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Replies: 485
Jez Melb Punter
When: 25 Jan 11 08:37
No question as all - as bad as NSW Labor are, I'd much rather see them back in power than Porky O'Barrell

LTF, no doubt they could've done better and saved a lot of dollars but....

Unfortunately they didn't

One of the most ridiculous posts I've seen in a long LONG time.
When: 25 Jan 11 08:46
If this has been '15 years of the worst Labor administrations this country has seen' why have they been in power for 15 years? I fully expect them to win the next election too.
Jez Melb Punter
When: 25 Jan 11 09:30

If thats an excuse, its an absolute fizzer.

Labor over the past decade have specialised in Hawker spin, lies and deceit.  Its work a treat as the states/territories have been held by Labor during the Howard years.

But they've been found out.

A big re-think required by the Labor Party in terms of election strategies - particularily as the party brand hits an all time low, the party needs dirty deals with filthy Greens to hold power and as Labor governments that remain (including the Commonwealth) continue to flounder and fail.
When: 25 Jan 11 10:27
You make a good point Joel, the Liberal party has kept Labor in power in NSW for last 15 years - the voters haven't had an alternative

I wouldn't know what to do if I lived in NSW - i would struggle big time to vote Labor so would have to try and elect a Green or Independent BUT Labor would be in front of the Liberal no matter what, i'd even vote informal before voting right wing if i had to!!!
Jez Melb Punter
When: 25 Jan 11 10:52
You'd vote for a corrupt party for the sake of ideology.

I'm a conservative, make no mistake - and I'm motivated by an ideology, you could say, I suppose, but certainly not owned by it or willing to sacrifice the public for its sake.

Your ideology is one that is extreme - and its an at any costmovement.  Hidden mischieviously by a facade of "koala-cuddling" and "clean-green-environment".

But anyway, like I say, never had to ponder voting away from the Coalition - because I've never witnessed a conservative government that has dropped to the levels of NSW Labor.

Blaming the Coalition for a Labor Government record is clutching at straws in utter desperation.  We all know the spin, lies and deceit that has become part and parcel of the Hawker-style Labor machine.

It's been discovered by the public now.  And as we saw in Victoria, politics is politics - The Greens play and they've got to cop it sweet. 

I'd expect to see a lot less of The Greens, not just because of  reveresed preference politics (as The Greens have played for a long time) but because with the poor-standing, dirty, little, grubby alliances between Green-Labor - people aren't buying it.

The Greens are responsible for plenty of carnage already in Tasmania - economic vandalism, job losses and plenty of positive business deals turned sour courtesy of Green involvement.
Jez Melb Punter
When: 25 Jan 11 11:06
I'm a Tasmanian at heart.

Spent my early years in Tasmania.  Left at 18.
Incredible environment.  Beautiful people.  An amazing place.

My parents are swinging voters.  My old man is becoming more of a conservative with old age - he continues to comment on the failings of Rudd-Gillard Labor - to which in 2007 he held much hope.

My Mum is a Labor voter. Staunch.  Always has been.
Tho she has abandoned the ALP.  She certainly would not vote Green.
She doesn't trust them.  She voted Liberal at the Tas election.

But Tasmania is a Labor state.  But not in the way you spin it, wombleoz.

You've called it a left wing voting state, which is incorrect.
Green support is high compared to other states/territories, but remember the Hare-Clark system makes life extremely GOOD for the Greens.  A point you conveniently forget.

My parents and my still-kicking grandfather are more or less ingrained Labor voters.  About the worker, the battler and a fair go.

I've had many a arguments with them all about the traditional values of the Liberals - and that these values and that of family and respecting the institutions and symbols that have stood the test of time - are not just preached (like the Labor Party) but are practiced by the Liberals in government.

My arguments fall on deaf ears. Plain

Yet they're not interested in the wacky social agenda of The Greens or the multiple other extreme agendas hidden in the background.

I said to my grandfather at Christmas, will you be voting for Labor at the next federal election, his response, "my oath I will", with a wry smile.

I suggested to him, maybe he could, go Green.

He laughed and said Tasmanian's are by large working class Laborites, this is true, however, they are not looney tune lefties.

Even then, he acknowledged the harm the Green alliance is continuing to cause to the Labor brand in Tassie.  Whether the new female Premier will succeed or not, time will tell.

Interesting to see how the relationship (which was mates-rates under Bartlett-McKim) travels between Giddings-McKim - considering the ALP branch in Tasmania is champing at the bit to fk off at the Greens at the earlier opportunity.

Think the ALP and Libs are on the same page in terms of mutual hatred for The Greens.
When: 26 Jan 11 00:12
you should listen to your grandparents Jez, obviously the smarter generation in your family [;)]

Sure Hare Clarke helps the Greens, it's a much fairer system that actually provides a truer representation of how the people vote.  I am going to have to move to Tassie for a bit, would be great to live in a state that has a such a solid left wing base and very well led by Nick McKim just quietly, the type that is the future of the Greens

I could maybe, at a stretch, have voted for a Malcolm Turnbull type Liberal - but I could NEVER vote for Abbott no matter how bad Labor became
Canberra bookie
When: 26 Jan 11 01:30
Laugh Hare Clark is a fairer system?

Again you miss the point completely wombleoz.

You take a point and run it to the extreme.

My grandfather or my parents for that matter aren't the strong "left wing" voting base you refer to - you think they are - as are many Tasmanians.

They're working class Labor.  But they're becoming disenchanted.
Majorly.  You can scoff, mock and ignore, but its happening.  Not just in Tassie, but nationally.

I almost fell off my chair when Mum told me she voted for the Liberals.

As I say, you can't be told.  Your an extreme left winger driven by a dangerous ideology - its not about people, its about your extreme agenda hidden behind "koala cuddlers".

There's a reason why Bartlett has thrown the towel in Tasmania - and its not because the Labor-Green Coalition is so successfulLaugh

Ffs, you think NSW Labor deserve re-election based on, well, based on nothingness.  Debt, scandal and CORRUPTION.  And wombleoz says, stick with em for another 4 years.  They're not perfect, but thats ok.

Laugh  Credibility meltdown, womble, seriously.
Canberra bookie
When: 26 Jan 11 01:36
The Green vote has hit its peak.

Nationally, including Tassie. 

But yes Green support is higher in Tasmania, with plenty of foresty issues at play, constantly.

You suggest in a two party system, that the Labor and Green vote in your eyes are now combined?   Laugh

Thats news to a lot of people wombleoz.  ffsLaugh

And what happened to the independent third force?


Your a walking talking contradiction.

This year won't be the year of delivery and decision from Labor.

It will be the year, The Greens are exposed.

Tassie and the ACT shemozzle is just a taste, as is the hypocracy from Bob Brown regarding donations.

Bring it onMischief
Jez Melb Punter
When: 26 Jan 11 05:08
Let me say one last thing before I take a bit of break from the forum (but I will return well and truly in time for that special Saturday in March).....

Can I say how utterly disgusted I am in the contemptuous behaviour of NSW Labor and namely, Treasurer Roozendaal and Premier Keneally.

The ruthless Labor NSW machine has completely and thoroughly squandered and acted  the state power assets sale.

All about politics, a potential sale under the Coalition could reap a $15-20b deal for NSW - and clearly the NSW Labor machine, as does the ALP broadly, have decided "whatever it takes".

"Power, AT ANY COST" - in this case, the people of NSW have paid hard for this. 

NSW Labor couldn't bare the thought of a Coalition government undertaking a successful sell-off and any far-fetched political benefits.

Can I say, what a fkn absolute and utter disgrace.
Shame on Keneally, shame on Roozendaal and shame on NSW Labor.

What dispicable governance, with pure contempt for the NSW people.

This is the sort of politics, wombleoz and the comrades enjoy.
Who gives a rats about the people.  As long as we stay in power.

Again, its "at any cost". 

P.S - you want to try and spin this and try and cast blame similarly on the Coalition, look at the economic position left behind by the Howard Government to Labor in 2007 - a stronger, prouder and more prosperous nation.

Labor (and lets not start on the Greens) have no morals.
It's about power, not people.  It's power at any cost.
Whatever it takes.
When: 26 Jan 11 11:38
enjoy your break
When: 27 Jan 11 05:13
Have to agree with you Jez. Wombles post is one of the more ridiculous ones that has appeared on this forum. If you have the capacity to vote against the party that you support, on the grounds that their performance does not deserve your continued support, then that's a good thing.

Those that can't bring themselves to vote against the party that they "love" irrespective of how bad they are, are not only blinkered biased, but they do a disservice to their State and the Country. After all, if the opposition, whichever party they are, don't perform when they come into Government, you have the democratic right, 4 years at a State level, 3 years Federally, to kick them out.

Being blind to a disgraceful performance of a Government, just because you have always voted for them, is the height of stupidity. Frankly, it's a waste of time trying to have a reasoned and reasonable discussion with people like that. So I don't.GrinGrin
When: 27 Jan 11 05:46
i have no problem at all voting against the ALP LTF - i just can't bring myself to vote Liberal Laugh
When: 27 Jan 11 06:47
Jez Melb Punter
When: 27 Jan 11 07:28
You get used to the womble contradictions after a while LTF.

I'm still chuckling about the wombleoz attempt to merge the Labor-Green vote and boasting superiority when claiming that the weak and unstable cobbling of Labor-Green minority governments in existance currently, that are extremely unpopular, is the way of the future.

What happened to the "independent third force" in Australian politics.


The Greens have a lot to learn if they are any chance (and I find it an extremely remote possibility) to become a legit third force.  Extreme, irresponsible, unwilling to be accountable, they live by "do as we say, not as we do" and they despise scrutiny.

I was talking to a mate today who's a Labor man.
About as passionate as I am about my team.  A top bloke all the same.

He said he'd prefer to talk to the Liberals than the Greens.
I agree.  I'd much rather talk to the ALP than the Greens.

The ALP are well aware of the potential carnage ahead with the Greens strongly pushing minority Labor governments to hard-left of centre.
When: 27 Jan 11 07:42
the change is coming, Green Day is almost here Cool
Jez Melb Punter
When: 27 Jan 11 08:04
I'd welcome your thoughts LTF.

You think The Greens are going to start dominating in Australian politics?  The major parties will continue to flounder and the hard-left wing will takeover?


Thank fkn god I'm on a flight overseas tomorrow.
Jez Melb Punter
When: 27 Jan 11 08:06
wtf SideyLaugh
When: 27 Jan 11 08:09
Where are you going Jez?
When: 27 Jan 11 08:14
I'd be happy if they pass either major party or alternatively pick up the BOP in both houses in their own right but i'm patient and will wait

Enjoy Venezuala Jez, heading over for a look at socialism in action [;)]
Jez Melb Punter
When: 27 Jan 11 08:34
Visiting one of my sisters, who lives in London with her partner.

A couple of weeks in Tory territory.  Cool
When: 27 Jan 11 11:09
Enjoy either way Cool
Aussie Punter
When: 27 Jan 11 11:38
Speaking of socialism...fkn funny take up on     click on China video
When: 28 Jan 11 05:26
Jez, regarding the Greens.

My assessment of them is as follows.

They are a lunatic ultra left wing party, that make all sorts of statements, none of which are based on facts, and appeal to the lowest common denominator of our youth, as well as the do gooders, who believe that you should never give an unruly child a kick in the arrrrse, let everyone who commits a crime get out on probation, never hang child sex killers, hate America and Western Society, but wouldn't go and live in Iran, and, who would never build a dam, and cry about climate change while driving their gas guzzlers and like Al Gore, another hypocrite, fly everywhere.

They are a pack of hypocrites that will eventually be found out and become irrelevant. However, this won't happen until the two major parties Libs and labour, can present a set of policies to the public that the will give the public the confidence they need to ensure that either party has the balance of power in both houses. The two majors need to show the same guts that Baillue showed in Victoria, and say that they will not do preference deals with those maggots and will attempt to win Government in their own right.

The trouble is, that power corrupts and that the desire for power makes parties get into bed with the craaap that is the Greens. I hope that in my lifetime, they will become as obsolete as the D.L.P. who played havoc with Australian politics for 30 years.
When: 31 Jan 11 21:15
LTF you are WAY off the mark IMO

Lunatic left wing - they have some of that but the majority are are just left wing and centre left and much less scary that the radical right

No statements based on fact - whatever

Appeal to the lowest common denominator - the actually appeal to those with compassion, if that's the lowest i'd hate to think what the highest is

Do gooders - i agree "do gooding" can go too far but i also remember the days when people doing good were praised not put down

Spanking etc - there is a line but i'd suggest not many want to go back to the abuse from the past

Criminals - need to be locked away but unless you want prisons packed to the rafters we need to look at alternatives - e.g. starting to treat drug addiction as a medical problem rather than a criminal one

Capital punishment - Jez is hardly a Green but anti - i am pro

Hate America and Western Society - in part yes, not necessary for who they are but for what they represent, i.e. the worst elements of capitalism

Live in Iran - why would we?  they are hardly run by a green government

Never build dams - realise dams aren't always the answer and have consequences as well as benefits - there are better alternatives

Climate change - not only greens believe in it

Hypocrites - who isn't?

We'll see what happens - the move by the liberals in Victoria has changed the dynamic and will make it harder but it's not even close to the end for the Greens who we will see the best of after July 1 Cool
secong coming.
When: 01 Feb 11 00:00
We'll see what happens - the move by the liberals in Victoria has changed the dynamic and will make it harder(woohoo) but it's not even close to the end for the Greens who we will see the best of after July 1- agree there they will open everyones eyes up to the looneyness that abounds within them and will ensure tony gets in sooner rather than laterCoolCoolCool
When: 01 Feb 11 11:27
thanks for that Jez, oops Secong [;)]
Jez Melb Punter
When: 09 Feb 11 07:57
Labor NSW's campaign slogan:

"Protecting Jobs.  Supporting Families"


This probably belongs in the Joke of the Day thread.
When: 09 Feb 11 08:01
the dunno, the cash is rolling out now Laugh
Jez Melb Punter
When: 09 Feb 11 08:05
I am so excited about 26 March 2011.

Time to make NSW, number one again.  Cool
When: 09 Feb 11 08:20
number one in terms of public assets for sale???
Jez Melb Punter
When: 09 Feb 11 08:35
Beg your pardon, wombleoz?

I recall its Keneally Labor that has had a fire sale with the state's power assets in one of the most blatant political dog acts ever witnessed in the state.

Short memories you Socialists.

Labor are actually DOING IT, yet you still accuse and vilify the Liberals and they're not even in power yet.  Wake up, morons.
When: 09 Feb 11 08:39
in a limited fashion Jez, if ain't tied down it'll be gone once the Liberals get control
Jez Melb Punter
When: 09 Feb 11 08:49
Desperate wombleoz, desperate.

Alright for Labor, not alright for the Liberals.

NSW Labor has just ripped the NSW taxpayers off by billions for political advantage - and all you socialists can muster is a pathetic scare campaign on the Liberals being WORSE.  Laugh

Sad political sphere you live in wombleoz - and disturbing.
Jez Melb Punter
When: 09 Feb 11 08:51
I had a great belly laugh this arvo, reading through some of your posts - I've seen your comments suggesting the extreme left is better than the extreme right - whats that - according to you, is it? Laugh

We have a live viewing of your extreme world, wombleoz - North Korea - the people truly "enjoy the spoils of socialism" according to Kim Jong-Il.  You must be proud.

Suppose the evils of the Right is, well, the way we live?

The United States of America?

Jez Melb Punter
When: 09 Feb 11 08:53
The most hardened right-wing Liberal vs The Green's / Socialist Alliance......................Confused

I'd suggest your ideology-fuelled extremists are more of a concern for this nation, than the Liberals, oh and the other right wing party in this nation - Family First.  Laughffs
When: 09 Feb 11 09:32
are you seriously comparing the Australian Greens to the North Koreans???
Jez Melb Punter
When: 09 Feb 11 10:01
Where did I say that, wombleoz?  Laugh

Lets not go making things up.

You suggested in a post, on this place, that the extreme elements of the Right are far more scarier than that of the Left.

Which is nonsense.

In Australia we're talking about:

Hard right-wing Liberals vs The Greens/Socialist Alliance Parties

I think I know which has the most extreme elements and is purely, and I say again, PURELY driven by ideology.
When: 09 Feb 11 10:03
We have a live viewing of your extreme world, wombleoz - North Korea - the people truly "enjoy the spoils of socialism" according to Kim Jong-Il.  You must be proud.
Jez Melb Punter
When: 09 Feb 11 10:03
You can't pick and choose wombleoz.

North Korea is a socialist society.

I'm simply pointing out the product of your cause.
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