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*** NSW Election Thread 2011 ***

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Replies: 485
Canberra bookie
When: 02 Jan 11 06:06

Yes comrade TQ.

Tell us where there is successful socialism in play around the world?
Please enlighten us. Confused

I know exactly what socialism is - I've read about it for years.  Many Australian's are familiar with socialism and its dire consequences/failures worldwide.  You seem to play everybody for fools.  Oh those nasty conservatives and their scare tactics.  LOL  [smiley:crazy]

Suppose the free and open media are also to blame! [;)]

You know, the old 'red under the bed' campaign was used to highlight an important point - the depressing failure of communism and in my opinion, its sister cause, socialism.

I mean, nasty little scare tactics from the conservatives - is that the best you've got to defend the almighty socialism perspective? 

And to me I wouldn't say its a filthy dirty concept, but a highly unsuccessful political theory - that leads to nothing more than poverty, misery and in some cases terrorism.  And where there is an elite minority - you know, the faithful and loyal few who are powerful and have 'control'.
Canberra bookie
When: 02 Jan 11 06:13
P.S - I say, if socialism is so good.

Why put up with Australian life TQ? 

Make the move to North Korea and absorb the blessings and spoils of socialism.

When: 02 Jan 11 06:19
Gosh Womble ... no wonder you seem to have gone missing ... we've got one here alright!!!

Calm down CB, have a drink and relax old boy!

Boy oh boy!
Canberra bookie
When: 02 Jan 11 06:32
Village Kid
When: 02 Jan 11 06:38
this ism, that ism, this wing, that wing....

it's all b0ll0cks, the only way to go is TRIBALISM

the "nuclear family" is the downfall of our society, we didn't evolve this way, we evolved in Tribes and Clans.
Tribes with built in support and systems of discipline.  People are lonely and isolated because we live in an unnatural state.

The happiest kids I've ever seen lived in huts with with no power or running water.
We have all be massively conned to live in a consumer society where we must have what we WANT.

it doesn't matter what flavour your current political persuasion is, NONE of them have any idea.
They are ALL puppets to big business and banks, the U.S. treasury department runs the world, end of story.

These threads are nothing but self indulgent, posing prattle..................IMO
Village Kid
When: 02 Jan 11 06:45
and we must have what we want we become victims of the biggest scam ever perpetuated on humans - The Paper Money/Interest scam
the magic of making money from thin air, great for the Gerry Harvey's of this world
overpaid bankers and all those on the "right side"......while the masses get screwed up the clacker bigtime over and over again
Village Kid
When: 02 Jan 11 06:47
it's does not matter how you vote, who you support or whatever way you swing.....this will never change till there is a REVOLUTION
Canberra bookie
When: 02 Jan 11 06:47
A very pessimistic view.

I'm more optimistic.

When: 02 Jan 11 06:48
Go Village Kid, Go Go Gooooo!!!!!

VK ... Here's an article from the ABC News late last week. My comment is near the bottom and says almost what you've just said!!!
When: 02 Jan 11 06:49
When: 02 Jan 11 06:52
I'm Nicole ... I responded to somebody called "Ummm"
Village Kid
When: 02 Jan 11 06:54
CB, that's not a's reality.......we lost our tribes and now we have lost our way
we evolved one way and now we live in total opposite....a selfish, self centered society.
We've had to coin new terms like roadrage etc, a ridiculous % of society is on anti depression medication etc.
Why?....because we have lost our tradition support's FACT
Village Kid
When: 02 Jan 11 06:56
not a pessimist or an optimist......I'm a realist.....they way it is is the way it is
When: 02 Jan 11 06:56
We should be living in Kabbutz style communities, we shouldn't be ushered into heterosexual relationships only, and we shouldn't be exclusively monogamous!
When: 02 Jan 11 06:57
Go Village Kid ....
When: 02 Jan 11 07:02
Children should be raised by the community instead of parents that fill their heads with prejudice and bigotry
Village Kid
When: 02 Jan 11 07:03
Go Teen are on the money!

Christian morality..........send it back to the dark ages
the "fun police" have never had so much power
Canberra bookie
When: 02 Jan 11 07:08
Fair dinkum.  You guys are very deep dark and unhappy people aren't you?

Why don't we just live in anarchy? - forget political systems or alike.  Oh dear.  Laugh
I mean come on.  We live in a democratic society with elections and we live in a free country.

If I want to participate in politics and discuss politics I will.  Your more than welcome to knock it and call it irrelevent - BUT, it is relevent.  Sorry to saySilly

I mean, ffs.  I think its time to start your own "Those who want to live huts sign in" thread.
You want to live the life.  Practice what you preach.  Start now.  For REAL.

You also attack the Christmas spirit of Christmas lights on houses - fair dinkum, where does it end?  Get rid of Christmas and presents?  Get rid of birthdays and giving gifts?  I love watching my kids eyes light up with Christmas lights - even myself I enjoying seeing homes with lights - its the spirit of Christmas.

Where do you guys stop with this?

Geez TQ.  You want to live this life.  Go for it.
Get off you computer by the way, its using power and in-turn destroying the environment.
It's all very convenient isn't it.

You and VK, etc can go enjoy the pure life - and come back and report back on how you went.

I'm all for responsible consumption and the limiting of waste and maybe some perceptive - but you guys are the ones I worry about.  Where does it stop?

Christmas lights....?

I mean seems like a convenience view - what ever happened to practice what you preach - your still happy to log on to the net and bet and forumite on Betfair, aren't you?

Not such a pure lifestyle and environmentally friendly.

An interesting point of view - to say the least.
When: 02 Jan 11 07:11
fire up VK and TQ Laugh

if socialism will work depends a bit on your view of human nature - are humans naturally greed or naturally sharing and caring or a combination of both?

i think the last one which is why i take the position i do

what would i do if i was in charge?  i'd rather be in there federally then at the state level for a start, the states are really just a waste of money and should be abolished

free education, free health care are musts - i'd add free public transport to that but unlikely that will happen unfortunately.  social housing needs to be developed in large numbers and people that shouldn't be in it should be booted out - welfare for the needy, not the greedy

plenty more but that'll do for now - we're not all that different in some ways Jez, as scary as that is Laugh

VK is right in part though, consumerism is destroying our lives in some ways rather than making them better - bring back the simple pleasures
When: 02 Jan 11 07:12
I've been living "this life" for some time now CB, it's fabulous ... no christmas or birthday presents etc. none of that **** ... oh, and yes, betting on the gee gees is one luxury I afford myself.

Anarchy ... my a** you conservatives always jump to extremes Laugh
Canberra bookie
When: 02 Jan 11 07:14
Ahhh yes.

The world against you is it TQ?

I don't know what persuasion you are TQ, but whatever it is, I respect it.

Say about the Liberals what you will, but I respect it.

Doesn't mean we all have to live under your umbrella. 

I've never heard such nonsense as children being raised by a community.

I can never understand the sh!t that may or may not have been piled on you for being "different" (poor choice of words I know), but it doesn't mean every parent out there in this country is raising there children as a bigot or alike.

I think there's a lot of deep, personal anger that your venting - rather than a realistic viewpoint for the way of the world into the future.

You two dart from killing the Christmas spirit, to talking about the fun police having fun with christian morality - I mean [smiley:crazy]
When: 02 Jan 11 07:15
I'm with you Womble ... the answer isn't socialism and it's not capitalism, it's either something new or a compromise of both somehow
When: 02 Jan 11 07:17
CB, please don't read things into what I'm saying that simply aren't true, no deep personal anger, just a very happy person these days/
Village Kid
When: 02 Jan 11 07:18
you poor deluded soul CB, you really have NO IDEA

I love life!....."you're here for a goodtime not a long time", and man have I had a good time!!!
I've travelled the world and had an absolute BLAST, and have a head full of wonderful memories.
I p1ss myself laughing typing this stuff while all the "political know alls" spend their lives p1ssing in the wind.

if you want to live the CONSUME AND DIE life you're force fed then good for you!

When: 02 Jan 11 07:19
you do seem to be a bit narrow minded though CB
When: 02 Jan 11 07:21
F*** VK, didn't I tell Da Judge the other day that I was laughing while I was typing things in response to his ignorant conservative drivel ???

They don't get it, they really don't. They think we're miserable ... they couldn't be further from the truth!
Village Kid
When: 02 Jan 11 07:22
the nuclear family experiment of the 20th centenary gets an EPIC FAIL
you don't have to live in a hut with no power to be "tribal"

Little boxes on the hillside, Little boxes made of ticky tacky
Little boxes on the hillside, little boxes all the same
There's a green one and a pink one and a blue one and a yellow one
And they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same.

And the people in the houses all went to the university
Where they were put in boxes and they came out all the same,
And there's doctors and there's lawyers, and business executives
And they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same.

And they all play on the golf course and drink their martinis dry,
And they all have pretty children and the children go to school
And the children go to summer camp and then to the university
Where they are put in boxes and they come out all the same.

And the boys go into business and marry and raise a family
In boxes made of ticky tacky and they all look just the same.
Village Kid
When: 02 Jan 11 07:24
Canberra bookie
When: 02 Jan 11 07:28
fair dinkum.....where do you pull this from?


Conservative drivel?  Narrow minded?  Consume and Die?

I mean, I'm pretty sure you guys are all apart of this consume and die culture.  I know you conveniently miss a lot of it - but if you weren't you wouldn't be online right now.  Laugh

I'm doubting I'm any of these - but at least I'm willing to consider maybe I am.

I know very well what you points of view are and thats fair enough.  But I disagree.  It's not I don't understand or I'm narrow minded or whatever else.  I just don't agree.

I have a viewpoint.  Excuse me for having an opinion.
I'm passionate, yes.   But as are you people!

Your assuming an awful lot with a lot of hype.

I'm a conservative, I also have a great life, I have also travelled the world and I have a beautiful family and I'm lucky to be comfortable. 

I don't proclaim the world is perfect.  It's not.  But I'm having a great time.
I don't look at it currently as being all wrong, as you guys do. 

I don't believe your miserable, but I ask you questions.  I mean, fair go?

You guys like to get a rise out of me, good for you.

I started a thread on the NSW election.  Clearly your not interested in that.
When: 02 Jan 11 07:32
Village Kid ... I was saying to my partner this morning that even though science and scientists are starting to move us out of this period of religious induced stagnation, that many of the concepts that have emanated out of religion are still considered as social fact and thus still stagnating our progress.

Concepts like family structure, exclusive heterosexuality and monogamy, the gender binary when it's proven by nature to be a construct, patriarchy ... they still limit scientific progress because so many people, including many scientists just blindly accept them as fact.
Canberra bookie
When: 02 Jan 11 07:33
Funny how you guys have an opinion and everyone else is wrong.

Forget about respect of opinion with you lot!  Laugh

Yeah, poor us.  Feel us pity.
You must see us conservatives, consume and die and narrow minded people who don't agree with you and really feel for our poor little lives.

When: 02 Jan 11 07:34
Actually CB, we don't consume our lives with what other people are doing at all !
Canberra bookie
When: 02 Jan 11 07:36
Yeah righto.  Laugh

You've provided us some entertainment anyhow.

Oh and TQ.  Guess what.

We get mate.  We get it loud and clear.
But hey.

We just don't agree with you.
Canberra bookie
When: 02 Jan 11 07:36
*We get it
Village Kid
When: 02 Jan 11 07:40
I answered this question....

Fair dinkum.  You guys are very deep dark and unhappy people aren't you?

as for being a CONSUMER, I refuse to own a mobile phone, if something breaks i fix it etc etc

but to survive I use electricity and a Laptop to fleece people of their $$$$ on Betfair, people who are distracted by all this political BS and give silly silly odds

I have sundays off but like to pop into the forum to wind people up, cos it's so easy here
it's the biggest school of CLOWN FISH I've ever seen lolololololol

all the best for the new year, happy punting [;)]
When: 02 Jan 11 08:06
Every Labor Govt in Aus, both State and Federal, are an absolute disgrace. From the inbred ginger Welsh PM, retarded fish lookalike dullard Swan, to lovely KK - they are ALL utterly clueless.

NSW is in an appalling state, and yet idiots still blindly vote for KK's Govt despite the mess caused by messrs Iemma, KK and that inept bin man.

They are corrupt. They are incompetent. They are thieves. They deserve to be put up against the wall and shot in the face.

The only thing KK is good for, is to have my c0ck slapped across her lovely American face.
Canberra bookie
When: 02 Jan 11 08:11

Bless you Pastie
Village Kid
When: 02 Jan 11 08:57
whilst I may go a bit over the top and argue for the sake of an argument, most of it's just banter
like it would be if it was at the pub over a few beers....(no offence intended)

BUT Tribalism is my #1 I said we should have never stopped living in clans and tribes
that's the way we EVOLVED, now we are DEVOLVING

but it's so much better for the banks and big business if we have small families living in MCMANSIONS

I may get interested in politics when we actually have a TRIBALIST PARTY

till then it's six of one, half a dozen of the other, Libs, Labor, Greens or whatever, they are all PUPPETS
Village Kid
When: 02 Jan 11 08:58
sorry Pastie.....they are CLUELESS PUPPETS Laugh
When: 02 Jan 11 09:48
most disrespectful Pastie - KK would do well to steer clear of you right wingers and focus on us lefties [;)]
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