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13 May 10 03:28
Date Joined: 25 Oct 03
| Topic/replies: 5,929 | Blogger: Mrben's blog
The NSW labour party today announced a new property tax in NSW.Revenue will be approx 4 billion.Thats another 4 billion taken from the pockets of the citizens. Add that to the 12 billion the resources tax has taken.How much more are the labour parties going to slug us?How much more tax will they create? Oh they are going to give us a few bucks back in superannuation, which we can collect 20 or 30 years from now.Thanks labour.
  And its all on top of massive increases in electricity costs and the delighful promise of another 16 million immigrants arriving on our shores.Thanks labour.

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Replies: 1,671
When: 13 May 10 03:59
I forgot to mention the 25% tax increase on durries.Thanks labour for more tax.
When: 13 May 10 04:48
Don't worry the NSW gov will spend it all on more phantom railway lines.
When: 13 May 10 05:38
Seems reasonable to me
When: 13 May 10 05:39
Seems reasonable to me
Aussie Punter
When: 13 May 10 05:54
Don't see the Liberal opposition saying they will immediately repeal legislation if they get in MrBenShocked
When: 13 May 10 05:57
Aussie Punter- again you are wrong.Abbott has stated he is opposed to the resources tax and will vote against it in the senate.His budget reply is tonight.Try to be better informed.
Aussie Punter
When: 13 May 10 06:00
MrBen, I am not were talking about NSW politics were you not ?
Aussie Punter
When: 13 May 10 06:07
Have you re-informned yourself MrBen ?
When: 13 May 10 06:16
aussie P - you think the increases in tax are good?Because the nsw libs have not yet stated they are against it that makes it acceptable?You thinks because the libs are not opposing it the tax increase does not exist?Wake up to yourself.Labour is on an out of control spending binge funded by endless tax increases.ALL OF IT COMING FROM US  in one way or another.Is it to make our lives better?No- its to fund vote buying exercises,make more people welfare dependant and provide freebies for the endless new immigrants.Push forward 5 years and where do you think this will lead to?
When: 13 May 10 07:12
A better life for you and me. Thanks to Labour my house has brand spanking new insulation, my local school has a wizz bang multi purpose building and my internet will be faster than a very fast thing. What more could anyone want?
Mrs Bookie
When: 13 May 10 07:21
As I've said before, all are mongrels, and lieing mongrels at that.  Remember John Winston...."my government will never ever introduce a GST".  yeah sure.
When: 13 May 10 08:10
Lucky you got in before 22 April Joel.  The 200 promised childcare centres being axed was announced on the same day the Melbourne Storm "story" was broken.  What a coincidence!
When: 13 May 10 08:17
200 !!?? faarrrk, who's gunna mind me when mummy stands on the corner ??
Aussie Punter
When: 13 May 10 08:31
Ok , politics aside for a mintue MrBen.
Since the beginning of time so to speak , Labour go big with social development and Infrastructure and are prepared to spend where Libs pull back and pay it off but Invest in nothing or only what is necessary according to their big end of town mates.It goes in cycles. The country was breaking down so much they put Labour in after a Liberal stint and the vice-versa will happen

To give a example : The local school got a hall that gives kids the shade as opposed to sitting in hot sun and NBN network will set this country up for the future.
When: 13 May 10 08:54
the main thing I have against increasing taxes is this.All taxes reduce entreprenurial activity.Its is this activity that produces everything in the economy.We all realise we need some tax to run the joint so we are willing to tolerate some tax.However with each dollar of tax taken from the productive they are given back 50/60/70 cents back in the form of running costs, tuck shops and insulation etc.The other 30/40/50 cents is partly given to the non productive{welfare} and the rest is wasted on bullshizer like meetings/overseas trips/overpaid consultants and god know what.
The point is that for each dollar taken off you you get far less back in things that are useful CryIf you think that for every dollar in tax you get back a dollar in value then why take the dollar off you in the first place?
  Part of this is to create a class of people who are totally dependant on the government of the day for their financial existance- welfare/ govt employes/govt contracts etc.They will VOTE for the govt because they are afraid they will  lose their income if they don't.Read- import more poor immigrants/ create giveaway schemes like insulation etc.
   The govt has no money, it must take every dollar off YOU to give it back to you and someone else.Bigger taxes mean more of this and less for YOU.Think about it.
   It does not matter if your lib or labour, what matters is that more tax means more govt and less for you.Except you will have to work more so the govt can have more.Cry
PA for PM
When: 13 May 10 09:02

Probably not the place to keep pushing your liberal thoughts
It really is quite borish
Go out, knock on doors, talk to people at the local shopping centre, or maybe even run for office yourself.

But here??? Really...very strange
PA for PM
When: 13 May 10 09:04
Good point MrsBookie...all are the same

MrBen can't understand that..think Tony Abbott looks great in Budgies
When: 13 May 10 09:04
PA its not liberal thoughts, its anti tax thoughts.your lack of understanding is strange,,,, very strange.
Aussie Punter
When: 13 May 10 09:05
Agree with 90 % of what you have said in the scheme of things.I worked in a place that relied on gov't contracts ( employment agency) and they were **** scared of losing the contract - the office I was in we could of run as a private agency as we delivered great results to the company but got no reward except for seeing clients get jobs. A former CEO of a small company who had a minor stroke I was able to find him a quietier number in a less pressured organisation in a similar mgmt role.
The unfortunate part is other offices spent more time on Facebook than helping the clients.This was on Gov't coin and is just as bad as the so called welfare dependant.One is just a easier target, is where my main beef lies

Cheers AP
PA for PM
When: 13 May 10 09:07
All about tax hey??

And its all on top of massive increases in electricity costs and the delighful promise of another 16 million immigrants arriving on our shores.Thanks labour.

lol...Your agenda is very clear my friend
When: 13 May 10 09:11
Aussie Punter- this is my exact point and thanks for your honesty in relaying the story. There will just be more and more of this wastage and we will be the ones working to pay for it.
When: 13 May 10 09:16
An idealistic man would hope for traditional Labour philosophy of social reform and public spending, but have it organised by those with a Liberal philosophy of fiscal responsibility and wealth creation.  Preferably this would also be done without having to maintain alliances with overbearing super powers.
For those in the real world, we just have to contribute as best we can and leave the world a better place than how we found it.
Back High Lay Low
When: 13 May 10 09:18
*Labor x 12 Cool
PA for PM
When: 13 May 10 09:18
Is that yours Shiraz?
It's a great piece and most people without agendas would agree
Aussie Punter
When: 13 May 10 09:22
Well said Shiraz , which further goes to protecting Mother Earth as much as possible for future generations.A bit of Bi -Partisan behaviour wouldn't go astray by the knobs
When: 13 May 10 09:27
Agree-Plain well said shiraz
When: 13 May 10 09:35
Yes, PA, just some ramblings.
When: 13 May 10 10:43
i agree with what you have to say Mrben. Unfortunately in our very much dumb-downed society most people have no absolutely no understanding of econonomics and no understanding of how destructive government is to a prosperous society.
When i say things like 'fiat' money and 'purchasing power' to most people they have a look on their face like im speaking chinese. The bottom line is since we stoped having a gold backed currency (the world over) we have become poorer and the governments in the world have got fatter. Our government spent 20 billion in 1979 compared to 282 billion in 2009 (a 400% increase inflation adjusted).

But alas we cope with this inslavement, mainly because we're naive and stupid and also because we didnt get taught economics in the first place. Well the human being can take this for some time but we do have a breaking point and when we reach that all hell breaks loose (have a look at the tea party movement in the US!).

So good on you mate for recognising this and having something to say. The more people that understand it the harder it will be for the rot to continue.
Jez Melb Punter
When: 13 May 10 11:31
Can't stand Rudd & Labor.
A fake smarmy useless spinning PM with no guts. Cry

What a joke the Kevin07 campaign was.

Surplus in 2013? LMAO Laugh

Howard introduced the GST, yes.  But at least the bloke had
conviction in policy.  He had some guts.  Yes there were mistakes, but overall he ran a decent government for over a decade.

GST was good reform, but wasn't implemented in an ideal fashion, eg. higher GST rate, lower income tax. Mischief

Big Bazza in NSW needs to build a Coalition that presents itself as an alternative government - it can't just fully rely on the NSW Labor hate vote.

Tony in Canberra needs to continue to remind the public of this government's shambolic initiatives & litany of broken promises, together with the drip release of policy - they are only the opposition at this stage - leave the heavy-hitting trump cards for the campaign.

I do call for a bi-partison approach to the amendment of the Interactive Gambling Act.  Cool

My 2 bobs worth, now back to the punt.......
Jez Melb Punter
When: 13 May 10 11:34
P.S - Rudd can stick his great big mining tax up his clacker.  Fair dinkum, he is a clown.
Jez Melb Punter
When: 13 May 10 11:48
Can't help myself....

A group of asylum seekers are currently staying in a 4-star hotel resort in Queensland (courtesy of Rudd Labor) - tropical surrounds, pools, spa, meals.  No room in detention centres.  They're in paradise.  Meanwhile, pensioners/battlers across the country can't afford to flick their heaters on as we hit the cooler season.

And the greatest moral challenge of our kind? Laugh....
blink and you'll have missed it. 

The comrades are on fire......fkn jokers.
Jez Melb Punter
When: 13 May 10 11:50

I'll pack away my soapbox now and get back to the punt.

PA for PM
When: 13 May 10 11:50
Jez...I'm afraid MrBen has already put his hand up for Tony
Joe is all yours, one of you will have to double up for Little Johnny
Craig The Speculator
When: 13 May 10 11:54
brought up a Labor voter but find myself agreeing with everything Abbott says now - economically at least

can't stand Rudd
When: 13 May 10 13:54
no, of course not. Why would anyone want to link gold to the U.S dollar when the U.S is corrupt, broke and has such a military presence? That would just be repeating history and histroy has a habit of repeating itself.

The world needs to link their currencies to some hard commodity and gold has proven itself over thousands of years. This fiat system we are on will definately fail..
When: 13 May 10 17:09
who cares about increased taxes THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE

ONLINE IN-PLAY BETTING! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS HAPPENING WITH THIS? which party is bringing this in? im voting for them
Tucker Max
When: 13 May 10 18:39
You lucky btards should take a look at the Tax burden in other Western countries.

ie. shut the f up, you have no idea how lucky you are...
Jez Melb Punter
When: 13 May 10 21:53
Knowing Rudd Labor, they will amend the Interactive Gambling Act in transition over 10 years.  Useless b*stards.

I think the Productivity Commission's thoughts on "inplay" betting overseas as well as casino products speaks big big dollars - the government is missing a swell of taxation.

AND as well as this, they are unable to protect Australian online punters, whether they have a gambling problem or issues with withdrawing money / other company issues.

Stranger things have happened in an election year.

Tony is looking for revenue to pay off Labor's debt without applying additional taxes
.....look no further than the punt my friend
secong coming.
When: 13 May 10 23:20
yes they'll make billions on tax on the in-play and online casinos...... Mischief
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