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25 Aug 14 19:37
Date Joined: 05 Sep 11
| Topic/replies: 706 | Blogger: kevinglass's blog
Just started watching it for the last 2 weeks in the UK, it's on Saturday & Sunday mornings live.

It's great to watch, and easy to get the gist of the rules.

What's the score with those team songs they pump out over the tannoy at the end??
Pause Switch to Standard View Friday & Saturday night Footy
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Report VeryLTU August 27, 2014 2:39 AM BST
when your half whacked and the team has just saluted, aussie m8's like to sing the song and show the bird to the opposition.... just like pommies really. This one is a beauty and should be learnt by heart and sung with conviciton after at least six cans of victoria bitter.
Report VeryLTU August 27, 2014 2:52 AM BST
........ and playing your song on your opponents home ground is one of the pleasures in life.........this is what caused the above victory song.
Report wombleoz August 27, 2014 11:14 PM BST
Cheer cheer the red and the white Cool
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