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Report grandstand driver November 23, 2010 12:23 AM GMT
the gallops are a bigger joke than the red hots.
EPO/ harness 8 to 14 years.
gallops 3 years.
plenty of jocks bet, dont worry about that.
as for Blake, from a duel gaited family, has always had a bet.
and plenty of stewards have too.
gunna make an example of these two.
long stretch coming up for both.
Report lazza November 23, 2010 12:26 AM GMT
hope they do get long stretches...but they won't imo
Report f_working November 23, 2010 12:54 AM GMT
Brown has hooked nearly as many as J. Cassidy and that's saying something.  But it goes straight in the too hard basket doesn't it Mr Murrihy.
Report lazza November 23, 2010 12:59 AM GMT
If you know how to ride them to win then you fully understand pace....very easy to suddenly not understand pace...Cassidy is the best at it...Nash not far behind him....the top boys all do it and it's becoming a joke ffs
Report secong coming. November 23, 2010 1:08 AM GMT
i think i will just bet on the ARLINGTON races.............from now on judge imo
Report f_working November 23, 2010 1:09 AM GMT
Totally agree and very hard to pin Brown as he's not as agressive in the saddle, even when he is trying.
Report lazza November 23, 2010 1:19 AM GMT
yes Judgey ....Have been Sad
Report logroller November 23, 2010 4:52 AM GMT
so why didnt u put it in writing herecomes
Report starofthemagi November 23, 2010 5:01 AM GMT
poor loghead doesnt know you have to use the
sharp end of the pencil..............IMO.
Report logroller November 23, 2010 5:09 AM GMT
so your willing to blue about it....but not willing top put the extra effort into by simply adding your name to a written complain..............mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Report logroller November 23, 2010 5:09 AM GMT
and who the fk pull your chain som
Report logroller November 23, 2010 5:21 AM GMT
big fk so correct weight was declared and no change to your wager, but the written complaint makes it offical and tells the bastards that we are watching and that they r accountable, so put pen to paper, make a statement, shout from the roof tops....other wise its just hot wind
Report laythefave November 23, 2010 5:29 AM GMT
I recall Anthony B. saying on this forum that he has written to the Stewards on numerous occasions about betting deductions and nothing has been done[>o]
Report starofthemagi November 23, 2010 5:32 AM GMT
LOL at loghead!   IMO
Report logroller November 23, 2010 5:34 AM GMT
i understand the frustration and it all seems whats the use.........but blokes like u that know their stuff shoud be documenting it all and reporting it, u never know when a serpico will come along and make use of anyting that is on file.......if we stop shouting they will become complacent and ffs we carnt afford for the bastards to be any more incompetent
Report laythefave November 23, 2010 5:41 AM GMT
I can see both sides to the argument here. Anthony B, has said that he's given up trying to get the deductions for late scratchings, fixed. Obviously D.J. felt, in light of the phone conversation, that it would be a waste of time writing to the cnut.

On the other hand, I take Loggys point. If "we" stop writing and complaining, we give the cnuts carte blanche to do what they want, safe in the knowledge that no one cares.

As Bert Bryant used to say, the answers a pineapple[smiley:crazy][smiley:crazy]
Report anthonyb November 23, 2010 5:55 AM GMT
LTF and Logroller,

I can understand DJ not writing because it is just an utter complete waste of time.
Racing officials just don't give a damn for the punters regardless of whether they are right or wrong.
I wrote 10 letters of complaint alone to Des Gleeson, stating that even the VBA concurred that I was correct that punters were being fleeced, and you guessed it, not one reply.
On the subject of betting deductions, after having proved they favor the bookie, and having an ongoing debate with officials on this matter, here is the latest reply: Cannot put a name to it just yet unfortunately.
Don’t want to put a date on it but we are now at the stage of getting the regulatory bodies to agree to and then make the necessary changes to the current rules in each state & territory.
I'm gussing another 10 years we'll see changes when bookies are obsolete.
Report logroller November 23, 2010 5:57 AM GMT
we need mavericks we need serpico's, we need whistle blowers, i'm to lazy so i must encourage others
Report anthonyb November 23, 2010 6:02 AM GMT
to get a complaint looked into you must be a member of the exlusive club.
I.E. A jockey, owner, trainer, working official, gate attendant, racing official, ect,.
This is an exlusive club, and any complaint made by one of these people, will be looked at and solved ASAP.
The punter, who finances the industry, who gives a fk.
Report logroller November 23, 2010 6:04 AM GMT
all due respect tonyb, thats bull shat, we all have the right to point out in justice
Report laythefave November 23, 2010 6:15 AM GMT
Loggy, no one would argue with your last post. Of course we all have the right to point out injustice.

What A.B. is saying, and he will correct me if I am wrong, is that you have to be a member of the protected species to get a hearing. If we, the humble punter complains, it falls on deaf ears and nothing is done about our complaint.
Report anthonyb November 23, 2010 6:18 AM GMT
You can write all the injustices you want on this forum, and no one can do anything about it.
Same when you do it to racing officials, only they don't want to do anything about it.
Must admit NSW racing officials were quite co-operative and understanding on the betting deduction issue, but I feel frustrated why it is taking so long to resolve
Report laythefave November 23, 2010 6:20 AM GMT
NSW racing officials co-operative, A.B. Must have been B.P. before PeteLaughLaugh
Report logroller November 23, 2010 6:23 AM GMT
give up never won a race...............but he enough energy spend on this subject even burn off judge with his little quick come backsLaugh
Report anthonyb November 23, 2010 6:23 AM GMT
Murrihy was all for a new scale for betting deductions, but his proposal was blocked by victorian based officials, all who knew nothing of the betting platform.
Report anthonyb November 23, 2010 6:26 AM GMT
Write a letter of complaint, and let me know if you get an answer?
I wrote about 40 letters, and got 5 replies ffs.
And the five that did reply , passed the buck onto someone else
Report angelo2 November 26, 2010 5:29 AM GMT
In Hong Kong jockeys are jailed. Here we give them a slap on the wrist especially Shinn who got caught betting on another runner. Wont be long before there is noyhing left of the industry.
Report CHANTECLARE November 26, 2010 5:42 AM GMT
and lying worst of all. froggy must be spewin.
Report angelo2 November 26, 2010 5:45 AM GMT
I can live with the Robl penalty although I would have given him 5 years. The penalty given to Shinn is a joke. In a tight finish between his horse and the one that he had 2.5k on how hard would he be trying.
Report angelo2 November 26, 2010 5:53 AM GMT
No one in the industry seems to get it. Racing is no longer the only game in town and never will be again. Every time we let one of these bastar ds off we lose more punters. every time some trainer is caught juicing one up and he gets a slap on the wrist because it was a strapper who spent his $7 an hour giving cocaine to a horse instead of himself we lose punters.
Report Kye November 26, 2010 7:30 AM GMT
They will have plenty of time on their hands so i hope they still have plenty of punting money in the account.
Report angelo2 November 26, 2010 7:32 AM GMT
Given their lose of income maybe a public appeal can be launched on their behalf as was done for poor Chris when he was in the Hong Kong slammer.
Report angelo2 November 26, 2010 7:43 AM GMT
Why not just raise our taxes or reduce the amount of pensions and give it to the jocks.
Report Back High Lay Low November 26, 2010 7:48 AM GMT
Munce didn't need a fundraiser.

His whole HK stint had been one big fundraiser. Laugh
Report angelo2 November 26, 2010 7:49 AM GMT
He might not have needed it but the hand was out.
Report Proud To Punt November 26, 2010 8:43 AM GMT
What a joke of a penalty, ffs. They bet on them, they are on the phones etc etc, Robl, Shinn, Nikolic, O'hara etc etc. Blind fkn freddy can draw the logical conclusion they are all hooking them at some point. I am sick of the namby pamby way this is all handled. It's fkn simple, they should lose their licences for life..... This type of sorry saga will become more prevalent in future years. It's FRAUD, simple as that!
Report angelo2 November 26, 2010 8:54 AM GMT
P2P. totally agree. What needs to happen is for some punter to launch a class action on behalf of all punters who have lost money on a horse that one of these bas tards has hooked. if the stewards wont look after us then we need to the job.
Have one lose everything and the game cleans up real quick.
Report Proud To Punt November 26, 2010 9:01 AM GMT
I agree Angelo, they needed to make a BOLD statement on this one. Fk, I would be a dodgy jock too if I could make heaps and take a 12-18 month holiday. But if I were to lose my licence, I may think twice before selling my soul.
Report Aussie Punter November 26, 2010 9:02 AM GMT
To answer the posts about to write or not to write....If it isn't written it will get not looked into...all correspondance has to be filed and answered...

Their are no Wyatt Earp's or Doc Holliday's on the horizon except on BF of us has to get a integrity job [;)]
Report Hal November 26, 2010 9:10 AM GMT
Jockeys have not been punished for betting but being caught and embarrassing the industry.

Jockeys will continue to bet, the message is, be a little bit clever about it.
Report Thebas November 26, 2010 9:38 AM GMT
the only way 2 high profile sydney jocks ... could have thought they were in any way able ... to do what they did ... in the ridiculous way they did it ... was if they (and maybe others) assumed there was an unwritten amnesty on the whole thing ... over to you now stewards.
Report Thebas November 26, 2010 9:50 AM GMT
correct judge ... stupidity of the highest order ... their mindless flaunting

maybe all the other jocks will give em an uppercut or 2 next time they meet ... for putting the rest under the watchful eye now lol

p v'land & scrotes also crying tonight ... in anticipation of their own turnover dropping ... bs turned over what in a season $300k

Report Thebas November 26, 2010 9:59 AM GMT
Report dos dedos mis amigos November 26, 2010 10:30 AM GMT
super lite
Report dos dedos mis amigos November 26, 2010 10:35 AM GMT
judge - stupid or arrogant, lets think stable jock for patafat robl - earns what? 400K

yeh lets have 10K to 6K on one at scone/m/brook whatever ...gee now i have 400k + 3K
assuming they are halves ............................................................................... what the hell
Report dos dedos mis amigos November 26, 2010 10:42 AM GMT
just so silly
Report dos dedos mis amigos November 26, 2010 10:43 AM GMT
make 400 legal make another 50 not - why bother
Report angelo2 November 26, 2010 10:55 AM GMT
why bother. because they only found 300k of bets. how many did they not find.
Report dos dedos mis amigos November 26, 2010 10:58 AM GMT
u amaze me angelo
Report dos dedos mis amigos November 26, 2010 11:00 AM GMT
u would b dirty that the threshold is back in and bookies are gunna be rebated ....yes
Report angelo2 November 26, 2010 11:00 AM GMT
Report angelo2 November 26, 2010 11:01 AM GMT
wont make any difference they are walking dead
Report dos dedos mis amigos November 26, 2010 11:02 AM GMT
Report dos dedos mis amigos November 26, 2010 11:03 AM GMT
u should get a gig at the comedy store
Report angelo2 November 26, 2010 11:04 AM GMT
The reason they bothered is because they are like that person a few years ago who was making 2 mil a year with Macquarie Bank and he got caught on insider trading. His excuse was he had to work 100+ hours a week to make the 2 mil so he wanted to make some easy money for a change.
Report dos dedos mis amigos November 26, 2010 11:05 AM GMT
Report dos dedos mis amigos November 26, 2010 11:07 AM GMT
u have prob got a point ...but by having 10 to 6 on - honestly what are you gunna do with 3K, when your on 400K+ have a nice dinner? u wouldn't bother
Report dos dedos mis amigos November 26, 2010 11:08 AM GMT
yeh fair enuf - i'm a simple man 400 would do me
Report Live_in_Hope November 26, 2010 11:09 AM GMT
very, very harsh
Report dos dedos mis amigos November 26, 2010 11:22 AM GMT
Report angelo2 November 26, 2010 11:27 AM GMT
The funny thing about the person from Macquarie Bank who went to jail for insider trading is that he was 45 years old, still lived with his mother and didn't spend a cent of the 2 million he was making every year. So he flushes his life down the toilet trying to make more money which he would not enjoy in any event. Totally pointless.
Report dos dedos mis amigos November 26, 2010 11:30 AM GMT
well angelo - you can't have everything.....

where would you put it?
Report lazza November 26, 2010 11:43 AM GMT
They will both appeal ..get their sentences halved..and the show rolls on...JOKE ffs
Report lazza November 26, 2010 11:46 AM GMT
They won't or they can't Judge?
Report Monday mike November 26, 2010 12:02 PM GMT
Let Them Have its win on the 13/11 Rosehill looked a bit smelly to me.  Don't think many were trying.
Report Thebas November 26, 2010 10:25 PM GMT
key largo the movie .. humphrey bogart explained it all very cleary to edward g ... who was the crim with the others bailed up

... edward g didn't really know what it was he wanted ... so bogie worked him out and explained it to him ... the answer was ... that all he wanted was ... MORE

it seems more of a psychological issue ...  than a fiscal issue ... all these similar cases ...  end of story
Report angelo2 November 26, 2010 11:11 PM GMT
Thebas its like Hugh Grant and Liz Hurley. I'm sure the action that Hugh was getting in the bedroom from Liz would have been world class but he threw that away chasing a $5 drugged out street hooker.
Report angelo2 November 26, 2010 11:15 PM GMT
And it didnt do his career a lot of good either.
Report Thebas November 26, 2010 11:19 PM GMT
lol angelo yep very good analogy Laugh

it used to go back in primal times to ... fear ... get more (ffod etc) cause you ain't got enough now

and if you watch groups of monkeys at play ... there's always one that sneaks around the back of others to steal their bananas ... just because they can

the biggest issues are inside the heads of those succumbing to the thoughts in their head ... which is ... i can get away with it

fair enough ... i make no judgement there ... but ffs .... weigh up what is to be lost first ... if caught ...

it ain't rocket science
Report logroller November 27, 2010 12:49 AM GMT
not hard enough by half...imo
Report secong coming. November 27, 2010 1:06 AM GMT
bit of luck daniel griffin gets the same as well..........
Report dos dedos mis amigos November 29, 2010 7:59 PM GMT
that analogy is quite good angelo.......................for u
Report lazza November 29, 2010 9:00 PM GMT
It's so comforting to know that Shinn and Kath won't be discussing her rides while Shinn is on holidays Laugh....bit Like RW and GW ...ffs [;)]LaughLaugh..this industry is a joke....I said before to audit these lic people....Only prob with that is, The auditors, might get audited ha ha
Report Thebas November 29, 2010 9:08 PM GMT
kathy's bored ... puts her mobile down the front of her pants ... blake rings her ... vibration ends kathy's boredom ... all seems fine to me
Report Melbourne_Punter November 30, 2010 9:13 AM GMT
where do I stand if I backed a runner in a race ridden by Shinn/Robol and in that race there is evidence they backed the winner? surely I can take this to court?

second point- they cry poor now and say what are we going to do you are taking our livelyhood away from usCry well i know since you and robocop are such geniuses on the punt why dont you just punt for a living and you'll see how good you had it previously miserable little fks IMO.
Report Melbourne_Punter November 30, 2010 10:28 AM GMT
if they get their sentence cut on appeal then Craig Newitt should be compensated for the time he was suspended for, he got 18 months for lying, it wasnt proved that froggy had a bet or that he actually pulled up a horse, these low cnts in sydney have actually been proven guilty im staggered they didnt recieve 5 years at LEAST
Report manikato November 30, 2010 9:18 PM GMT
with betting on one horse and riding another at the highest level of an offence in racing and an appeal is granted it would surely bring racing into disrepute let alone a disgrace. they should have the decency to go away and do their penance.
did not ray murrihy suspend a bookie a year and a fine of 50,000 for betting in the grandstand once upon a time.
shinn's case is much much worse than that of the bookie!
Report Melbourne_Punter November 30, 2010 10:34 PM GMT
well said Manikato! and what about our great mate the big betting BEEZER! he got life (well it feels like life) for not putting the bets in the book, surely by doing this the only person he hurt was the taxation department, unlike Shinn and Robocop who hurt the average joe punter in the TAB backing Shinn when in fact Shinn was backing the $1.80 pop in the race fck em IMO.
Report dulcify1979 December 1, 2010 11:38 AM GMT
Both boys are good fella's and forgot where they were for a tick. Give them 3 months each and the girls a month each and hope they have learnt their lesson and don't get caught next time.
thebas i reckon your not far off the mark.
Report Live_in_Hope December 1, 2010 12:24 PM GMT
MP - you would have as much chance of getting your money back from a hooked one as would a winning punter returning his ill gotten gain!
Report Melbourne_Punter December 1, 2010 10:54 PM GMT
well i know you wont be my lawyer LIH, not the attitude to have going into a courtroom
Report f_working December 1, 2010 11:57 PM GMT
was at a pub having lunch yesterday before going to canterbury - in walks a well known apprentice who not long ago was outed for testing positive to a banned substance - looking at the form on the board he says to his mate "i'm going to back so and so's horse in the next"

left shortly after so don't know what they backed i couldn't be bothered but fk me the shinn and robl case obviously hasn't worried them
Report secong coming. December 2, 2010 1:32 AM GMT
they got off light aas you say MP
Report secong coming. December 2, 2010 1:33 AM GMT
aas [smiley:crazy]
Report secong coming. December 2, 2010 1:35 AM GMT
Date Joined: 16 Dec 08 Add contact | Send message When: 30 Nov 10 05:43 If they made it civil charges, where the filthy little monkeys faced the possibility of gaol time, like they do in HK, we might have a cleaner game

absolutely judge ...nail the little barstewards to the cross if caught...then let their cell mates at less than fraud unchecked on a large scale...its about time the ARB actually stood up for something , well builder bob take note
Report Live_in_Hope December 2, 2010 3:00 AM GMT
Agree that punishment should fit the crime,however
penalties available for crimes committed in the real world usually reflects what a reasonable community would expect as just. Quite often unfortunately the penalties given seem less than adequate.
Basically the non racing community could not give a flying fu k about racing penalties and some would probably even say that taking a mans livelyhood away from him for 6 months or 12 months or whatever is very harsh if all that he is done is had a few bets on the horses.
Report Live_in_Hope December 2, 2010 3:07 AM GMT
even jockeys are like the rest of us, part of the non racing community.
Report angelo2 December 2, 2010 3:09 AM GMT
There is a simple answer. Stop betting on the races and start betting on the harness racing.
Report Live_in_Hope December 2, 2010 3:10 AM GMT
good idea, only the horses are stopped from galloping on their meritsLaugh
Report angelo2 December 2, 2010 3:16 AM GMT
Far less funny business at the harness racing. Far less.
Report Live_in_Hope December 2, 2010 3:18 AM GMT
realy who of us at some time hasnt:
Had a bet
Not tried our best at work
Broke our liscence rules (speeding, red light etc)

Until stewarts can prove fraud was committed and jail term warranted, this stuff will continue.
Report Melbourne_Punter December 2, 2010 3:23 AM GMT
surely no bookies would be the answer angelo???
Report angelo2 December 2, 2010 3:23 AM GMT
What is your defination of fraud LIH.If i back a 6/4 chance its right odds might be 5/4 or 7/4 or something else around that general area. If the jock is pulling it and he has someone laying it to miss the place the chances of that horse are 1000/1+. I lose my money while the jock and his mate clean up. That to me is fraud.
Report angelo2 December 2, 2010 3:26 AM GMT
Where the bookies currently stand we can replace with plastic flowers. That will bring more colour to the racetrack and raise the average IQ of those in attendance as well.
Report Melbourne_Punter December 2, 2010 3:29 AM GMT
you really are [smiley:crazy]
Report Live_in_Hope December 2, 2010 5:05 AM GMT
forget the prices stuff angelo - it must be proven jock gained financially by his wrongdoings. If they have this evidence and they think it worth the effort they can go to a "proper court". If not they just give them a damn long holiday without pay and a fine for "lying" and betting.
Report Kye December 2, 2010 6:33 AM GMT
Spot on LiH.

I made a complaint to Attorney-General that AFP should have been involved in a case against a jockey to prove that he obtained a financial benefit (through search warrants & proper examination of bank accounts) & bring a fraud case against him. Didn't get a response except his out of office but that is probably for privacy reasons.
Report angelo2 December 2, 2010 6:45 AM GMT
It doesnt make any sense to me.If I put $100 on  a horse and the jockey hooks it up that is just the same as if I was walking down the street and a jockey pulls a knife or gun on me and i hand over $100 to him. The result is exactly the same. Same as if some crook skims $100 out of my bank account.
Report dulcify1979 December 2, 2010 3:12 PM GMT
Have seen worse things happen then what Robl and shinn have done. They have been made out to be the worst in the world i reckon it stinks. They are small fish in the sea lets name the big fish or would that bring racing into disrepute?
Report lazza December 5, 2010 6:47 AM GMT
Joined: 16 Dec 08 | Topic/replies: 9,984 | Blogger: Da_Judge's blog
No appeals imo

Sat it aint so ....couldnt be right could it....ffs lol LaughLaugh
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