Since when has Ottmar Edenhofer ever said anything worth listening to?
i don't know what else lol ffs but your reply... yes ... straight out of julia's handbook ... "don't let the truth get in the way" the IPCC gave him a home page wonder what the IPCC gave Greg ... they do know Greg don't they lol Greg came back from cancun ... told some rubbish to poor Julia and poor Julia got on the national press the next day ... TALKING DOWN real estate on the eastern seaboard he's a dill ... she's a ... she's a ... i better not say lol (but her promise is worth less than a losing tote ticket) but no lol ... i've never istened to otto apart from his wisdom and honesty on cancun |
otto a co-chair of the IPCC
greg a dribbler with a portfolio beyong his understanding julia a less than open honest person ... (no comment on rudd) what a govt we are stuck with ffs |
A government that is in crisis, thebas.
We need change. We need a fresh election. |
jez the pretend puter- saying something on bizillion times won't make it happen. it's a jez the pretend punter in crisis!
They get paid per post.
Well done today Julia, you could see the weight lifted off her shoulders, she is no longer tied by some foolish loyalty to Rudd |
At least I'm frank and honest, AFL/whoopi.
Listen to this diatribe from wombleoz. ROFLMAO...a weight lifted off her shoulders? She looked like a woman under severe strain. Knowing Rudd will strike once and then continue to stir from the backbench. That government is slipping from Labor. That the Labor brand is devastated as is her own reputation. The Gillard legacy: - breaking a promise to never give us a carbon tax. - promising “cash for clunkers”. - proposing an East Timor detention centre, wthout discussing it with the East Timor Government. - crippling live trade exports. - starting an Australia Day race riot. - breaking a wild promise to independent MP Andrew Wilkie on pokies reform. - promising a “Citizen’s Assembly”. - passing a carbon tax that will kill jobs without improving the climate. - wasting billions on “clean energy” proposals. - giving the Greens a $10 billion green energy fund that will be almost entirely wasted. - ploughing ahead with a $37 billion national broadband network that will be a colossal white elephant. - failing to stop the boats, with 740 boat people arriving now in a single week. - flagging consitutuional changes that will divide us by “race”. - lecturing Australians as if they were particularly slow children. - promising to reveal “the real Julia”. - made Kevin Rudd Foreign Minister. - the waste, the waste… and the deficits. Political lapses of judgement and policy lapses of judgement. This is a failed Prime Minister and a failed government. You can continue with your rose coloured glasses wombleoz, but reality is different. You've got every excuse in the book, following Gillard's press conferences and repeating them here word for word as if her words are legitimate. This is a government in crisis and a government that continues to fail the Australian people. The only way to fix the mess is to CHANGE THE GOVERNMENT. |
Wayne Swan on Kevin Rudd:
•Someone with a “Great commitment to the country and fantastic work ethic.” (Interview with Barrie Cassidy: ABC TV Insiders: 16 May 2010 •Someone with “A very good record to put to people at the next election.” (Interview with Leon Byner: Radio 5AA: 18 May 2010) •Someone who was “a terrific prime minister” (Interview with Geoff Hutchison, 720 Perth, ABC Local Radio, 17 May 2010) •Someone who was doing “a terrific job as Foreign Minister” (Interview with Peter Van Onselen and panel: Australian Agenda: 17 April 2011) •Someone who was “Well motivated” and “an important part of our team as we go forward.” (7:30 Report: 28 July 2010) .............................. now on February 22, 2012: For too long, Kevin Rudd has been putting his own self-interest ahead of the interests of the broader Labor movement… The party has given Kevin Rudd all the opportunities in the world and he wasted them with his dysfunctional decision making and his deeply demeaning attitude towards other people including our caucus colleagues. He sought to tear down the 2010 campaign, deliberately risking an Abbott prime ministership, and now he undermines the government at every turn… For the interests of the labour movement and of working people, there is too much at stake in our economy and in the political debate for the interests of the labour movement and working people to be damaged by somebody who does not hold any Labor values. Labor are not fit to govern, they are divided and desperate - and clearly this is a party without any interest in the Australian people, but a party and a Prime Minister in crisis. |
Got to love seeing the Deputy Prime Minister of Australia execute such a vitriolic attack on the Former Prime Minister.
What a team |
Should a federal election be called now?
Yes 82.69% (53770 votes) No 17.31% (11254 votes) Total votes: 65024 - Herald Sun |
Kevin Rudd - Good riddance
Stiff, uncool, ill tempered, self important and never done a days "work" in his life. The absolute textbook definition of a POONCE Should be an "Island" for people like that... |
(65023 votes by the same person)
PS they'd probably try to eat sand if their PA's weren't sent too
is jez a pain in the arse?
Yes 82.69% (53770 votes) No 17.31% (11254 votes) Total votes: 65024 - Herald Sun |
looks like it could be over as early as today, Kevin to make an announcement this afternoon - based on public comments from supporters of each he will get trounced - I expect a scratching |
love the line by Rob Oakeshott - would be willing to look at forming a government with Turnbull
womble and AFL ... please ... do not mention merchant banker and financial cartel 'hip pocket puppet' MT ...
i am still eating breakfast here |
however ...
who was the labor minister (with a beard) who said publically last night that he will not be intimidated by the THREATS (by his own party) against him if does not toe the line of the wishes of the faceless men a divided govt ... a sad indictment of a once proud party who would have ever thought that the party would get so low ... as to publically humiliate themselves with such infighting, bickering, threatening behaviour and if any party now thinks .. it can surreptiously 'stab' a sitting prime minister ... retain that person as a junior minister ... and continue blinddly to think that person will 'belly up' ... should think again it all might blow over if the background threats to 'toe the line or else' take hold but this is a blight on australian politics and this blight will be showcased ... in bold print ... you'd think to all voters before the next federal election a once proud party ... gonski for two decades you'd imagine (not one person in the party who agree to stab rudd while a sitting PM .. or one person who throws thier hat behind julia in the current debacle ... could ever go to any upcoming election and expect not to be exposed as 'party fools' and incompetent to run australia on behalf of its honest, hard-working, taxpaying citizens) sadly |
that was the recently demoted Kim Carr - demoted for leaking, although they weren't as open about it as they should have
there won't be a challenge - Rudd keeps dodging saying he will, he'll check the numbers today and pull the plug imo better get to work, have a great day All |
Now you're criticizing them for being honest.
i assume you mean me afl .. not womble
have a good day womble ... i hope now rudd .. doesn't .. no-one needs this now afl .. is there some honesty behind all this ? ... i'm looking real hard ... but this implosion is all a national debacle sadly |
Rudd will/would Smash Abbott or Turnbull
Should be statues of Rudd and Gillard that we all pray to at night.
When the GFC hit, if they had sat on their hands and done nothing, as the conservatives suggested, we'd be well and truly stuffed!!! I for one am grateful for the continued unfetterd prosperity our beautiful country enjoys All praise Kevin and Julia! |
Rudd will win the vote over Julia, if the members look at the opinion polls this is the only option they have.
Maybe Rudd will step down before the next election but only after Julia is gone and a suitable replacement can be found. |
whoopi, I am glad the weather is fine on your planet, perhaps one day you might consider visiting planet earth.
yes Shiraz. When faced with a truth you can't accept it's best to display a lack of intelligence via a cliche.
Wow, I make a comment about your blinkered opinion and you start questioning my intelligence. I'm not the one suggesting making statues of squabbling politicians.
so we didn't sail through the GFC due to the foresight of Kev and Julia, despite the protestations of a do nothing, she'll be right mate Coalition?
Not squabbling politicians, true Australian folk heroes. |
Well I seem to remember that both sides of politics were of the opinion that a stimulus package was a good idea. The difference was the amount and the timing. My original comment was meant to be light hearted, here on earth some people enjoy a bit of levity.
Creative memory that's the way to go. Lesson in life- don't throw stones if you don't want boulders hurled in retaliation.
Even if i accepted your inaccurate memory Mr. Moselle, history now highlights how incredibly, amazingly right Kev and Julia were. They guided our ship with a steady hand, saving us all from the GFC iceberg, while the coalition smoked cigars and turned their collective blind eye to the iceberg ahead.
For this we should all give thanks. |
The Lib's criticized the Timing of the Stimulus, they said they were going too early,and then said they spent too much, and then said they gave it to the wrong people.
The same three critical reasons it worked. They shirley weren't hoping that our economy would collapse. |
Fk you wombats think & care alot about
a)- a situation you have no control over b)- means nothing to everyday life, it's all smoke & mirrors & as long as they aren't stupidly outlandish there influence over anything is minimal at best. and c)- they are all bland liars. Wow. i suggest some of you might want to start looking for a LIFE |