, 2011 5:41 AM BST
After all this, I am sad to say that all I have left for this goose SC, is you are a ****g goose.  You provide nothing intelligible, it seems you just like to get the last word in no matter how infantile it is.

Well derailed.  The whole thread has been turned into nothing more than a "wtf is that goose SC on"....  So well done, goal achieved.
Report John_Cherry September 24, 2011 3:56 PM BST
It's a shame decent posters get put off adding to threads.
It's all been said before about SC. Empty vessels and all that.
Block him, become part of a massive club, BJT
Report man of many moods September 24, 2011 4:16 PM BST
Sunset Cristo     23 Sep 11 16:32 

thank you for your contribution.

Laugh Brilliant!

Coming from anyone else you would probably think that was meant to be tongue in cheek, but as he doesn't have a sense of humour I think we can safely assume he seriously thinks this thread is here just for his benefit.

His arrogance never ceases to astound me.
Report Sunset Cristo September 24, 2011 4:59 PM BST
bjt wrote After all this, I am sad to say that all I have left for this goose SC, is you are a ****g goose.  You provide nothing intelligible,

more baseless assertions.

it seems you just like to get the last word in no matter how infantile it is.

No ,I'm just trying to have a civilized grown up discussion.

Well derailed.  The whole thread has been turned into nothing more than a "wtf is that goose SC on"....  So well done, goal achieved

You and the rest of the trolls have done this.I'm having a debate with kefir.
Report Angel Gabrial September 25, 2011 9:46 AM BST
This is something Pandy has touched on. Also high level levels of toxic chemicals reported prior to 9/11 but this is interesting..

An August 2003 report by the Office of the Inspector General of the EPA claimed that the Bush administration pressured the EPA to remove cautionary information about the air quality at Ground Zero.
Numerous key differences between the draft versions and final versions of EPA statements were found. A recommendation that homes and businesses near ground zero be cleaned by professionals was replaced by a request that citizens follow orders from NYC officials. Another statement that showed concerns about "sensitive populations" was deleted altogether. Language used to describe excessive amounts of asbestos in the area was altered drastically to minimize the dangers it posed.[31]

Critics assert that government officials – notably Bush, Christine Todd Whitman (former head of the United States Environmental Protection Agency), and then-New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani – downplayed the health risks of the area and rushed to reopen the area around Ground Zero, although this posed a grave and immediate health risk to first responders.[36] Many corporations were eager to hear the news of the New York Stock Exchange being reopened only a few days after the collapse.[37] On June 25, 2007, Whitman testified before a House of Representatives committee chaired by Jerrold Nadler. She said that a White House official informed her that President Bush expected that the Financial District would reopen within three days, that is, by September 14. She said that she replied that this would be cumbersome, since the EPA was still judging the health situation in the area.[37] Investigations after the attacks suggest that the Bush administration pressured Whitman and Giuliani to provide health reassurances in order to keep Wall Street operating.
Report Angel Gabrial September 25, 2011 9:52 AM BST
To say that the American establishment hold a disregard for their own citizens ( even after the events of 9/11) is an understatement.

This the mentality of these people.
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