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*** NSW Election Thread 2011 ***

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When: 02 Jan 11 11:41
excellent post pastie!!!!!!LoveLoveLoveLove
Monday mike
When: 02 Jan 11 14:39
NSW are a spent State, who cares who wins the election.  Shot their load 20 years ago and have never recovered and unlikely to do so in the Next 20 Years, even getting the Olympics could not reunite the spark.
VICTORIA.  are the No. 1 State for population support.
1. AFL Grand Final.100,000 crowd. 2. Spring Racing Carnival(Melbourne Cup, Caulfield Cup, Cox Plate).  3. Australian Tennis Open (Grand Slam event) 4. Grand Prix, World audience. 5. Boxing Day Test.95,000 crowd.
1. Mardi Gra.  2. Sydney to Hobart Yott race. (Its so bloody important I can't even spell it.) 3. Boxing. (Anthony Mundine). 4. Rugby (Lucky to get 20,000 a game, all the big names are coming to Melbourne.)  5. Golden Slipper. (Rosehill, miles from Sydney Central.)
What do the Sydney people do besides say how great they were.?
When: 02 Jan 11 23:01
Probably deserves a thread of it's own Mike - I was born in Sydney and lived there again when i fist left school, i now live in Melbourne having lived in a few other places in-between - Sydney will always have a special spot in my heart. It's a truly beautiful city but it's a rat race, too expensive and very poorly designed in terms of getting to places. 

Melbourne on the other hand is ugly but has a good personality and is easy to get around, provided you live close to town.  Going to events here is simple, get on a train and you're there.  Big difference though is it's so much cheaper here, people can afford to go to things - in Sydney it's easier to head down the pub, RSL or Bowlo and watch a game on the tv with the cheap food and drinks which is what people do - or else watch it home.

In the end I'll retire to the country though, city life is for mugs

TQ and VK - there was an interesting story about the Kibbutz on AM this morning, check it out - about how they are blending socialism with private ownership
When: 02 Jan 11 23:35
Thanks for that Womble, I'll take a look, also, a guy called Eric Kaufmann talking about the religious breeding more than secular people on John Cleary's program last night on ABC Radio. I didn't hear it, partner did while driving his tow-truck, but I've found this interesting you tube video about him this morning ...
When: 03 Jan 11 00:00
thanks TQ - will pass though, I mostly stay out of the religious stuff, best of luck to people that believe they've found their maker (be that whoever, or whatever it is) - they could well be right, I guess we'll all find out one way or the other eventually.

the worry of course is when they start imposing their beliefs on others - i.e. what could happen after the NSW election Cry
Jez Melb Punter
When: 03 Jan 11 00:12

Ramp it up wombleoz, why don't you!

If thats the diamond in the scare campaign its an absolute fizzer.
When: 03 Jan 11 00:21
I feel very sorry for you desperates, you show way to much interest in these puppets with little ablity & even less say in what actually happens in the party room. All players from the major parties are in in for themselves, as soon as you realise this & stop wasting your time you'll all have much better lives
I hope this helps!
Jez Melb Punter
When: 03 Jan 11 00:48
I read Bob Ellis on the ABC this morning saying he believes Labor will win the March 2010 election.

I love the balance from the ABC.  A stack of left-leaning opinion pieces and not a conservative in sight.  Such a reliable source of news as you say TQ.  I mean read Bob's piece on the Drum.


Bob's reasons for Labor's re-election are an entertaining read.  Certainly meets it objective and excites all the devoted Left wing faithful - provides that false sense of hope.

It's like Bob suggests, turn a blind our years of scandalous, corrupt, conflict of interest, resignations and just blatant and chronic incompetence - and look at those nasty conservatives.


The religious extremists are coming!  I tell you what, these days its hard to see the difference between the Labor Right and the Libs.  Laugh

Bob say's no matter our mistakes over 15 plus years.  They're worse.
Laugh  Wtf Bob?

Nothing will save this government.  Nothing.

The best big Bob could do was call Barry O'Farrell, fat.

Oh, ouch!
Jez Melb Punter
When: 03 Jan 11 00:54
Gee storyteller.

How insightful.  All in it for themselves huh?

Never heard those sort of comments before.

Jez Melb Punter
When: 03 Jan 11 00:58
Funny thing about the comments on NSW Labor.

Is there's no reasons on why to vote Labor.

Just petulant reasons as why to not vote Liberal.

I think they'll struggle to retain even the rusted on Labor faithful in NSW - scare campaign or not - people aren't listening to Labor.
When: 03 Jan 11 02:08
there is one major reason to vote Labor Jez, no matter how bad they are, they aren't Liberals!!!

funny thing with the ABC is that if you read some blogs with left wingers they are all bagging them for being too right wing Laugh
Jez Melb Punter
When: 03 Jan 11 02:16
A pretty hopeless political argument that serves only to rally the troops, wombleoz.

Yes, I find it funny.  And its true about the ABC.

(I have to say anyone who suggests the ABC don't harbour some bias need only browse through The Drum)

I know a bloke who is a Labor man, through and through.  We have our arguments, but his a mate and his a top bloke.

But he sometimes seem more right wing than me in his views.Laugh

His part of the Labor Unity faction.

Lot of Labor's woes seem to be coming from them losing themselves.
They need to remember they AREN'T the Liberals.  Laugh

They're the centre-left Australian Labor Party.

Just shows you use the power pragmatism in politics these days!
When: 03 Jan 11 02:41
funny you say that though Jez - I think the Liberals are the ones with the problems knowing what they stand for, are they centre right or right wing??? Sure on some issues they'll swing about just like Labor does BUT how many Liberal Party members really agree with lots of what Abbott believes, and doesn't believe, in???

i do agree though, Labor is trying to be everything to everyone and that will never work - i'd be happy if they were slap bang in the centre but they float right of that too often - but hey, the further right they go the more room they leave for the Greens and Independents and the more chance we have of killing off the 2 party system Cool
When: 03 Jan 11 03:27
Labor will splash lotsa cash and run a hardcore scare campaign on the religious right controlling the NSW Liberals - they'll lose, deservedly so, but not get totally wiped out

Greens and independents will do VERY well

womble, suggest you lay the labor party, the greens and independants will suffer a backlash from the federal disaster.NSW will be a sea of blue.
Jez Melb Punter
When: 03 Jan 11 03:34
I don't think so wombleoz.


Nice try.  But I don't think so.  You've contradicted yourself all over the shop in the above post.  I mean, WTF!

I mean, the Liberals are a centre-right party.  You following?

Of course it encompasses the Right, I mean, [smiley:crazy].  To make comparisons on conviction between the Liberals gliding, debating and pragmatically looking at policies and agenda's between the centre-right and right - and then the ALP going from the Left to the Right is just fanciful and utter nonsense.  Think about it? C'mon!

Makes little to - no sense - at all!

And, if anyone is going to become irrelevent from the likes of the Greens, its the Labor Party.  But politics is politics.  The Greens want to play, they'll have to play.  Maybe they'll have to consider doing deals with their devil (Libs) at the next election/s - following their Victorian showing.

I can JUST, and I mean JUST, handle the ALP.  That's where the war and battle lies politically.  But The Greens are just evil.  They are extreme, devious and extremely cunning & sneaky - seeing them off, from a Lib point of view, would be delightful.

If it hurts the ALP, bonus.  But I hardly see those in the community ( littlelone Lib members) who are centre-right leaning jumping from Tony Abbott (oh no, his views a bit too right for me) to the Greens.  Laugh[smiley:crazy]

Ever heard of pragmatism wombleoz?  Howard had it.  Abbotts got it.
But does Gillard?  Seems like it, with her weak stance on Asylum Seekers........[:x]

You seem to suggest the Labor left are capable of pragmatism but the Liberal right are not.  I mean what gutter trash talk!

Lets be frank.

Tony Abbott is a right winger.
But cut your BS wombleoz.  Julia Gillard is a left winger.
A convenient point you miss!  But I suppose thats ok, isn't it?

I know plenty of Labor Unity men and women who don't at all endorse the hard left wing Labor views of Gillard.  But will they desert the party?  Hardly.  In the ALP, power at any cost, remember[;)].

So.......Lets cut your spin and look at it properly.

Why is Labor failing nationwide?  You can roll out excuses - maybe even blame the Liberals.  ConfusedLaugh

But why?  Really?

Nationally, we can see the Kevin Rudd axing and the following circus - but the real reason, is because, as many senior figures or faceless men say (you know the real powerbrokers in Labor), Labor doesn't know what it stands for anymore, its lost its conviction.  From boat people to climate change. 

Is it a centre-left party anymore?  Or is it morphing into a centre-right party with a handful of moderates?  Laugh

I'll look forward to more of your spin wombleoz but, its the likes of you, that exist within the Labor who say "there is no problem" - that will lead to electoral turmoil.  August 2010 is just a taste.

Julia Gillard was spot on when she said Labor had lost its way!

And make no mistake, its still lost.
When: 03 Jan 11 03:44
MrBen - backing the Liberals at $1.01 or more in NSW will be a safe bet - sadly Cry

Jez, Julia is hardly left wing on plenty of issues - e.g. asylum seekers - Labor's policy is a disgrace.  Any many Liberals would argue it's too right wing as well, it's a shame there aren't more like Petro that are willing to talk out about it

We'll come back to the left as a country soon enough though Cool
Jez Melb Punter
When: 03 Jan 11 04:03

Julia is a left winger.

Your happy to read up on Tony's background and ridicule his convictions and his right wing views and I suppose his faith is something you have a crack at as well.

But as soon as we discuss Julia.  Shock horror. 
"shes hardly left wing".


Course not, just worked for the Socialist Forum in Victoria, has publicly aired her strong left wing views all her life and is a dominant figure within Labor's hard left faction.

I think she is a pragmatist politician.

Most leaders need to be, to a point, these days.

Nothing wrong with conviction though and believing in something.

Problem for the ALP, is they've got nothing and because of the mentality of some...."what problem"!  It really is disturbing considering the election result in August 2010 and the following results from Labor Governments across the nation.

Many voters may not agree with a politician on something, but if that politician believes in it and is passionate and has conviction - they will earn greater respect, than a politican (or party for that matter) that feverishly sways from opinion poll to opinion poll like a weather vane and appears to be led blindly by extreme minoritys, ie. The Greens.
Jez Melb Punter
When: 03 Jan 11 04:08
Petro's entitled to his view.  And unlike Labor, Liberals can cross the floor - another point you famously avoid.

The thing is, the Coalition have a firm view on Asylum Seekers.  Tony Abbott showed impeccable leadership in the points he made following the harrowing loss of life at Christmas Island.

Certainly more than we can say for Julia Gillard.

Kevin Rudd was spot on the night before he was executed by the party.  Labor are a centre-left party and the flimsy policy Labor have currently is blatant pandering to opinion polls.

Plenty of things the Coalition have stood for, that may not have been popular, but they've pushed ahead and stood firm - with conviction, belief and because, its the right thing to do.

I think, not everyone has the ability to lead or leadership skills - and I think Julia is one of them does not possess the ability or skills.
Jez Melb Punter
When: 03 Jan 11 04:11
Stop it mrben.  BlushBlushBlush

Sea of beautiful it will be.

I've got a massive party planned in Queanbeyan, NSW for election night.  Will be huge.  NSW are coming home.

Home to the conservatives. Cool
Jez Melb Punter
When: 03 Jan 11 04:30
Here's an quirky point of interest, considering this is a NSW election thread.

Tony Abbott has acknowledged he voted for Labor in the 1988 NSW state election as he thought "Barrie Unsworth was the best deal Premier that New South Wales had ever had."

Except on two occasions, myself, I can say I have only ever voted Liberal - I lived in regional Victoria and voted National and I've also voted for Family First.
When: 03 Jan 11 09:10
So Tony likes people in cardigans - says quite a bit actually [;)]

Julia has a strong left wing past and is a member of the Labor Left BUT is hardly true to those beliefs, call that what you will but i guess she has to play the game

Tony on the other hand is right of centre as such will always always only appeal to less than half the population, if that group is the right seats he van win, long shot though - Australia doesn't want to go there
Jez Melb Punter
When: 03 Jan 11 09:37

If they can play, so can Tony, wombleoz.  So she's just "playing the game" and Tony's not.  Is that right?  What diatribe.

Its politics for all wombleoz - not just for the Left.  ffs.

Your a walking talking hypocrite.  Not at all surprising.
I thought I was bad.  Your in a class of your own.

And on Abbott appealing to less than half the population, where did you pull that nonsense from?  Based on what polling?

You actually look closely at the figures from the last election?

or did you conduct a straw poll of a bunch of wombleoz friends at a BBQ last weekend or something, wombleoz?  ffs, get real.  Pull your head out of your watermelon will you.  Fair dinkum.

Abbott is just as electable and I would say more popular electorally, presently than Julia Gillard.  And I mean politician popular, as popular in terms of leadership, as they can get.

This is the same nonsense, that you've written above, that the Labor Party were betting on before the election.  Karl Bitar and all the Labor team were telling themselves - his not electable, the public don't like him, his only got a set vote of loyal Liberal votes.

Most of those people now acknowledge there near fatal judgement - following the almost collapse of a first term Labor government.


I mean, are you going to dribble this nonsense until the next campaign?  You going to tell us all over again that he'll make a mistake during the campaign and that Gillard Labor will be a shoe in.

Think its time to admit wombleoz - your wrong.
Ideology or not - your wrong.

Election held now, Gillard loses - for certain.  That's not because I'm a Liberal man - its because thats where this government is at - its on the nose - its lost its way - its lacking direction, agenda and leadership.

All talk, no action.  The Rudd tradition continues.
This year, 2011 is the year, says Gillard.  Laugh

Delivery and Decision - I'd throw a third D in there - Desperate.
Thats what it sounds.  Desperate.

Question is, can Labor pull it together, and can Gillard get into gear and actually define her government?

I'm betting not - a carbon tax one hell of a way of winning over those "working families" (for a poorer choice of words) who dumped Labor at the last election - leaving this pathetic government without a majority and a bloodied and stabbed first term PM.

And guess who those working families voted for wombleoz?

Tony AbbottShockedShockedShocked

Thats right.  Shock fkn horror.

Jez Melb Punter
When: 03 Jan 11 09:38
Love it how you suggest Australia doesn't want to go there - yet you suggest they want to go Left - based on what exactly?

The last election.

Diatribe at its purest, wombleoz.

When: 03 Jan 11 09:41
question is can Tony, please forget all my past, keep it together Laugh

we'll see

only good thing about the nsw election is we'll get to see more of KK Cool
Jez Melb Punter
When: 03 Jan 11 09:48
Whats to suggest Gillard can keep it together?

Here's something for you wombleoz.  SHE IS THE GOVERNMENT.
It's a Labor Government and last time I checked its not election time, I think most people out there in the real world, want to see strong government - not pathetic diatribe about the Opposition.

Thats right.  The Opposition.

ffs wombleoz.....Laugh

She's just knifed a first term "Kevin07" PM, she's almost lost government, she's in a hung parliament, she's shown zero leadership on the Christmas Island disaster and the polls are showing her no joy.

No wonder your optismistic.  Laugh

Oh and you want to talk about the past wombleoz.
Again, it's all convenient isn't it?

Look up Julia Gillard's past.
She's Abbott's exact opposite number - a Left winger.  And she has a very colourful past.  She's been just as vigorous in her views as Tony Abbott in his views.

Think you'll find the reason why the ALP didn't go hard ball on that exact topic is because they knew it was nullified by the fact Gillard is the exact same, but opposite side.
When: 03 Jan 11 09:48
These political forums are entirely pointless.Jez and Womble are just like millions of people out there.They believe what they believe.Jez could come up with millions of words to support his arguments.They could all be 100% correct.Womble would still not agree.Never.Conversely Womble could raise the most persuasive and compelling arguments to support his case amd Jez wouldn't want to know.
When was the last time you had a political discussion with someone and they suddenly said to you 'hey,you know what,I think you're right.I've been getting it wrong all these years'.Never.
It's all just a waste of effort.
Until Australians grow some balls and do something about the things they believe in nothing will ever change.What do I mean by do things? I mean put a 100000 people in the street to protest.Use bombs.Shoot their enemies.Firebomb places.Total insurrection!! Yeah baby!!
Jez Melb Punter
When: 03 Jan 11 09:59

I agree in part DA.  But without the firebombs and shooting.  LOL.

Australian's are really not very participative in politics - I think the parties are to blame in part.  All parties are suffering from low membership numbers.  But there's not much happening to invigorate people................

Only thing I appreciate the Kevin07 campaign for, was it invigorated people to participate.  Unfortunately, it meant the end for one of Australia's greatest Prime Ministers. Cry

But look I can be objective.  In my work I've got to be a realist.  No use telling someone information - politics is brutal, you can't afford to be polite to be comforting.  You have to be blunt.

Though, I refuse to be too objective with wombleoz around. [;)]
His extreme views, disturb me.  Silly
Jez Melb Punter
When: 03 Jan 11 10:01
That should be,

No use telling someone information that's just wrong.

Seriously can't type or spell to save myself on this forum.
When: 03 Jan 11 10:07
What is the point of arguing your case to Womble he'll never agree.
I could say the same to Womble about you.
Jez Melb Punter
When: 03 Jan 11 10:14
Thats true DA.  Very true.

I enjoy the debate.  The banter, you could say.

I love politics, what can I say.

Listening to wombleoz steels my passion for my beliefs even more.
When: 03 Jan 11 10:15
What sh*ts me is Australians never DO anything.They just whinge.In other countries if they're getting screwed they get nasty.They smash and burn.
For example in Italy before Mussolini big shops were overcharging.The common man couldn't cope with the price hikes.Did Mussolini and his followers just hand out how to vote cards and write a letter to the editor?Fvck no!They did something about it.They burned down the shops and said Fvck YOU! We aint gonna take it.
Unless Australians start thinking like that then they may as well get used to bending over and copping it.
Aussie Punter
When: 03 Jan 11 10:59
France ,Italy etc  are built off a  socialist base ... DA ...

I read the other day that a loaf of bread by the time it hits the shop floor ...half of it is tax
I imagine this to be across many things
We are being screwed

Qld Floods to send the country into a deep recession ? It is a absolute mess up here
When: 03 Jan 11 20:18
The floods are awful AP, my thoughts and best wishes to all - it's a sad thing when the figure that will focus people's interest is the one that came out today - i.e. they expect them to cut .5% off our growth due to delaying coal and farm exports.

DA - i hate nothing more then when the protests get violent but love a good protest - I've hit the streets a couple of times with HUGE crowds, the first to protest the invalid invasion of Iraq and the second around Work Choices

As to no point in arguing - probably true, but I'd miss it terribly LOL
When: 04 Jan 11 22:50
Jez Melb Punter Joined: 25 Oct 04
Replies: 3656 03 Jan 11 04:30   

Here's an quirky point of interest, considering this is a NSW election thread.

Tony Abbott has acknowledged he voted for Labor in the 1988 NSW state election as he thought "Barrie Unsworth was the best deal Premier that New South Wales had ever had."

Except on two occasions, myself, I can say I have only ever voted Liberal - I lived in regional Victoria and voted National and I've also voted for Family First.

so. you just created this thread to post propoganda on behalf of the liberal party? are they paying you to espouse their views? what nsw electorate are you enrolled in jez?
Jez Melb Punter
When: 05 Jan 11 06:50
Thats right, I'm the only one with views of a particular persuasion.

You sound like a one-eyed wonder as well Story_teller.

Jez Melb Punter
When: 05 Jan 11 06:53
I created this thread for the same reason as the other political threads I've created.

I'm pretty sure when you include someone like wombleoz and AFL - I'm pretty sure there's a lot of balance in terms of Liberal v Labor-Green.


Why don't you have a crack at them, seeing your on a roll......Silly
When: 06 Jan 11 03:08
jez, if you have a look at my original post, you will see i had a crack at one eyed posters of each political persuasion. I just singled you out specifically after you chose to respond & then showed you are only here to post propoganda. I just can't understand why you waste your time. It is not a debate, it is one eyed, blind followers that are cult like trying to outpropoganda each other
i swing vote, i think both sides do a reasonable job & basically hold the same views.
but both are spineless vote chasers who will say anything, they are mere puppets, ho's for votes
just trying to help you get a balanced life & view. you obviously need it
Jez Melb Punter
When: 06 Jan 11 08:05
Laugh I'm in need of a balanced life and view!


I'm well aware of the other views out there, thanks, lol, and I've taken some years to formulate my views, beliefs and opinions and the party (or not) that best represents by values and ideals.

I was never going to be a knocker, whinger or moaner.  I used to listen to them when I was growing up, friends of my old man.  You know, the usual politician-bashing.  My own view, was that, I prefer to get in there, as our system allows and have a crack - and thats exactly what I'm doing.

I've heard it all thousand times over - I'm not going to apologise for passionately backing my side - even if you want to call it propaganda or cult-like following.  I am one-eyed, as are many other members of a variety of political parties - I'm not alone.

I also support two great footy clubs - with similar passion.  [;)]

I work within politics Story_Teller.  I'm not a politician, but one day, maybe.  I do it because I love it.  My job is not like a job, its a hobby, the way I've always wanted it to be - I have no problem bouncing out of bed at 5am every day -  I live and breath it, I love my job BUT, on the flip side I have a family - so I balance it as much as possible.

So when you say, a balanced life and view.  I have an excuse, I'm amongst it day in and day out.  But I've always said (and its funny people miss this) I have my grievances with the Liberal Party, don't worry about that, they are not perfect - like any party - but I'm a member and I have my say where I can, hopefully helping to mould the party into a better position, not just politically but also to serve the best interests of the nation.

I think we've seen what heavyhanded spin can lead too.
Case in point, the Kevin07 machine. 

Respect, electorally, can be enhanced greatly, I believe, by dropping the spineless vote chasing (often brought about by too many spin doctor public servants and internal research/polling), as you call it and standing by the beliefs and values you hold dear.

But its a tough business.  I often sit back and wonder when I hear people having a crack at the politicians pay packet.  These are men and women, who by and large, from all persuasions could be earning (if you want to talk finance) a damn size more in the private sector.

I mean the sacrifice (family), time (years, days, hours) spent, media examination, stress, responsibility and so on is excruciating.  Yes there have been leeches - but by and large the men and women across the Parliaments of Australia well and truly earn every penny they get.

I doubt I'd make the sacrifices the people I know, in the game do, if I didn't have a strong set of values, beliefs and aspirations for this great country - and a passion for making a difference.

Anyway....bottom line, this is a political thread with political propaganda (part and parcel of politics) and voluntary participants - I think most of us enjoy the banter, discussion, occasional debate and issues that pop up on these varied political threads. 

I said in another thread (or maybe this one) a while ago.  I'd love to see a drive for political participation in this country.  Labor, Liberal , Green even bloody Socialist Alliance - get involved!  Don't whinge about it, I say - our system allows you to hold public office - candidacy as an indepedent will cost you a few hundred bucks and half an hour at your local AEC office.

Anyway.  Thanks for your thoughts Story_Teller.  Thats what the forum is all about........Cool
Jez Melb Punter
When: 06 Jan 11 08:11
P.S - if you'd rather take the "if you can't beat em, join em" attitude.  The AEC pays 231.191 per vote to candidates who achieve 4% or more of the first preference vote.

Not as hard as you think to achieve.

Many candidates today fail to do the basics.  Get too caught up in the social media nonsense.  Old fashioned door-knocking is the best way of interacting with electorates.

Pound the pavement!
Jez Melb Punter
When: 06 Jan 11 08:11
That 231.191 cents per vote.
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