The State Specialized Inspection Agency is working to ensure the safety of child jockeys this year. The State Specialized Inspection Agency has issued a demand to the Federation of Mongolian Horse Racing Sport and Trainers to take several measures to ensure the safety of child jockeys this year. The measures include: 1. Ensure that no child jockey participates in a race without protective gear and clothing. 2. Collaborate with labor inspectors, Confederation of Mongolian Trade Unions, and children’s organizations during the horse race. 3. To remind herders and related associations about their responsibilities in managing risks. 4. Announce to the public if the Federation of Mongolian Horse Racing Sport and Trainers and Naadam Festival Organizing Committee fails to meet standards. 5. Establishment an agreement between jockeys and the Federation of Mongolian Horse Racing Sport and Trainers. 6. Ensure that no child jockey below the age of seven takes part in the race.