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Labour= tax tax tax......and tax again

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When: 26 Jun 11 06:09
Bumpety BumpMischief
When: 26 Jun 11 06:10
As we approach 1 July 2011 and the new financial year.......

How many new Labor taxes, tolls and charges we will be slugged with?
When: 26 Jun 11 12:07
does not matter who is in power they are all terrible
When: 02 Jul 11 07:28
Did I hear that the next thing is a congestion tax?

Why is the solution to every problem  a tax????ConfusedConfusedConfusedConfusedConfusedConfusedConfusedConfused
Aussie Punter
When: 10 Jul 11 11:58
8 days into the new financial year Jez ....

Carbon Tax ....
When: 10 Jul 11 23:19
juliar has sabotaged this thread, hasnt updated since mid june altho it has replies to yesterday
When: 14 Jul 11 11:34

It seems the comrades have tampered with the thread.


Time for an election.............................
When: 30 Jul 11 01:25

Cost of beer, spirits, and cigarettes to rise

By Phillip Hudson
From:Herald Sun
July 30, 2011


Picture: The Herald Sun

SMOKERS will pay 16c-34c more tax for a packet of cigarettes from Monday.

Beer and spirit drinkers also face higher prices when the Federal Government's half-yearly rise in "sin" taxes takes effect, the Herald Sun reported.

From Monday smokers face a 34c tax increase on a pack of 40 cigarettes. The Government collects $13.79 from every pack, while the 25c tax rise on a pack of 30s will increase the tax man's share to $10.34.

There will be a 21c increase on a pack of 25s and 16c on a pack of 20s. A smoker who buys a pack of 30 cigarettes a day will pay $72.38 in tax a week, up $1.75.

Beer drinkers will pay 36c more tax on a slab of 24 full-strength 375ml cans and 13c extra on a slab of light beer.

A pot (285ml) served in a bar will rise by 1c if it is full strength but will be unchanged if it is light.

Spirit drinkers will suffer the biggest tax hit. The rise adds 81c to the price of a slab of 24 cans of pre-mixed spirits, taking the tax man's share to $33.42.

A six-pack of pre-mixed spirits will attract 21c more excise, while the tax on a 700ml bottle of spirits jumps by 48c to $19.50 a bottle.

Retailers, shopkeepers and bar staff must collect the extra tax but other factors such as competition, business costs and profit margins could mean prices paid by consumers may be more or less than the tax rise and vary between brands.

The expected price rises come on top of a 12 per cent increase in the cost of tobacco products in Melbourne in the past 12 months, according to inflation figures released by the Bureau of Statistics.

Spirits have risen 3.8 per cent over the past year although the price of beer has been virtually steady.

Wine taxes are not affected by the excise changes. The Howard government froze petrol taxes in 2001.

Read more:
Jesse James
When: 30 Jul 11 03:55
Gday players...

Dont forget to add Commie Bobs new taxes listed hereunder...

The Australian Greens’ Taxations Policy
New Taxes or tax increases ( Policy section reference)
1. Increased income tax rates ( 3.3.2)
2. New Consumption tax with multiple rates (3.3.8)
3. Increase capital gain tax (3.3.9,3.3.10)
4. Higher Fringe Benefit tax (3.3.3)
5. Eliminate salary sacrificing (3.3.3)
6. Introduce estate duties [including family home] (3.3.11)
7. Introduce gift tax (3.3.12)
8. Higher Medicare levy with progressive rates (3.3.15, 3.3.16)
9. Eliminate Private Health Insurance rebate (3.3.18)
10. Increased taxations of superannuation(3.3.19, 3.3.20)
11. Tax family trusts (3.3.14)
12. Increased company tax to 33% (3.3.21)
13. Tax on franked dividends (3.3.22)
14. Carbon levy (3.3.24)
15. Increased timber royalties (17.1.8)
16. Tax equivalent on non recycled paper (17.1.8)
17. Tax bottles and containers (17.1.7)
18. plastic bag levy (17.1.7)
19. private transport user tax (2.4,2.5)
20. Tax on batteries (7.1.12)
21. Increased tax on rental property (3.3.28)
22. Mining environmental levy (15.1.6)
23. Nutrient pollution tax (3.3.25)
24. Tax on fossil fuel usage (3.3.25)
25. Tax on water pollution (3.3.25)
26. Tax on soil pollution (3.3.25)
27. Tax on air pollution (3.3.25)
28. Tax on timber use (3.3.25)
29. Tax on use of ocean (3.3.25)
30. Tax on use of freshwater (3.3.25)
31. Tax on mineral use (3.3.25)
32. Tax on land sites according to land value (3.3.25)
33. Tax on electromagnetic spectrum assets (3.3.25)
34. Tax on petroleum (3.3.25)
35. Higher taxes on ecologically damaging industries 3.3.27)
36. Currency transaction tax (3.3.36)
37. 33 % tax surcharge on high corporate salaries (3.3.31)
38. Pay-roll tax to fund employee entitlements (4.3.25)
39. Landfill taxes (16.2.3)
40. Increased environmental charges and fines (16.2.3,

(Summary of Greens Policies by Jim Hoggett, Senior Fellow of IPA)
When: 30 Jul 11 04:05
maybe we could all ... and by that i mean the taxpaying component of the country ... the ones that keep it all going in reality ... could just have over ALL OUR EARNED MONIES to this awful concocted money grubbing govt

... and then just ask for a meagre handout to then keep US going

... we would keep working cause else the govt wouldn't get any money from anywhere

... but we would just give it all to them

... and ask for a meagre offering to feed, clothe, house, educate our kids etc etc

or is that asking TOO MUCH still ... from this money-grubbing tax-crazed revenue-hunting travesty of a govt  LaughLaugh
When: 30 Jul 11 04:05
** hand over lol
Jesse James
When: 30 Jul 11 04:08
My late old man used to say "soon theyll be taxing us when we take
a leak".....nothing changes...
secong coming.
When: 10 Aug 11 00:56
bumpety bump

only when bligh and gillard gonski shall this thread be allowed to fade away
When: 10 Aug 11 02:32
massive bump to the truest thread since betfair forums began.

Govt spending out of control at all levels hence rising taxes and charges.Wealth destruction via taxes, falling house prices and falling/stagnant  super funds.

Labor- soon to be re-named "The Titanic Party"
When: 10 Aug 11 02:34
LaughLaughLaugh...The Titanic Party indeed .....

We desperately need a change in governmentCry
When: 11 Aug 11 02:37
Unemployment figures came out this morning.

Up to 5.1% which is above market expectationsShocked
Around 21,000 jobs lost.

Labor taxes are starting to bite the economy - and with a carbon and mining tax still to come.

We CANNOT afford more LaborCryCryCryCry
When: 11 Aug 11 03:20
Spot on Jez!!!

the juliar policies are starting to take hold.We face a bleak future under the gilliar/brown govt.{ GBG }

the world economies look to be in dire straights and likely govt spending will be cut. This will lead to a recession and hence less demand for goods.China may well turns the resources tap down a few notches.

Under that scenario aust will turn down savagely.Taxes will punish the workers so badly.

The icebergs are appearing for this titanic govt.
When: 08 Nov 11 10:36

8, read my lips, eight billion NEW TAX was passed today.Another burden on the Australian people.

It will only end when we are all broke.

A sad sad day for working families.
secong coming.
When: 08 Nov 11 22:18
500 polluters pay - pass cost onto consumer CryCryCry

polluters - static Shocked
consumer - loser CryCry
overseas dictators - winners CryCry
labor/greens - dead in the water LaughLaugh
coalition - 4 terms await CoolCoolCool
thomas waits
When: 15 Nov 11 13:50
secong coming.
When: 11 Jan 12 00:13
days ticking over closer now to the biggest rort of all affirms thread title
When: 13 Jan 12 03:46
Don't know about you secong, but at least Tony Abbott and the Coalition are in the corner of everyday Australian's who are struggling to make ends meet.

Tony and the Team will continue to fight against Labor's addiction to new taxes.

It is time for change...........there's only one way.
Desert Labor, forget the extreme and dangerous Greens and support the CoalitionCool
When: 14 Jan 12 01:09
Labor- the pain never endsCry

Bligh angers lobby groups with $370m slug before election Barry Fitzgerald
January 14, 2012

Read later.THE Bligh government in Queensland has angered miners with a $370 million cash grab before the start to the federal government's mining tax.

The new charges - including a radical cash-bidding system for coal permits - were announced by the Queensland Treasurer, Andrew Fraser, yesterday as part of efforts to bring the budget back to surplus before the state election.

Queensland Resources Council said the charges would hit junior miners most. The chief executive of the lobby group, Michael Roche, said the $370 million in new charges by 2014-15 was ''predicated on a flawed assumption that minerals and energy companies are bottomless cash pits''.

Read more:
When: 02 Feb 12 07:52
More jobs gone:
Holden will cut up to 140 jobs from its Adelaide car plant in the latest of a series of job losses in the local car industry.

The Finance Sector Union has confirmed that 560 jobs are set to go at Westpac Bank ...

Get ready for the Carbon Tax to hit on 1 July this year.

This is the tip of the iceberg.

As Europe shakes economically and we start to slowdown....

Gillard Labor are going to introduce the BIGGEST CARBON TAX IN THE WORLD, right here at home in Australia.

We need changeCry
When: 02 Feb 12 08:04
7000 bank jobs to go this year.

heinz closes factory.

Labor- the pain never ends.Cry
When: 08 Feb 12 12:33
1 July is getting closer.

As if the world's biggest Carbon Tax here in Australia.

I'd suggest everyone think about income protection insurance....because this tax will hurt and hurt hard.

Look around, jobs are being lost left, right and centre.

Take comfort in the words of Julia Gillard in August 2010:

When: 08 Feb 12 12:34
Aussie Punter
When: 08 Feb 12 12:57
All politics aside ..... this is getting serious ....economy is tanking ...banks will move interest rates irrespective of reserve ....their is a entire generation who have never seen a recession it comes
When: 08 Feb 12 23:42
retail sales growth at 50 year lows, banks to shed 7000 plus jobs, even toyota is talking about closing its operation despite a recent subsidy.House prices continue to fall, albiet it gently.

Its a high possibility banks will raise mortgage rates as their profits are being squeezed and they are profit obsessed bestards. A Gf of mine who works at one of the big 4 told me this week that her branch has changed from moccona to international roast in the tea roomCry. The branch manager told the staff that he has been told to " cut costs'
  pretty friggin petty but there you go.

reality is once the carbon tax comes in and business costs rise the loss of jobs will accelerate.
When: 10 Apr 12 13:04
When: 11 Apr 12 03:01
business confidence crashes today.The thought of the carbon tax is starting to bite. Realization of the huge  increase in costs folding into  a fall in househould disposable incomes.Cry

  Taxes are  lowering the standard of living in austSad
When: 17 Apr 12 12:04
This government continues to borrow $100 million a day, everyday.

It's no wonder Australian's are about to be slugged with the world's biggest Carbon Tax.


This Tax can't be fixed, it must be fought.
When: 18 Apr 12 00:27
QLD to face the highest increase in electricity charges of all the states. 10.7% whacked on just to cover the carbon taxCryCryCry

so glad I sprung for solar panels when the subsidy was on.

taxes are destroying middle aust.
When: 18 Apr 12 00:35
and a national debt that could not then be serviced ... with the interest payments making us beholding to ... the global financial controllers (which is the "big plan" - the one global governance bob saw us heading towards)

...  which equals ... they win & bye bye us  Sad
When: 18 Apr 12 00:40
I would agree there BAS, it seems strange that at virtually the same time german, USA, aust govt's repeal/reduce solar panel subsidies.

What they all woke up one morning and thought " we'll get rid of solar panel subsidies"?Confused

The co-ordination is policy similarities across the board is too often to ignore.
When: 01 May 12 06:37
the gilliard tax policies are now battering the economy.

Did this economic pygmy really think that skyrocketing taxes and hammering consumers with cost of living rises would have no effect?CryCryCry
When: 01 May 12 06:42
razor gangs are out in faillyou's vic budget..dear me
When: 01 May 12 07:14
Yep Ted, the razor gang is out.

Trying to cut the waste and rein in spending after a decade plus of neglect under Labor.

It's a tough job - but Ted and the Coalition will deliver for Victorian's.
When: 01 May 12 07:17
Deliver what? Job cuts and no new major projects.

Ted couldn't even get a job as a postman.
When: 01 May 12 07:24
interest rates cut by 1/2 percent - guess that will pay the carbon tax slug every month
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