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Assylum Seekers ...

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Replies: 406
When: 01 Sep 11 10:31
I think we should just abandon places like Christmas Island and let whoever lands there find their own way off, lets call it now Robinson Crusoe Island.

I for 1 have had a gutful of these country shoppers passing through 20+ countries to land here on welfare for life in public housing, whilst pensioners sit at home in the dark shivering because they can't afford the electricity.

We'll have a massive influx of boat people until the libs take over, and that maybe sooner rather than later.

labor are truely finished for probably 20 years, if ever we needed a lesson in how NOT to run a country, labor delievre dthat with precision, probably the only thing they did right was prove to a generation of people just how incompetant they are.
When: 01 Sep 11 10:35
It really sickens me to read that kind of tripe GCI. Not the political stuff, you're entitled to your view, but if you've ever been in an absolutely helpless situation, ever felt absolute despair, you wouldn't say the things that you just have and have also been muttered below.

Absolute helplessness, absolute despair is the worst, worst, worst place, and even pensioners with no electricity have it a thousand times better.

But we're not talking about taking clothes from the poor or anything ... I really get sick to the core reading some of the selfish things that I have here today.
Proud To Punt
When: 01 Sep 11 10:41
TQ, may I ask what you consider the solution when as a nation, we stop being selfish and do all we can to assist the less fortunate from other countries? Are you suggesting lifetime welfare, public housing etc? I mean, if we make a commitment, it must be followed through with. Would you set a ceiling on the numbers we take in? I take the point you are saying, however I cast doubts on the practicality and viability.
When: 01 Sep 11 10:46
I can understand the kind of things GCI has said, TQ.

Stop being idealistic, just for one minute.

Its not as cut and dry as, let them all come.

The numbers of economic refugee's are extraodinary.

And WHY do they travel past multiple safe countries (according to the UN) to get to Australia?

I appreciate there are genuine and desperate asylum seekers.

But 1) I don't want them to perish at sea on the way here and feed the evil people smugglers.
and 2) The issue of housing, clothing, feeding and providing welfare to these people must be considered.

Its not selfishness, its common sense.
When: 01 Sep 11 10:48
TQ, do you think that these persons travelling here on boats are in that much despair? i would suggest most of them are merely trying to escape poverty & looking for something better. How many people in the world are in that situation? i would suggest it would be billions. Certainly more than we could cope with without becoming a 3rd world country with a handful of rich persons controling our resources.

It is noble to open your borders to all & sundry but it won't be long before we don't have enough to feed or house our own people.
When: 01 Sep 11 10:49
Absolutely correct Kye.
When: 01 Sep 11 10:49
So do I PTP ... especially as I know that the awful comments here are not necessarily in the minority ...

I will post about this later, but the cost to us to help others is nothing, absolutely like what these people must imagine. Like you know the Domain in Sydney, they construct a huge stage and everything every November to stage concerts through the summer, then they dismantle it and then have to buy new grass to lay down ... year after year after year this goes on, when there are football stadiums everywhere, entertainment venues and the like that could easily be used.

Why don't we decide ... no more of that ... Let's donate the few million dollars that that costs to set up, pull down and stuff and donate that to Mali or Malawi or whatever and help out a few thousand people whose lives could be saved instead of creating this constant waste each year watching Carols in the Domain and Symphony in the Domain, Jazz in the Domain, Other music while sipping our drinks and telling refugees in absolute despair to get fkd back to where we can't fkn see them ...
When: 01 Sep 11 10:53
Listen you lot, I'm NOT talking about the SYMPTOM of people arriving on boats ... I'm talking about looking DEEPER and understanding what we can do to help the situation from happening in the first place ...

I said ages ago, stop looking at the finger, look at where it's pointing. I didn't mean to call people dogs that time as an insult, but I am not talking about solving the symptoms and taking all refugees into Australia. I'm talking about looking at why the situation is happening.

This is what "nutty left wingers" do ffs, we look at the root cause rather than the symptoms. We're not idealists, we're realists with a knowledge about how to actually go about stopping a situation from occurring in the first place ...
When: 01 Sep 11 10:53
Australian's are extremely charitable in terms of donating to charity, TQ.
Very generous.

Of course, it'll never be enough.

Fair dinkum, you don't seemt to want anyone to have any fun, ffs.

I say practice what you preach.

Set an example.

How about you quit Betfair, close your account and direct your gambling dollars to an overseas third world country for a dictator to likely squander???

Put your money where you mouth is IMO
When: 01 Sep 11 10:58
When: 01 Sep 11 10:59
Maybe the UN should address the issues in the countries these people flee from..Lets look at the famine in Africa, The UN has taken billions from western countries, Now w hy in fks name hasn't the UN built massive desal plants along the coast of tafrica and piped billions of litres of water into the cvountry where famine strikes, effectively providing irrigation for crops and stock??

That alone could have prevented what we are now seeing.

Now TQ if you were forced to flee Australia, would you go to NZ, Fiji samoa or would you pass through 20 countries and end up in Canada, caus ethats how far these prople trvel to come here.

I often wonder how these afghanis get the money to come here paying 10s of thousands of dollars, when the average daily wage in Afghanistan is about $2USD a day.

My GFs friends father worked in the detention centre at Darwin and lots of these assylum seekers get off the boat in amani sunglasses, ralph lauren shorts and expensive name brands cloths he's even said one supposed refugee had over 100K USD in his back pack.


When: 01 Sep 11 11:01
have you guys ever played tennis against a brick wall ????
When: 01 Sep 11 11:02
Jez, we live in a half converted office. We have no kitchen, shower in the remains of an air-conditioning duct, our toilet is 2 metres from the television, we don't buy much that we don't absolutely need.

We are not tight-asses, we don't want for anything either, we don't waste yet I for one am the happiest I've ever been in my life.

I am on Betfair to earn an income so I can donate my time to non-government organisations that get too little in donations and bugger all from government because they are not mainstream enough.

I am NOT asking people to do what I'm doing, I'm not asking that at all. But if people out there can't consciously understand what they have and what others don't have, and what little it will take to forego something and donate the money, or time, instead of telling the needy to fck off outa their faces ...

What's the score now LIH?
When: 01 Sep 11 11:04
Holy sh1t.

Sounds like tight quarters TQShockedShockedShocked
When: 01 Sep 11 11:04
When: 01 Sep 11 11:05
well we live in shoebox in the middle of the road.Family of 12 ffs.
When: 01 Sep 11 11:05
So before you go telling people to lead by example JEZ ... how about considering that perhaps they already fkn are ...

I'm outa here for the night ... sorry if I've offended anyone ... nite all.
When: 01 Sep 11 11:06
01 Sep 11 10:25 Joined: 25 Oct 10 | Topic/replies: 4,711 | Blogger: TeenQueen's blog
I'd say ... no, but I'd also want to know why they wanted to borrow my car, and how they asked me would make a difference too. If they were in a panic and looked like they needed help, I'd probably offer to drive them, dunno Lazza ... where are you going with this?

Isn't that how we treat asylum seekers?...or am I missing something?
When: 01 Sep 11 11:06
Yeah I liked that sketch too CC ... It ain't bad here actually ... but it's not Pall Mall
When: 01 Sep 11 11:07
I don't see your point ... I'm into helping them ... that's what I said I'd do with my car ... help them if I could.

Nite all ...

No hard feelings to anyone ...
When: 01 Sep 11 11:10
Are you saying we don't help them TQ?
When: 01 Sep 11 11:11
Goodnite TQ
When: 01 Sep 11 11:11
yeah well today there was a bus strike on The gold Coast, i went to the shops and noticed an elderly man stting in the sun waiting for a bus that wasn't coming, I left the shops 20mins later and was still there, I pulled up at the bus stop and told him the buses were on strike, **** he said.................

I drove the bloke home.

TQ does that make you feel better?? or the other day I was wiating to be served at woollies the lady infront of me couldn't pay for her $30 worth of groceries as her card was declining, I slipped the checkout chick $30 to pay for her basics milk bread eggs and some basic fruit and toilet paper.

here we have our own life long tax paying retriress who can't afford to live, and I get very fkn cranky when country shoppers rock up here, assault and abuse detention staff and then have the fkn hide to burn the shelters down, then they get given public housing, free phones food medical and the dole for life, why do you think they come here?????????

becaus ethey know they'll get everything they need, and they can then call for their family to come join the freeforall.

fkn disgracefull if you ask me.

Thats why labor is at 27%, because 73% of the ppl think the same as I do.
When: 01 Sep 11 11:16
i'd say interesting debate but in many ways it wasn't Sad

i'm not a religious person but i do like this saying and think it very apt to this debate

there but for the grace of God
When: 01 Sep 11 11:21
Here is an opportunnity to chaneg the debate.

Those who are for the assylum seekers and against detention.

Tell us

how many should we accept?

where should they be housed?

how much money should they get weekly?

how long should they wait for medical needs?

seems those who are against the current policyies never come up with alternatives, just got to listen to that Sarah Hanson young dillusional fool.
When: 01 Sep 11 11:24
Here we go womble, step up to the plate.

Here is your soapbox.
When: 01 Sep 11 11:25
(Funny you mention Hanson-Young, because wombleoz is one of her biggest fans ffsShocked[smiley:crazy] )
When: 01 Sep 11 11:33
Tell us

how many should we accept?

the numbers that come here are very small compared to those that go to many other places, so we accept those that come and pass the tests re medical, security and refugee status

where should they be housed?

in the community, until their status is finalised - then wherever they like

how much money should they get weekly?

basic living expenses paid until they are able to find work

how long should they wait for medical needs?

emergency treatment should be provided if required, otherwise until they are found suitable to stay
When: 01 Sep 11 11:47
Wombleoz supports the Greens approach.

Basically a free for all.

Of course, they suggest that under this policy, the numbers won't rise[smiley:crazy][smiley:crazy][smiley:crazy]

As well they also morph into the "Chief Mourners" when tragedy strikes a rickety boat sailing here.
Yet their policy encourages people smuggling and travel to Australia in leaky boats.

Basically wombleoz and The Greens want open borders.
Along with Centrelink grants for all asylum seekers (OF COURSE they'll find work eventually[smiley:crazy] rofl)
Basic security and health checks and away you go.
House, food and welfare, and the next boat arrives with more family onboard.

It's not sustainable.
It's deadly, we'll see more people perish at sea.
and it supports people smuggling.

You naive and idealistic, wombleoz.

I hate to use a cliche, but charity starts at home.
I bet the homeless in Melbourne tonight, as you tuck into bed womble would dream of entitlements provided to asylum seekers....or in most cases these days, economic refugees.
Lets Elope
When: 01 Sep 11 12:32
Shove your soapbox up your arse sideways you imbecile, TQ.

Fact, this country has neither the infrastructure, water, power, etc to support a large population as the vast majority of our population reside on the fragile coastal strip, which is already carrying too big a burden, without destroying our quality of life and the environment we live in. Nor do we have the financial resources to support every johnny come lately who somehow has no problem paying smugglers to bring them here and rock up dressed like they have just come off the plane from a holiday in Bali who then show their gratitude for the free medical support, free food, lodging, legal services etc etc, etc by destroying our facilities.

I would have liked my Gran to get that kind of 24/7 medical care etc and she paid taxes and worked hard and was a law abiding citizen of this country her entire life.

When our pensioners, the sick, the poor and the elderly and the homeless, the aboriginals etc start getting the help and standard of care and education they deserve from our government then maybe we can look at helping others.
They been throwing money at the aboriginals situation for decade after decade and have achieved virtually nothing, we can't solve our own problems, let alone those of the rest of the world.

Also when the first group of middle eastern refugees mostly young single men starting arriving years ago when they were first interviewed they said they came here for the free university education after 10 minutes with the first refugee advocates their story suddenly became we're seeking asylum.

Increase our intake of genuine refugees by all means from the various camps these people are genuine refugees from war adn famine, and other natural disasters but not the queue jumpers who demand everything be handed to them on a bloody platter and when things don't suit them they then attack the people working at these facilities and destroy the infrastructure of these facilities.

World government you seriously are delusional Hitler wanted a world government so did the Emperor of Japan.Stalin etc so do the muslim religous extremists leaders who prey upon the ignorance, lack of education and poverty of their fellows citizens in order to satisfy their own unbridled lust and thirst for power.
When: 01 Sep 11 15:24
TQ, you may not agree with my attitude but you have not lived my life.

I grew up in the 70s of western Sydney, when i was about 10 i moved to Cabrammatta, now this was the days of the real western suburbs before the first boat people from Vietnam arrived, we had a good life nothing to be afraid of.

Now you would think that the asian people would have been thankful for what the Australian government was doing for them and try to mix with the local residents, but no this was not the case i witnessed first hand how they bullied the local shop owners in to selling up so they could move in to the area.

We had a local 7/11 that had been there for years and every day they would come in and ask the owner, my friends father to sell the shop to them, he said no and every other day windows would get broken or the shop would get robbed.

In the end when he could get no staff to work there for fear of there lives and he was unable to work 16 hours a day 7 days a week he sold.

This story was repeated among many of the business in the area, and when you walk down the street and are referred to as Aussie scum by the low life that we helped when they first arrived from a country that was war turn, now you tell me why i have the attitude i do.

And another thing that the asians brought with then was the crime gangs that started home invasions on the wealthy people that would not be apart of there way of life, there own people none the less well organised.

I remember reading in the paper and on the news that they got 10s of thousands from this house and that house then we started to hear of the home invasion for a few dollars following in the footsteps of these crims thinking it was a way for easy money.

I am not against helping those that we can help, families, children, woman, but boat loads of men arriving from the middle east that has been in conflict with the west for many years thanks to the greed of the US they need to do better checks quick as possible then send the rejects home.

I will agree with you on one thing, religion is the biggest problem the world over, people need to think for themselves and stop following blindly the word of others.
When: 01 Sep 11 22:04
Let's Elope ... you either haven't read a word of what I've written, or as has been the case many times before, you have not understood what I have written.

I know I am not an imbecile and I wish the issue were attacked rather than the people, it really shows a such a low level of intelligence that I'm not particularly interested in conversing with. Similar to Village Kid and Bulldogman who just seem to hang on every word that I type looking for an edge to fire an attack. Please don't do that, it really does detract from a serious discussion.

Please read again and understand I am supporting a view that we look deeper than the symptom of people arriving by boat and try to help to resolve the issues that force these people into seeking refuge in other countries.

I believe that the issues of selfishness in western society and religion are the main stumbling blocks, and I have more than adequately defined what I mean by those things and given background as to how I have arrived at my conclusion.

You do not have to agree, but please don't bother ranting either personal abuse at me, or a barrage of drivel that is absolutely unrelated to what I am advocating.
When: 01 Sep 11 22:14
No_BS ... thank you for clarifying your position. I wished you had've types that to begin with rather than what you did.

I believe what you are saying but would like to draw your attention to how the white fellas invaded "the real western suburbs", a few centuries before "the western suburbs" that you describe, killing a few with foreign diseases, and those that resisted with bullets.

We white folk are all immigrants N0_BS, truly we are, and although the people that you speak of bought violence in a different way, it really isn't any worse than what our people bought just over 200 years ago ... and to make it worse, we now dominate and put statues of the first white invaders in prominent parts of our city, as if we are constantly rubbing it in to those whose ancestors were wiped out by our arrogance.

I'm glad that you also can appreciate that religion is one of our most dangerous concepts.
When: 01 Sep 11 22:28
Visiting one other country than Australia would fall into the category of "not well travelled" and as such hinders any person to make an informed opinion on this subject.
When: 01 Sep 11 22:35
Huge generalisation. The people that did this to your friends father were human, so as a result do you hate all humans?

How do you know that they were boat people? Are all Asians boat people? Does every Australian act in the same way as a standover man, because some of them do?

Does every Asian you meet OWE you respect because you allowed them to settle here, or are they expected  to show and give respect like any other decent citizen.

No BS, i am not calling you any names,nor am I implying that you are anthing but a decent bloke. Just rekon that sometimes it can be helpfull to remember that these people are you and me, they represent all of us, they have families, they want to live in peace and provide for their families just like you and me.

How many innocent family members of these boat people were killed by Australian/USA coalition troops in collateral damage? Should we help them?

Do we not have a responsibility,

How do you know the individual circumstances of every Refugee? How do you know that these "single" men were not taking this dangerous trip alone in order to spare their family the risk of death at sea,in the hope they can be reunited after settlement?

Then they are painted as evil parents because they take their children on this journey?

Go figure. They have been through a hell i hope i never experience. More power to them. IMO.
When: 01 Sep 11 22:45
[smiley:crazy][smiley:crazy][smiley:crazy][smiley:crazy]they want to live in peace and provide for their families just like you and me.

is this what happened in no bs's neighborhood? you dont read very well do you? ffs no bs has valid points to make just re read the story fcol they took over by stealth and we are supposed to just wear it and open the borders so it can keep happening

by all means support charities and initiatives to help people in their own countries
but letting them in en masse to oz is just plain silly and cannot ever work
When: 01 Sep 11 22:46
and what power to them is your suggestion? do tell
When: 01 Sep 11 22:47
Shiraz ... are you serious? Truly? You told me the reason that you were asking this question was not to make a statement like you just have. Then you go and make that statement.

Have you read the remainder of my explanation to your earlier questions?

If so and you are still prepared to only listen to how many countries a person has visited, then I guess you and I have no point commenting further to each other. But I really thought you had more sense than that.
When: 01 Sep 11 22:55
aah another Mother, Mother TeenQueen Love
When: 01 Sep 11 22:57
as usual afl runs away and never answers the tough questions........weak as
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